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lore maux de tête Kirkbride

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50 réponses à ce sujet

#26 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 17 février 2013 - 22:28

Deux derniers trucs ; le lien BOMA KURO Bomarhu (Akatosh) parfois fait par les membres du forum, et ça.

Le texte, pour ceux qui ne peuvent télécharger/lire le PDF :


Modifié par Sifraël, 17 février 2013 - 22:29.

#27 Shadow she-wolf

Shadow she-wolf

    Le katana de la GBT

Posté 18 février 2013 - 07:55

Vous avez oublié le plus important…!

Gerka Marukhati dit :

I have broken the timegod, morphed him to my own ideals, shaped him for myself.

#28 aegnor


Posté 18 février 2013 - 08:18

Je suis désolé mais je vous lis depuis le début... et c'est quand même vachement bizarre o.O
Donc en gros, MK tourne l'univers actuel des Elder Scrolls en quelque chose de plus SF.
Pour démontrer ses dires, il fournit des textes obscures (lettre d'amour) ainsi que des vidéos qui le sont tout aussi.

Mais comment peut-on faire un lien avec les vidéos qu'il met en ligne et l'univers des TES ? Je ne parle même pas de la vidéo postée par Shadow she-wolf, il faut bien avouer que je suis complètement sur le cul.

J'essaie de comprendre, ça va finir par entrer >.<
- Il n'y a pas beaucoup de jolies filles dans le coin.. - Un Rougegarde

#29 abg


    L'ABG pour les civilisés

Posté 18 février 2013 - 10:10

Voir le messageaegnor, le 18 février 2013 - 08:18, dit :

Donc en gros, MK tourne l'univers actuel des Elder Scrolls en quelque chose de plus SF.

Il l'a toujours été...
Enfin, je veux dire, l'univers ES a toujours eu une composante SF plus ou moins en arrière-plan. Avant même que MK ne s'en empare et dès l'époque de Daggerfall : L'Anumidium et la singularité du Mantella Crux en relèvent (même si je t'accorde que la 3D carrément cheap pouvait nous brouiller la vue :D).

Quand à comprendre l'étrange teasing actuel. Rassure toi, d'autres sont aussi sur le cul :cat:

Voir le messageShadow she-wolf, le 18 février 2013 - 07:55, dit :

Vous avez oublié le plus important…!

Le rock de la Grande Maison Telvanni :cool:
Antoninus Bibulus Glaber
Coaching de PNJs chez Morrowind Renaissance

#30 Le_Rieur


Posté 18 février 2013 - 10:43

Il est possible que ce soit une pièce de théâtre ou un court-métrage tout pourri; il faut relier le script à la photo de Kirkbride et de Kuhlman.


"Roooooooooooooo comme si vous ne le saviez pas depuis le temps qu'on fait UN topic pour le récit et UN autre topic pour les commentaires ! La prochaine fois je mettrai des lampions et des stripteaseuses pour signaler la césure !" Isa, 21 Juin 2013

#31 Shadow she-wolf

Shadow she-wolf

    Le katana de la GBT

Posté 18 février 2013 - 18:03

Voir le messageaegnor, le 18 février 2013 - 08:18, dit :

Mais comment peut-on faire un lien avec les vidéos qu'il met en ligne et l'univers des TES ? Je ne parle même pas de la vidéo postée par Shadow she-wolf, il faut bien avouer que je suis complètement sur le cul.
Malheureusement Gerka (le type qui dance) ne fait manifestement pas partie des auteurs derrière le memospore...
De ce que j'ai compris les membres du forum avaient besoin de mailer à memospore un marukhati qui dance pour casser le temps, ou un machin dans le genre... :lol:

Du coup Gerka s'est porté volontaire...

#32 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 20 février 2013 - 19:22

Voir le messageShadow she-wolf, le 18 février 2013 - 18:03, dit :

Voir le messageaegnor, le 18 février 2013 - 08:18, dit :

Mais comment peut-on faire un lien avec les vidéos qu'il met en ligne et l'univers des TES ? Je ne parle même pas de la vidéo postée par Shadow she-wolf, il faut bien avouer que je suis complètement sur le cul.
Malheureusement Gerka (le type qui dance) ne fait manifestement pas partie des auteurs derrière le memospore...
De ce que j'ai compris les membres du forum avaient besoin de mailer à memospore un marukhati qui dance pour casser le temps, ou un machin dans le genre... :lol:

Du coup Gerka s'est porté volontaire...

C'est encore pire ; résumé ici:

MK a dit qu'il fallait faire ce qui avait été fait à WG-T. Ce qui a été compris comme Tour D'Or Blanc (White Gold Tower).
Donc il y en a qui ont commencé à balancer des vidéos de danse, et voyant que ça ne marchait pas, Gerka a dansé lui même. Mk n'a pas répondu, et il semblerait même que WG-T ait même été mal compris...

Les dernières News :

Lady N qui répond à Eyesore :



Already got a scene vid from Hungary.

Their effects kinda suck, but short notice and all.

MK qui sort :

Eyesore dit :


And, too, the final reward of the memospores, or just another stage of the hunt?



Au final, il y avait peut-être beacoup de fausses pistes dans ce qu'on a reçu, car peu de choses ont été éclairées -Talos, la participation d'un dèv, que signifient tout ça...). Ou bien ce n'est que le début... La mention de plusieurs épisodes (dont certains auraient été censurés/perdus) peut laisser penser l'un ou l'autre.
Il y en a qui pensent que MK attends que des gens se servent du script pour faire quelque chose. je n'y crois pas.

Je me lance pas encore dans l'analyse, et, je cite :

Nehluxes dit :

You should all know that you have the blessing of the TABRONEH to decypher all this.

Be strong.

Donc je ne place ce message ni sous les auspices du Tibunal d'AlMSIVI ou de Talos, mais sous les hospices du Tribunal de TABRONEH.

Deux points intéressants dans la vidéo (même si les analyses devront porter sur Boma) :

Difference Thought-Form et Waverform.


Naturesur Zurin Arctus : Arcos signifie Ours, mais pas mal de trucs le rapprochent des Tsaescis.


But anyway, note that I'm not denying that Arctus was a bear, I'm just clinging to the idea that he's a Tsaesci. I mean, Hjalti was a Serpent and/or Dragon, but he was also a man. Same with Arctus. He was a Bear, but also a [Tsaesci, I'm hoping].

Bon, je relis le truc à tête reposés, et d'ici quelques jours je poste quelque chose.


J'ai réussi à comprendredes bribesde ce qui s'est passé cette nuit, donc je le fait remonter. Un IRC  memospore est apparu/ a été envoyé par un sbire de Eyesore, et quelqu'un lui a envoyé un message :


Oh lawd, and Elven was the first to email too, nice of MK.

Basically elven sent this:

// begin transmission
// transmission complete
// ... waiting ...

And MK replied with:

BOMA KURO se serait révélé révélé le code menant où MK (sous le nom poétique de Knife-Missile) a sorti  "Empire As Is".

MK a ensuite dit qu'il répondrait au 1008ème message d'un sujet. En 2/3 heures, quelques membres du lore forum ont écrit plus de 1000 messages, dont la plupart se réduisaient à "Amaranth", avec quelques questions plus complètes de Lady N, des "Julianos and The Gardener of Men" de SithisLorkhan, et des Trolls  et encouragementsde MK

Finalement, on a échappé aux "What is better dragon age or elder scrolls" (de peu), mais on a aussi raté les :
What is the Eye of Magnus?
OBSD, Shonni-etta, or anything other than the Aldudaggas. I don't want to be reminded of Skyrim even after I turn the game off; I want to learn about other aspects of Tamriel.
ou les "Amaranth".

