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  • #000065

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Impossible De Livrer La Facture De La Crimson Caravan

Posté par Ancestral Ghost on 01 avril 2011 - 16:52

Impossible de livrer la facture de la Crimson Caravan à Hildern dans "Vous pouvez compter sur moi" si "Les herbes hautes".

Un correctif existe en VO : http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=36569


-Detailed Explaination-
There are three diferent endings to "There Stands The Grass"

1. You save the data and not Keely.
2. You save Keely and not the data.
3. You save Keely AND the data

The bug would only appear with option 3, and would only appear if you took the data to Hildern BEFORE talking to Angelica about your reward for rescuing Keely. Talking to Hildern first made the game think that you had completed the quest with 2: "You save Keely and not the data." This not only gives 300 less experiance (1200 instead of 1500), but also left Hildern with only generic dialog, since he was not programmed with dialog options for a circumstance where the data was turned in, but the quest finished in state 2.

The long and short is that I fixed it so that no matter who you talked to first the the quest would set to state 3. Furthermore, I made it so that even if you have already finished in the wrong state, you can still deliver the