Le 1008ème post fut :


Ca promet...

Une fois fait, ils ont cherché à cacher le topic dans les tréfonds en faisant remonter tout les sujets du dernier mois. Ils se sont fait avoir deux pages après le 1008ème post, et ont, je crois, tous eu 5 jours de ban pour spam.

Modifié par Sifraël, 20 février 2013 - 19:26.

#33 Jacob Bronsky

Jacob Bronsky

    Les mots s'arrêtent à TABRONEH.

Posté 20 février 2013 - 19:38

Que le Bar,
Même tard,
Restera ouvert.

#34 Nehluxhes


    Les mots s'arrêtent à TABRONEH.

Posté 20 février 2013 - 20:11

Ils ont du prendre ma bénédiction trop au sérieux, malheureusement je ne fais pas le poids face à un ours en haut de forme :mrgreen:

#35 Shadow she-wolf

Shadow she-wolf

    Le katana de la GBT

Posté 21 février 2013 - 22:42

J'ai trouvé ça sur une conversation de la TIL à propos de memospore, je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut...
Image IPB

Au fait par rapport à la tête du singe...
C'est bien Marukh...? Si oui quelle est l'image originale...? Car son article mériterait bien une petite illustration...

#36 Suleri Drals

Suleri Drals

Posté 21 février 2013 - 22:54

TABRONEH ? pour le truc avec le singe, ça a peut-être un rapport avec les Imgas.
Telvannish, et les tâches s'évanouissent !

#37 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 22 février 2013 - 08:38

Voir le messageShadow she-wolf, le 21 février 2013 - 22:42, dit :

J'ai trouvé ça sur une conversation de la TIL à propos de memospore, je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut...

Au fait par rapport à la tête du singe...
C'est bien Marukh...? Si oui quelle est l'image originale...? Car son article mériterait bien une petite illustration...

C'est un indice envoyé par MK à ceux qui sont sur le Memospore. L'image au centre est Marukh, c'est le "Ape Sigil" que MK avait balancé lorsqu'ils avaient commencé à prévoir la guilde maruhkati pour TESO ; ç’a été l'avatar de MK pendant un moment, et pas mal de monde sur le forum officiel l'a repris en la changeant un peu. L'image originale est .

Bon, ils semblerait que les erreurs du textes épeleraient un truc en rapport avec Kuhlmann, il a été contacté par Toesock, et MK a rajouté :



Neither could we. I PMed Hasphat. I have no idea if he'll see it.

He saw it.

Kuhlmann serait dans le coup... Je sens que pas mal de cœurs vont lâcher dû à un excès de joie.

#38 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 03 mars 2013 - 19:52

Et ça recommence...

D'après FloorBelow:


Battlefields, moths(?), transits of Venus, dancers, serpents, castles, dragon priests and hall of stories', giants(?), cupped hands protecting a flame. All to the sound of bells tolling.

Bon, s'il s'agit d'analyser les images, les sons, ou autres par des transformations de Fourier ou d'autres trucs du genre, je crois que je vais rester en retrait...


Bon, de nouveau Memospores...


Archive Log: X7-b
(posté par Divayth Fyr, pas memopsore, )

Council Memo: TOS-W0-HAT
(par Alba Tross, mais comme on y voit MK)

Quelques pensées sur le reddit:

soooo.... anyone good with morse code?

I thought that was already cracked. Lead to https://www.dropbox....d9dil3/INC2.wmv Which has a QR that lead to albert_ross addy.
See the current doc.
Your albertross video is new, as far as I know. But it has the same QR for the Albert_ross addy.

I have updated the TIL thread and the new (but maybe soon to be killed by moderators) official lore forum thread.
Also, glad to see Divath Fyr again, and glad to see that him and the Elder Council still keep in touch. I'm half expecting to see Nu-Hatta pop up, now.

Are you going to have all of the formatting? If you aren't going to do the formatting, just leave it for Pops, we can just do the current discussions in this thread.
If you're going to format it, holyshitthat'dbealot. Uh. Here are some things to help.
http://forums.bethso...mos-and-spores/ (Probably pretty much the same)
And damn it, there's an IRC document that doesn't have the older stuff but is up to date on the recent stuff, but I can't see to find it. I'll PM it to you once I do find it.

I'm slightly buzzed at this point - further analysis will likely need to wait until tomorrow. However, Google Translate provides the following:
"Dormientibus est excitato" - Latin. "Sleeper has awoken." "Ai spus ca ne va juca" - Romanian. "You said we will play." "Anois, tá muid ag imirt tú" - Irish. "Now we are playing you."

if it's a reference to the Amaranth, notice how there are at least three pictures in each. I can recognise one being the Godhead, another being the Amaranth, but who's the other one? IMO it's probably Kirkbride himself, but I think there's other stuff to focus on.
I think the hands detailed within are important. What for, I have no clue at all, but it reminded me of GHARTOK PADHOME.
I'm starting to think one part of these memospores is just MK showing off Lady N's dancing skills. this is at least the 2nd or 3rd time that's been in.
Man, anyone else get the feeling these arejust getting weirder and weirder?

I'm quite sure Lady N hasn't been in any 'cept the first, and she wasn't dancing in it. What are you referring to?

1, they flash the Serpent at Talos' feet for a moment. This is the full image, from the same perspective they used: http://extreme.pcgam...ne_of_talos.jpg
2, is that winged thing earlier on a dragon or a God-bird? If it's a God-bird, Kyne could be of continued relevance. I honestly can't tell, though.
3 Dancing.
4 A figure that is highly reminiscent of Ancient Nordic ruin religious carvings appears, but it doesn't seem to match any of the carvings. It looks like a Dragon Priest. Maybe we should dig through some concept art for the original image.
5 Bells. Are these the All-Maker's bells? "The two bells have went 'Gong! Gong!' and that means the kalpa has turned."
About the Serpent at Talos' feet, I think that it was intended by the craftsmen to be representative of a dragon, but as a mythic echo, it represents that Talos has taken Lorkhan's place.

My thoughts.

Instead of "Answer and answer", I heard "I serve and am served, I exceed my own..." then things got a bit harder to hear.
i don't know what this means

Found it

Wow, you're on a roll, nice find. Time to dig for what the Musraht-sounding thing is. With the Vivec connection, I immediately thought Muatra, but sounds like a two syllable word.

Actually, yeah, that might be it. You have a much better ear than me. Updating the TIL thread with your thought now.
Wait, that's also in the Sermon. But you probably noticed that. I wonder why he skipped "I am made of wire and string and mortar and".
ed: So, this video is either about the promise of the PSJJJ, or Vivec-the-city.

I'm not too sure about the sermons, but I found out who one of the people are. The very first picture from the group of historical figures is of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Edit: "I serve and am served" sounds like something that a King or leader might say. I'd guess that the other people are heads of state.

Yes, managed to find them all.
Wilhelm II
Uriel VII
Emperor of Korea?
A Thalmor Ambassador, drawn by Lady Nerevar?
Queen Maria Theresa of Austria-Este
Heungseon Daewongun

In reference to the chant that is heard during the video, it is most likely Tuvian or Mongolian Throat Singing of some form. I will see if I can find the exact song.

So far I've heard "image. man. god. city. wasting (or sting). they/I served and serve. untranslatable"
the chant I have no clue, but it makes me think of something aboriginal. Probably wrong, but yeah.
Someone's gotta figure out the symbolism behind the upside down stuff.

Le Fait qu'on ait droit à


image, man, god, city, state. I serve and am served. I am made of wire and string and mortar and I accede my own precedent, world without am.'
Me plaît beaucoup, puisque c'est la description des Walking Ways... Le fait qu'il n'ait pas commencé à "egg" est par contre étonnant.

EDIT#2 :

Bon, visiblement, TOUT se passe sur l'IRC memospore. En oubliant pas de regarder les infos et , avec un gros résumé... Ca devient plus clair ? :peur:

new doc guys, this one;s getting bloated:

"You a book, fag, stop your buffalo" - MK

[Image d'un chat avec marqué "Too punk to die"]

#memospore: ~*MANY KRETANS ARE LIARS*~

Are all liars Kretans? -RTD


“Who is sober among you, let him proclaim their solution.”

- P.S.

(I think the problem is that we’re all sober.)

TIL Thread

Relevant Files

IRC at in #memospore

Table of Contents

#memospore: ~*MANY KRETANS ARE LIARS*~

State of the Game


Memospore videos: 02/14/2013

Passcodes: 02/19/2013

Stormcrown: 02/20/2013

Airpiss: 02/21/2013

Find the New Channel: 02/23/13


Current line of enquiry

Diary of a Memospookhouse. (21:56 GMT IRC, 24th Feb)

A New Challenger Has Appeared

Jewish Numerology

State of the Game

MK told us to find it by Sunday. To find THEM before then. If we can. Come home. We need a fleet.--NordJitsu

Not exactly sure what this is referring to. Google hangout? <---not memospore; possibly still Google

Currently we have been told to download a torrent of DUNE.  We are being led through the movie, cutting and examining frames. The link to the torrent Lady N provided was followed by MK saying: “Version above has no Korea” (Meaning?) (meaning it hasn't been "compromised" by the hackers? -RTD)

In particular, a frame was said to contain some "chromatic aberration." Further examination has revealed that it may contain a QR code of some kind.  Several people received an email from airpiss containing a tiff attachment.  The Tiff contained the words "Fuck off gsocket" in an alpha channel but contained no QR code that we have found.  ElvenlyPossible is working on this.  RTD is confident.

We now think the chromatic aberration was simply heterochromia, and not a QR code. We would be happy to be proven wrong. People should keep working on the image.

Our instructions were:
"<Memospore663> get pixel range/shape -> construct QRC from shapes -> find treasure"

Update: A memospook came on the IRC channel at 8:10pm (EST) and linked this video: saying it was a fifth memospore video. The video seems to depict drawings of Dwemer and has Morse code playing in the background.

The morse code gave us this: . Later  this video was found on the memospore channel:

The Memospore ARG is an alternate reality game that Michael Kirkbride and Lady Nerevar are running, possibly with the help of unknown associates. Hunt them down and exterminate with seething, wolfish hatred. Keep the heads intact, though. We’ve got a forest of gleaming pikes ready at the gates.

Currently there appear to be several distinct organizations at play in the memospore ARG universe.  Two groups of hackers, which we are currently referring to as "Korea" and "Germany" are breaking into each other's networks and stealing funds from each other.  On Feb 25th we observed these two groups in the #memospore IRC chat.  One group, which we presume is Germany, logged as <WHO_IS> and revealed that they were hacking into NCSoft's finances, only to find that they had none.

This space will be updated as the game continues. Be wary of serp-breaks, however. In which case we’ll lose the whole shit-show.

Memospore videos: 02/14/2013 posted four Memospore videos.

The fourth memospore included an authentication prompt, with a “mail memospore?” error at the end. Many mailed, and got a couple files back:

mem1.jpg =>
mem2.jpg => <needs link>

MK continued to post many vague hints on the BethSoft forums.

Shortly after, MK posted a PDF of a teleplay called the “Trans-Cyrodiil Insurgency.”

Passcodes: 02/19/2013

On Feb 19 2013, an email to was sent out by ElvenlyPossible on reddit.

memospore responded with a login prompt:


2.24.3735 is 2.20.2013 in base 8.

The passcode was 2050542 3554304. MK gave the passcode to us directly.

BOMA36 => 20505428
KURO36 => 35543048

The actual solve was a translation from base36 (26+10) to base 8. A useful conversion tool is here.

MK was present in the IRC chat #memospore on the evening of the 19th. LadyN, under the nickname “name”, was on theIRC as well.

The events of the IRC chat have not been catalogued here because MK personally requested that the logs not be circulated. Anyone who has them should uphold his request. The events of that evening are not considered relevant to the ARG, with the following exception.

MK posted a link after he left (with another user). The URL was invalid.

The closest related result is TINAG, a well-known ARG and phrase used in ARG communities, meaning “don’t treat this like a game, this is now real life.”  This also means that neither MK nor LN will confirm or deny the existence of this game and they will not comment out of character.  So don't bother asking.

2013-02-21 00:27:15 <!Dovahkiin> TINAG. You said that it would play us.
2013-02-21 00:28:37 <+Knife_Missile> <!Dovahkiin> TINAG. You said that it would play us. <- yep

Stormcrown: 02/20/2013

A user named “Stormcrown” appeared in the IRC around noon Central Standard Time on Feb 20th 2013 and made a few comments:

<Stormcrown> If he asks, tell him that our suspicions seem to be correct. QXJjdHVzIERpZCBJdA==

@b64d => "Arctus did it."

<Stormcrown> Tell him to wait for me Zm91ciBlaWdodCBuaW5lIHNpeCBzZXZlbiBmaXZlIHRocmVlIHR3bwpvbmUgZm91ciBmaXZlIG5hdWdodCBzaXggZml2ZSBmb3VyIHNpeA==

@b64d => "four eight nine six seven five three two one four five naught six five four six"

4896753214506546 can be split into lat/long, which resolves to the coordinates for “Restaurace Septim” (48.967532, 14.506546 => in the Czech Republic.

The stormcrown hints are by and large considered to be a clever red herring by someone not involved with MK’s game.

Airpiss: 02/21/2013

All who emailed (an anagram of Imperial as is) received this

Of note, the image contains several spelling errors. (h, k, u, l, h, t, i, a (doubled in the first part of the image) and possibly s for Pantheons). "TAM! Rugh!" should be spelled "Tam! RUGH!"  MK hinted that transposition may be involved. We are to post theories in “a lore forum that we didn't spamfuck in the face.”

Errors in spelling highlighted here:

An enormous amount of time and effort was spent trying to puzzle out the meaning of the errors and find hidden information in the data of that image file. Eventually the solution was revealed by MK.  We were to google the letters in order to find apdf document. See the update below for more information.  In the meantime, we received the following dialogues from MK and LN.

On 02/22/2013, MK and Lady N had the following conversation:

We’ve pulled out the emergency background maps from the ur-chive, Professor. A perfectly preserved rendition of our world with, well, something we can actually set foot on, if needs must. If even we must all learn to live with some pictel stray.
We’d have to completely drain the reserve realities to even begin to jackboot this thing. As far as the Blades are concerned, this is Last Resort.
That’d be a good name for it, Brother Jauffre. Ha! But it’s all very well Morbâdoon-approved, so fix your frown. The Council undersigned everything before they were jaunted. Standing on one of your old ideas, Professor, wot? How does it feel?
They were my part of my eschatonical thesis, Admiral. They look a bit crayon now.
Still...still a right keeper, these. I sometimes do a little dance on them to feel like I’m gigantic.
Ahem. We’re running out of the time we actually still have on this side of the opera. In thirty-six minutes, seventy-five hundred contingencies mega-ghost all at once.
Jauffre’s being a bit boring but he’s right. It’s Imperial As Is or it’s nothing.

I am the creator-destroyer. I am the false
form. I am the joy and the dirge. My name
is Boma Kuro, 143, the luminous red-scaled
pariah of all dead cities to come.

On 2/23/2013, Kirkbride said in the IRC:

Germany attempts to send the picture to me. It gets intercepted by someone on the east coast called airpiss. Who may or may not be in on it since they used an anagram when the clue before it was freely given [sic]: Imperial As Is.

Find the New Channel: 02/23/13

It seems MK grew bored of our inability to solve the puzzle. He said in IRC on the 23rd that we were reading too much into the T0 image.  The solution we were meant to reach was to google "hk aa u lh tt"

This leads us

LN & MK (logged as FEMALE_VERSION and MALE_VERSION respectively) speculate that someone heard they were ordering three copies of the "Dictionary of the Khazars" and altered the T0 picture to lead them to that pdf document, specifically this line: (line 3)

(God's) Voice is upon the waters.  Almighty of glory thunders, (God) is upon [the] many waters.

This is relevant to the DoK because page 293 of the DoK is particularly famous for being the only variation between the two versions of the book.

So where does the clue lie?  In the DoK or in the Tehillim?

After logging in, MK hinted at a new video waiting to be found:

Feb 23 22:32:15 <MALE_VERSION>  video's ready for release, you guys just haven't found it

Closer to the end of the session, MK hinted that a new channel had been set up.  We presume this means either a new YouTube channel or a new IRC channel.  Several hints were given:

The hebrew pdf document, which is the Tehillim, the Jewish book of Psalms.

Several quotes from this page about City of Heroes, which MK described as a "sunsetted game."
And possibly to this page as well:

The relevant MK quotes:
Feb 24 04:05:55 <MALE_VERSION>  RTD knew enough to track the quotes, so now you have Hebrew and a wiki about a sunsetted game
Feb 24 04:06:12 <MALE_VERSION>  take it for what you will and find the new channel

Stille and possibly others received a message from airpiss called Assymetrical Warfare. “Tell all of the Gs their channels are ripe. AH was a money grab and it ain't forgot.”

Grey Man - Selects the lore (not the right words)

Lady_N is in contact with a significant “she”.

Reference was made to some of the "characters" (Germany?  A Grey Man?) being members of theHellfire Club. The grammar is nonspecific.


Straws at which we've grasped: exists, and was made in Jan. of 2013, but has no material.  Possibly unrelated.
It's also probably not related, but Psalm 39:2 reminds me a bit of the Listening Frame.  Anyway, it's cute but not important, I think.

A list of all Psalm’s that involve the numbers 2, 9, and 3:

Nordjitsu posted to the TIL thread:

Lots of Dune parallels with TES or TC:I
1. Sleeper has awakened
2. Waking dreams
3. Messiah figure (boma kuro or nerevarine)
4. Fremen=ashlanders
5. Voice of persuassion
6. Voice as a weapon (shot out of guns and not)
7. Wise women leading the tribe
8. Trials for the messiah to prove himself to the natives
9. Natives rise up and tear down part of the Galactic Empire
10. Spice Production= Sugar Production
And I know I'm missing a few more. Not sure where to go with this, but MK wanted us to watch dune and "report." So I did.
Also, the Great Houses.

Not in original post, but the two moons and their significance to the sleeper as well.--NordJitsu
Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but that's a really interesting observation.  -RTD

Possibly related links:

Current line of enquiry

If you feel you have nothing to do, do this:

  • Find email adresses related to clues <name>
  • Find YouTube accounts or channels based on clues (<name>)
Diary of a Memospookhouse. (21:56 GMT IRC, 24th Feb)

Logs of the event on #Memospore:

Logs of the event on #Airpiss:

Full logs have been removed from this document to save space, and make the document tidier to read.

<Memospore027> X
<Memospore102> 0
<Memospore125> X
<Memospore102> 0
<Memospore027> X
<Memospore993> X
<Memospore125> X

These are all the same connection. 1212111 ABABAAA XYXYXXX

Got no loc. He is saying loc a hell of a lot

---need mem (ory? ospore?)

(Th)(fl)(dy)(do)(ag)--ing sp---(ore?)(ace)(awn)(eck)(ear)(eed)
flying spore
flying spear
dying space

(nu)--nedic totems, one loc(ation?)(was there any blanks here?)

(gar)--landed in a dream of sta---(stasis?)(static?)
garlanded in a dream of stasis
(dia)---kinesis. The general---(ity)(ist)
diakinesis. The generalist...
(Aha?)--- I have found it!

Fill in the blanks lads/ladies.

* Memospore125 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
<WHO_IS> shits leaking
* Memospore993 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
* Memospore102 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
* Memospore027 has quit (Quit: Page closed)

All Memospooks are now gone.

Safe keeping:

Lady N linked this as (linked thrice)

Travis Schlueter-Beckner
Probably not related but maybe mentioned by hackers so keep an eye on him.

MK revealed that a hidden QRC is embedded into the following image (currently attempting to solve this; not resolved as of 2:00AM [GMT-5] 02/28)

Just for future reference, the 28:3 passage appears in the Tehillim.pdf document on page 17.  Here's a picture.  I don't know if that's helpful for any reason, just tossin' monkey poop.  -RTD

Possibly important (probably posted by MK):

Virgil holding a volume of the Aeneid flanked by the Muses his bitches, Clio (History) and Melpomene (Tragedy).


<Michael_Kirkbride> the keys are in that Dune vid
<Michael_Kirkbride> I can't do it by myself
<Michael_Kirkbride> adiago[sic] in d minor, it has a special game meaning
<Michael_Kirkbride> find it
<Michael_Kirkbride> Let's go home.
<Michael_Kirkbride> Hon, set us up a hangout
<Michael_Kirkbride> Sunday
<Michael_Kirkbride> Homeworld password
<Michael_Kirkbride> Name: Homeworld Ident: CodeRed_Homeworld Suggested Footprint: 3x3 Art Notes: A Tower shaped out of many; when seen at a distance, it's a rendition of [REDACTED] in its fully glory, before the Fall.
<Michael_Kirkbride> Animation Notes: TBD Audio Notes: TBD Design Notes: Wonder. Produces Straw (go with it). Balloon payment requires [REDACTED] (any level 12 player has this).
<Michael_Kirkbride> Description: The Homeworld is all things to all people. As [REDACTED] once paraphrased in the Book of Faces: "If you have the imagination... you can make feast from straw." A Homeworld will produce Straw every X hours. Unlock: CodeRed_X
(note: quote comes from Jane Stanton Hitchcock, but idk from where)-RTD
<Michael_Kirkbride> Find us Sunday. Find THEM before then, if you can.
<Michael_Kirkbride> Come home. We need a fleet.

Adiago in D Minor has lyrics:

A New Challenger Has Appeared

User 23rdPsalm ( has  posted on the 1st and 4th memospore videos quoting LOST. The origin of these quotes are here:

Is there a significant scene in Dune that might need to be played in reverse? Iunfugno---arc

I don't think this is related.  And if we have to study LOST for clues, we're all totally boned.  But just in case:
"The wise know how to use time and space perfectly; they lead free and harmonious lives. Fools are enslaved by time and space; they are busy running around all day. Wise or foolish, the difference is obvious." -RTD

Paradise Lost might be relevant.

Immortal amarant, a flower which once

In paradise, fast by the tree of life,

Began to bloom; but soon for man's offence

To heaven removed, where first it grew, there grows,

And flowers aloft, shading the fount of life,

And where the river of bliss through midst of heaven

Rolls o'er elysian flowers her amber stream:

With these that never fade the spirits elect

Bind their resplendent locks. (III, 353)

Jewish Numerology (03/01/13)

A note on Jewish Numerology, or Gematria:
It may be possible to convert the Tehillim into numbers.  I'm sure Gematria scholars are already doing this, or have done it.  However, researching Gematria with Tehillim as the context comes up with some interesting results.  For example, from an article about Tikkun HaKlali.

The word Tehillim has the same gematria as the word Lilith (with five units added for each of the letters of Lilith). Moreover, the word Tehillim has the same gematria as the two names of God, El and Elohim...

Here's a general table of Gematria values, although I don't know which method they used to calculate them (and there are several).  It's interesting to note that 293 (which relates to the linked Psalm 29:3, above) is the value of the word Mizmor, which means "Psalm."


Divayth Fyr Morse Code Vid

Some of the morse code playing in the background gave this link: Which appears to be a new memospore video. The QR code at the end gives
Soon after memospore emailed !Dovahkiin saying slakjlfajalshdasm

MK as Tel_fear came in and said:

<Tel_Fear> POC: Basil Rathbone in a lady's scarf.
<Tel_Fear> The names are: GEORGIUS


BRANTONIUS (wears the sun-sigil under his beard)

NordJitsu’s Book Report on The Dictionary of the Khazars

    I am going to move my book report to save space. Most of it is probably not important anyway. Link here:
    If anyone thinks this is worthwhile I can do it for more (all) of the book.

Memospore Video 5

A new memospore video was added to the memospore channel

The Toast: Happy Anniversary

Prost! - HQ

Modifié par Sifraël, 02 mars 2013 - 11:32.

#39 Landän


Posté 04 mars 2013 - 14:16

Ok, j'ai tout lu et je n'ai rien compris.

Mais je m'insurge contre la phrase "Dormientibus est excitato" qui ne veut strictement rien dire, sauf pour Google traduction, qui est incapable de traduire la moindre phrase de latin de toutes façons.

Déjà, Dormientibus est un pluriel, c'est "les dormeurs". Ensuite, Dormientibus n'est pas sujet : c'est un datif ou un ablatif.
Excitato pose des problèmes. C'est un adjectif substantivé au singulier datif ou ablatif. Il ne peut pas être le verbe excitare au parfait passif car dans ce cas, il serait au nominatif.

Bref, cette phrase veut dire : "Il est d'un réveillé par les dormeurs" ou "Il est au réveillé par les dormeurs" ou "Il est aux dormeurs par un réveillé".

Si l'on avait "Dormientibus excitatus est", alors ça aurait plus de sens : Il a été réveillé par les dormeurs (ou éventuellement en latin médiéval : Il est réveillé par les dormeurs).

Autre hypothèse délirante : excitato est un ablatif absolu. Quelqu'un ayant été réveillé, il (pas celui qui est réveillé mais un autre) est par les dormeurs ou il est le propre des dormeurs.
Et des hypothèses délirantes, je peux vous en sortir un paquet tellement c'est absurde comme construction.

Bref ça n'a aucun sens.
Mais mon anglais étant faible, je ne suis pas sûr du sens de la traduction Sleeper(s) has(ve) awakened (Le dormeur a réveillé par différence avec sleeper has awoken le dormeur s'est réveillé), il me semble qu'il manque un COD.
Cependant, le reste n'ayant pas de sens non plus, peut-être qu'en fait cette phrase a un sens qui m'échappe parce que sa traduction en Français n'aurait aucun sens pour moi non plus...

Modifié par Landän, 04 mars 2013 - 14:21.

#40 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 04 mars 2013 - 15:11

C'est "le dormeur s'est éveillé", c'est une référence à Dune, et MK a dit qu'il fallait chercher dedans pour trouver certaines réponses. Et c'est une phrase qui correspond aussi bien aux TES.

Les News sur l'IRC : MK organise un jeu de rôle sur table avec des membres du lore forum, et ils ont dû désigné une personne pour Arctus, Wulfhart, Hjalti, et l'Empereur Zero. Les votes ont été quasi unanimes, mais rapidement fermés sur le forum officiel :


Nord is a Wulf

Dead is a Z

Dov is a Zed

Stille is a Beard
En plus clair :


Stille - Zero
Nord - Wulf
Deadite - Zurin
Dovah - Hjalti

#41 Landän


Posté 04 mars 2013 - 15:43

Je te crois sur parole pour Dune. Ca correspond bien aux TES, en effet. Mais ça n'enlève rien au fait que la phrase en latin ne veut pas dire "Le dormeur s'est éveillé"...

J'en profite pour te remercier de nous tenir au courant des évolutions, j'imagine le temps que ça doit prendre.

Modifié par Landän, 04 mars 2013 - 15:46.

#42 Griscendré


Posté 04 mars 2013 - 19:53

C'est à s'demander si Kirkbride n'est pas un troll.

#43 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 09 mars 2013 - 17:27

Bon, les nouvelles fraiches... j'ai raté pas mal de truc (ben oui, 99% des trucs se passent sur l'IRC, quand c'est la nuit en France, et lus rien n'est reporté sur TIL, reddit ou le lore forum.) mais heureusement, j'ai choppé le résumé :


Rats with Wings

Birds the word.

#Memospore Document

Lots happened today

Toast to MK and LadyN

Speculation on Memospore Terminology and Characters

RL (Real Life?)



Relevant Thalmor shitte

Memospore 6 Video

Update 03/03/13 Throwing Dice in Anger

Albatross Updates

Books from the mod:

35]Orders of the Albatross

35]Wylandriah's Letter

Albert_Ross and his Apostle

Toast to MK and LadyN

In case you missed it (read at your own pace, beautiful stuff):

In response to “Amaranth” - “Dovahkiin, nice name.” -MK

Speculation on Memospore Terminology and Characters

“Ah was a money grab” - Arcturian Heresy?

Arcturian Heresy and ARG correlation:
* Multiple reasons it’s a money grab:
  • Ruby throne/crown
  • His face/name to eventually become the currency of the empire
  • AH: “"He lives until he is 108, the richest man in history."
    in summation: rich motherfucker.

  • Perhaps if the Arcturian Heresy was a money grab, we are talking the book, not the events therein.
So maybe we are being told that is not the true story. Maybe the true story is the goal of the ARG?---NordJitsu
* AH: “Ysmir the Grey Wind, the Storm of Kyne. But through Lorkhan he lost his national identity.”
- Grey Wind → Grey Man (in this context, the Grey Man is seeking revenge and ends up getting cheated by Septim’s analog in this ARG)
- Through Lorkhan lost his national identity; Grey Man / Germany interplay
* <Knife_Missile> ah was a money grab
<Knife_Missile> ah solution is key
- AH: "[Septim] warns Cyrodiil about the dangers within, but says he has a solution to the dangers without. The Mantella."
- Upon using the Underking’s heart to fuel the Numidium, the Underking smashes it into pieces (which Septim then goes to recover)
<Knife_Missile> mantling
<Knife_Missile> perfect strategy for assembling pieces correctly

We need to figure out who g and k are. G and K have equivalents in both Dune and Tamriel, which we can use to better figure out who they are. Also, we should apparently either send 88 gsocket sightings to memospore or 2 klan member sightings Nah that thing's over.

RL (Real Life?)

k has been known to invade games before. said invasions are needed for homerow dock.
greymen are apparently homerow dockworkers
and korea does not want tam to come home. whatever tam is.(Tamriel?)
k also funded airpiss, who is “imp level hostile” this is a sample of a grey man. In the background, with the grey eagle tshirt. Image was taken 7 months ago. Grey man apparently paid money in bulk for a drawing of homedock row. Said he had Patrick Stewart money (aka Septims I guess)

From the EA 2007 doc, since we were told to crossref that.  In 2007, EA considered Asia one of its biggest growth opportunities.
“In Korea, we acquired a 19 percent stake in Neowiz, a local operator which last year helped us make EA SPORTS FIFA Online. Together, with Neowiz, we achieved a dramatic success — more than ten percent of the population of Korea registered to play our game. In China, just recently, we acquired a 15 percent stake in The9, one of that country’s top online publishers. Investing and partnering with established publishers gives us a much better
understanding of how to succeed in Asia.”
EA confirmed for krystal klan? It is the great destroyer after all.
Last year there has been speculation as of whether NCsoft was going to buy EA, as rumours say they were “looking to expand.” In 2007 however, there were rumours EA was going to buy NCsoft.
MK said NCsoft not target proper. Klansmen. Big financials. Seeing how EA keeps being linked to NCsoft and it’s worth about 5 times of what NCsoft is, I wonder if our targets might not be EA. Try the EA and Ncsoft CEOs maybe?


we’re supposed to follow the snake from dune to korea. g and k can be looked at as great houses
g -  atreides/ k - harkonnen
The spice, which is in-universe oil and life prolonger and hallucinogen, is what the houses fight over. It is produced by the sandworms (snakes?). Follow the snake from dune to Korea. Spice becomes sinoite? Sinoite is also used for space flight, and so is Spice.


krystal klan are thalmor. Makes sense because of crystal-like-law
In that case, who would be the grey men? Could be either dunmer (grey but not men, the landfall references point in that direction), kothringi (silvery but men) or Cyrodiil which is not wegrey but I can see why the Thalmor would be pissed at them.

Also, we’ve been linked to a prion paper (interestingly, the first author is a certain Natallia Makarava, tho LN won’t tell us if they’re related), which LN confirmed in chat might be connected to the Thalmor’s business. See how that fits with that quote on the Thalmor’s goal.

Relevant Thalmor shitte

To kill Man is to reach Heaven, from where we came before the Doom Drum's iniquity. When we accomplish this, we can escape the mockery and long shame of the Material Prison.

To achieve this goal, we must:

1) Erase the Upstart Talos from the mythic. His presence fortifies the Wheel of the Convention, and binds our souls to this plane.

2) Remove Man not just from the world, but from the Pattern of Possibility, so that the very idea of them can be forgotten and thereby never again repeated.

3) With Talos and the Sons of Talos removed, the Dragon will become ours to unbind. The world of mortals will be over. The Dragon will uncoil his hold on the stagnancy of linear time and move as Free Serpent again, moving through the Aether without measure or burden, spilling time along the innumerable roads we once travelled. And with that we will regain the mantle of the imperishable spirit.

Memospore174 explains prions to us:
Memospore174> So, what I got out of the paper in my cursory reading (and with a caveat that none of my study populations have to deal with prion diseases so I've kinda ignored them for the half a decade) is that they're showing the misfolding 'cascade' that is associated with prion protein lacks real rich fidelity, leading to multiple PrP lines that have a variety of structures with a variety of abilities to refold other proteins.
<Memospore174> Some appear to be faithful, while others have more slop (or, alternatively, they all have some slop, and the higher 'virulence' strains (not the right word, but whatever) outpace this non-conformation issue through sheer numbers).
<Arc> We shall resume that, stille.
<Memospore174> Here's where I'm fuzzy (and it's late at night for me). Either a, some PrPsc end up producing enough non sc that the chain peters out, or that there's PrPsc 'strains' that end up with a prehensility to end up deforming back to non-self replicating forms.

"By fidelity, I'm talking about how much a PrP (Prion Prot.) induces the _same_ form in other protein.
<stille_> aha, so prion proteins don't cascade like grey goo that just makes more of itself, they cascade by making other proteins refold into other patterns?
<stille_> and some of the chains are deadends?
<Memospore174> It makes more of itself, but its a sloppy photocopier. And slopier than previously appreciated, according to the paper. Yeah, some dead end.
<stille_> right
<stille_> what's PrPsc btw?
<Memospore174> Selfreplicating Prion Prot.

Prions are (often) self replicating malformation that spread through inducing their malformation into others. I'd peg that as the crux of 'what you should take home.' Maybe it's the towers that are being corrupted. Maybe its man. Context of where this was brought up would matter, here.

Possible sinorite connection. Sinorite is used for space flight. Seeing how the fifth memospore had a lunar transit of the sun video taken by stereo b, a solar observator, I suspect that whatever spaceflight we’ll get will have some connection with the sun. In Sunshine, the crew flies as close to the sun as possible to fire a nuke into it to revive the dying sun. What might the Thalmor want to do to the sun (that magicka-leaking hole in Aetherius) that could parallel this? Possible connections: the last paragraph of the Thalmor plans mentions the Dragon unbound moving as free spirit thru the Aether, and the Thalmor regaining the mantle of the imperishable spirit.  Also, MK’s “mantling as the perfect solution for assembling pieces correctly”

Memospore 6 Video
Audio in the background is someone reading from the 36 Lessons: Sermon 25 "The Emperor," also known as the Scripture of the City.

"egg, image, man, god, city, state. I serve and am served. [this text is omitted: I am made of wire and string and mortar and] I accede my own precedent, world without am."

Update 03/03/13 Throwing Dice in Anger

A GM has called out for four representatives to participate in what is assumed to be an online role playing session on March 19th.  Each representative must be "loudly supported" by his or her constituency.
The four reps will then convene to play a BRP game of an unspecified nature.  It's presumed that this will be broadcasted live.
There are ways for us to screw this up.
So don't screw this up.
Four reps have been selected.
Votes must be cast for those reps.  They must be done loudly and publicly.
<Baron> cast your votes public without explaining why
It also appears as though we must vote for which nominee will mantle what character.

Also remember to add more greymen in the reddit thread
Update: event is over.  Keep adding if you find it amusing.

And here’s one place to vote.
Update: that BSF thread has been locked.
Seems we have our players and their roles:
Dovahkin: Hjalti
RottenDeadite: Zurin
Stille: Emp Zero
NordJitsu: Wulf

Albatross Updates

This image was received from with the message
“Confirm Flightpath?
Further to 2nh-full. Query: Higher access password?”

Dovahkiin: You s’wits don’t know how to Photoshop :)

Link to a Skyrim mod in there:

The mod includes two books and an NPC named Talon of the Albatross. He is hostile, has no dialogue, and stands at the crossroads from Riverwood to Whiterun. “player.coc Whiterun” will take you right to him. He carries both books, is of the Elder Race (old man Nord), and knows Unrelenting Force.

Books from the mod:

Orders of the Albatross


You have been created to deal with the archive breech. They are getting too close to the archives. Remember the Five-Fold Tenets of the Albatross, and perform admirably. Should the task fail you must return to the meeting place to be join us again.

The council will await further news

Wylandriah's Letter

TO: Urag gro-Shub, Slobbering Shelf-Monkey of Arboreal Librarianship
Arcanaeum, College of Winterhold, Winterhold, Skyrim, Tamriel, Mundus

FROM: Wylandriah, Witch of the Sordid Court
Seventh Door of the Seventh Hall, East Wing, Mistveil Keep, Riften, Skyrim, Tamriel, Mundus, The Aurbic Tang

DATE: First Seed, 3E 203/4/5

Dear Urag,

You never replied to my last letter, but that's okay because I've been busy in the meantime with projects and projects and projects and I wasn't really looking forward to hearing from you anyway or anything like that, because I know professional relationships sometimes get lost when other jobs come along. So I wasn't waiting for a response from you or someone else from the College at all these last few weeks and I'm not waiting for one in response to this letter, either, though if you don't send me my apparatus back when you're done using it I'll have to hire one of those 'fetchers' the Dunmer are always on about in the warrens to get it back for me. Or I'll have to come myself and that's a troublesome pain when the roads will shift on you no matter how many notes you take. Can't rely on the terrain for anything these days, though by all accounts that's no different from any time in the last five epochs.

Yes, yes, mfoundation as one could possibly devise and, you know, counter to all of my bilious bombacity and jive-grinding jealousy, but - and well, show me any one warlock or wizard who hasn't stolen blatant as a butterfly on a blueberry pie the ideas of at least one of the triumvirate of invention; High, Deep, or Wild, and I'll show you the perfect place to stick that little delusion - At any rate one works with what one has; you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Or you give what you give and you make them bite a shiv. Or something like that. And anyway we all ought to just straighten up and do right and realize that not even the damned eyelash-lancing hoary beard blighters flashed and flared their industry sparks against a void; the truest bodies can go hang in the referential stocks for downright liars. And you can just shoot me through and through with the enclosed if I ever express a desire to exist in silence. Though of course no one ever really lies, except to themselves.

Although: poets, and my apparatus. Poets, now: Well, certainly looks like lies. Smells like lies. Tastes like lies. Buzzes like flies (because gods but I hate poets and their spew). But it haint. Confluential truth; which is to say: exactness and damn unapproachable! Pshaw, if truth can only be spoken behind a curtain! Bring out the man. Which is of course the point of this: It's an eyeglass, of sorts, if you could have an eyeglass inside an eyeglass inside a broken mirror inside a mad artist's head (shut up, I know it's redundant) and then could turn the whole thing out of it's insides; gut-side up, and braise that soul a good one over the coals. A poetronach, tesfaye, and don't ask me about how I got or about hitherto-thought impossibility of upchuck-induction in such cases of influentia; it's proprietary. Just press your gummy, troglodytic little Orismer eyes up against the wink-whirls, try not to flinch when the lid clips affix, whisper up the slant slandered neonym of justified obscurity, and settle in for the grandest vivisection of association you've ever seen.

Oh, and I do still love you.

An emissary from Albatross showed up. Log is in new document.

Albert_Ross and his Apostle

Alright, here is my edited version of the new dialogue in the last 2 hours (4AM Mar.4th):

I don't think that link goes where you think it goes.  -RTD somebody changed it~Arc

Quite a bit of interesting stuff.
* I think by Sea-Bass he means C-base. Obviously check the loc, and the Mythological self-image. Too tired to attempt the puzzle, you guys got this.
* Sun-Climb-Time would roughly translate to Krein Alok Tiid in Draconic (no new dragon shout in ;that mod? Expresate didn’t mention anything). Just confirming - No new shout. Thanks~Arc
* The concept of Sun-Climb-Time, the backwards nonsense, and referencing the Holy One’s makes me think of dracochrysalis.

Lots more interesting stuff early on, but too tired. Figure it out ye fresh Monday minds. ~Arc

Anybody look at the IDs of the new items and characters in that mod?  Just wondering if anything stuck out.  -RTD

No, nothing - Exp


The word “tesfaye” from Wylandriah’s letter was sent to after which the response was: Archive access granted. Message intercept detected. Bureaucratic procedures initiated. Please await further transmission.

Another email was received from albert_ross a moment later with this picture:

The Daedric at the top reads “a simple item is all you need”

Emailing Albert Ross with the word "septim" (an anagram of A Simple Item is "Mail Septim") gets the following reply:



Delivering Package...

This dropbox contains two images and two files.  The password for the Razor file is written on the handle of the razor in the image.  The crossword puzzle solution for the crossword file is "dalcapocodic"

To be straightened up:
Crossword answers:
1: Wandered - "Sermons 12:12"
2:  Anumidum - "Time Strider
3: Hellena - "Queen of Magnus"
4: Colovia - "Mede’s Stomping Ground"
5: Albatross - "Black Beady Eyes"
6: Perrif - "You could say she was the first"
7: Orgnum - "That Silly Wizard Sea King, gave away all his gold"
8: Dead-Cities - “the luminous red-scaled pariah of all ---- ------ to come”
9: Veloth - He’s said to have said “Barant, put down your blade and I will make you swifter than a    bolt of lightning”
10: Divayth - “Who started this whole mess? Oh right, him.”
FUN FACT: Divayth was only found because of the unlocked html website. Umpteen originally put “Dickwad” as a joke, in regard to my (exp) constant dickwadery. This gave us the correct password.
11: Pelinal - “That other damn time strider. Why are there so many of them?”
12: Elder-Scroll - “oh those little fragments of creation, those divine scribblings of insanity”

Pictures from the mod:

HTML Page Graphs

Are you about to embark on a journey through the mind of the Albatross?

Take a map:
Crossword HTML:
Razor HTML:

The Crossword is particularly interesting because MK uses an “infix key” for every node in the graph (although there’s an error at the CABCA tree; it should be CBACA). And the Razor doc is complicated. -Dovah

An infix key is a concept in graph theory/trees. Any node in the graph has a unique infix key starting at the root (1) and ending at any given node. (For example, 1CBACA is an infix key here).

More information about how I did this incoming! I took all of the <div> elements enclosing the nodes and stuck them all in an XML document with <mk> and </mk> tags.

require 'nokogiri'
require 'htmlentities'
require 'sanitize'
require 'rgl/adjacency'
require 'rgl/dot'

RGL::DirectedAdjacencyGraph[*Nokogiri.parse('mk')).xpath('/mk/*').collect{|a| [a.attributes['tiddler'].value.strip, Sanitize.clean("\\n", "\n").strip]}.inject(Morromods Lien vers Morromods){|s, (k, v)| s + v.scan(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/).flatten.collect{|w| [k.strip, w.strip]}}.flatten].write_to_graphic_file

Parse the XML file, take the “tiddler” value of every <div> node under <mk>, decode all HTML entities, fixup newlines, and add every double bracketed label as a graph edge from the current node to the remote node. Finally, convert that to a RGL graph and write it to a graphic file.

And, we’re done.

Je vais essayer de voir s'il y a plus à apprendre, et j'espère réussir à avoir accès à la vidéo/enregistrement (qui sera le 19) du RP ; c'est pas gagné, puisqu'il semble que ça va être plus ou moins caché, avec mot de passe demandé et tout, pour que seuls ceux qui aient participé à l'ARG à fond le voient.

To Those About to Play, We Salute You

Welcome to The Arcturian Heresy Rumble 2013! The adoring fans outside the Mundex Arena are breaking down the doors to catch a glimpse of this legendary four man free-for-all bloodbrawl event! Which contender shall reach the starry heights of the heavens by violence? Our Ruling King shall have no equivalent, no equal, no fitting contender.

In Mehrunes Dagon’s corner, we have our Rebel, hailing from the frozen north - The Mighty Dovahkiin - the master of the IRC and slayer of morse code. Dovah’s masterful Thievery eclipses that of Tyler Stowell, but will that be enough to prevail as the Early Beard?

In Malacath’s corner of the ring, we have the oracular Stille, whose enigmatic accent is more mysterious than the Emperor Zero himself. Even desperation and exhaustion fall before this  Ruling Queen who will work day and night to decypher a clue. Will her opponents slit her throat and steal her identity, or will she rise again as God?

In Molag Bal’s corner, we have NordJitsu, the fitness king, who has a physique to rival the great warrior Wulfharth himself. Like his nordic counterpart, this olympian of Atmoran blood feels no bite of the Northwind. Will TIBEDETHA allow us to observe his roleplaying if we watch on his mom's smartphone? Will he be betrayed, his very heart stolen from him, or shall the Hawk of Kyne take flight like the noble Albatross?

In Sheogorath’s corner, we have the curiously maddened RottenDeadite, the herald of the savage Reddits, who can infer significance in something devoid of detail. Though he is on the run from the Penitus Oculatus for stealing their secrets, his intellect is sharper than that of Zurin Arctus, the fanged Serpent - but will it be enough to outwit the other contestants? Of course, if he inherits the Bear’s sticky thoomlauncher, he may not need to outwit them.

The blades are sharpened, the armour is gleaming under Magnus’ golden glow, the rites have been read, the tournament is about to begin, but something is still missing. Where are the spectators? What good is an enantiomorph without a Witness? Who can share in this event? Who will fill these dead, empty bleachers? Who will be there to tell the tale, To share the excitement over fine wines and strong ale? What good is a fire without a weary traveller to warm their hands upon it? Who can remember the story, and spread the echoes that will ripple through time? We can, and that is why you will need us.

EDIT : finalement, ce sera le 30 mars...

Du bonus ; une photode MK, et un poster de Ce qui va arriver !

Modifié par Sifraël, 09 mars 2013 - 18:46.

#44 Le_Rieur


Posté 09 mars 2013 - 19:40

C'est moi, ou il semble sous-entendu que Zurin Arctus serait également la Lamenoire parjure mentionnée par l'Hérésie ?

Hé ! Il y a un parallèle entre la Maison des Troubles et les êtres qui ont composé le "dieu" Talos ? Cela se peut ?


"Roooooooooooooo comme si vous ne le saviez pas depuis le temps qu'on fait UN topic pour le récit et UN autre topic pour les commentaires ! La prochaine fois je mettrai des lampions et des stripteaseuses pour signaler la césure !" Isa, 21 Juin 2013

#45 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 09 mars 2013 - 19:56

Je ne sais pas de qui est tout ça... c'est sans doute MK qui l'envoie aux protagonistes, mais peut-être qu'ils l'ont fait eux-même (Dovahkin ayant sorti une nouvelle version du poster).

Mais on quand même Hjalti qui cache un couteau, pas Zurin. Et ils ont plus facilement accepté la théorie que Zurin soit un Tsaesci que celle faisant de Hjalti la lame Noire Bretonne (sur lui, il y a trop de trucs contradictoire, cette lame noire étant sans doute inventée pour représenter ce que Hjalti a fait).

Bon, il se dit des trucs très intéressants ici.
Un docintéressant, linké par Nord, sur TESO

Modifié par Sifraël, 09 mars 2013 - 20:00.

#46 Le_Rieur


Posté 09 mars 2013 - 20:56

Haha ! Le Voile de l'Ouest, c'est le Woodstock sénovélien ! C'est bien une énorme blague, hein. ;)

EDIT : apparemment, MK a son ordi qui bugue, il devait être connecté sur le chat ce soir... du coup on se bat pour savoir si le Nerevarine pourrait être l'Amaranth (idée de l'Aimé), et si il y a eu mantling Nerevar/Nerevarine.

Modifié par Le_Rieur, 09 mars 2013 - 22:33.


"Roooooooooooooo comme si vous ne le saviez pas depuis le temps qu'on fait UN topic pour le récit et UN autre topic pour les commentaires ! La prochaine fois je mettrai des lampions et des stripteaseuses pour signaler la césure !" Isa, 21 Juin 2013

#47 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 09 mars 2013 - 22:42

Nerevar est le Nerevarine, c'est l'âme de Nerevar revenu (Nu-Hatta)

Quand au fait qu'il soit l'Amaranth, j'interprète les Sermons comme signifiant qu'il doit mener les Dunmers à le devenir, mais c'est personnel (en effet, le rôle Vivec/Dunmer est le même que HoonDing/Rougegardes, mais le rôle de Nerevar(ine) n'est présent que là, ce qui laisse penser un côté original. Que ce soit parce qu'il est l'Amaranth ou que ses actions permettront aux Dunmers de franchir le dernier pas))

#48 Le_Rieur


Posté 10 mars 2013 - 13:46

Voir le messageSifraël, le 09 mars 2013 - 22:42, dit :

Nerevar est le Nerevarine, c'est l'âme de Nerevar revenu (Nu-Hatta)

C'est ce que je défendais, arguant que, déjà, les répercussions de la mort de Nérévar Indoril a eu un incidence sur le parcours du Nérévarine. Et le Tribunal reconnaît celui-ci comme tel. Le Nérévarine est l'Incarné, le mot est trop fort pour être passé sous silence.


"Roooooooooooooo comme si vous ne le saviez pas depuis le temps qu'on fait UN topic pour le récit et UN autre topic pour les commentaires ! La prochaine fois je mettrai des lampions et des stripteaseuses pour signaler la césure !" Isa, 21 Juin 2013

#49 Sifraël


    Mk II

Posté 15 mars 2013 - 21:46

La chaîne IRC Memospore est passée en privé, il faut donc se connecter pour y accéder (pourquoi MK a fait ça, nul ne le sait. Pour meubler jusqu'au 30 ?). Résultat, une seconde a été crée, pour que tout le monde puisse continuer à discuter si c'est Sithisit, le Nérévarine, ou les deux qui est/sont l'Amaranth.

J'ai d'ailleurs enregistré quelques parties de certaines discussions. C'est en Anglais, ça fait plus de 1000 lignes, j'aurais pas du le faire, mais j'aurais jamais réussi à résumer toutes les idées. Je ne vais pas le mettre directement ici, mais peux le passer par MP si vous me le demandez, parce qu'il s'est dit des choses très intéressantes.

#50 Le_Rieur


Posté 15 mars 2013 - 22:15

J'ai assisté à une de ces discussions: ces gens sont des malades. Tu peux m'en envoyer, que je rigole deux secondes ?  

En vérité, si SITHISIT est considéré comme l'entropie, il ne pourrait être Observateur, car l'entropie est la mesure de désordre d'un système.
Pour ceux qui demandent, le but de l'entropie, c'est l'équilibre. Pour grossir le trait au maximum, qu'il n'y ait ni chaud ni froid, mais seulement du tiède. Ni Yin, ni Yang, juste du Gris. Si on remplace par Anu et par Padomay, on comprend mieux le lien SITHISIT-Shéogorath (cf. Wabbajack qui sert à soigner la folie).


"Roooooooooooooo comme si vous ne le saviez pas depuis le temps qu'on fait UN topic pour le récit et UN autre topic pour les commentaires ! La prochaine fois je mettrai des lampions et des stripteaseuses pour signaler la césure !" Isa, 21 Juin 2013

Aussi étiqueté avec lore, maux de tête, Kirkbride

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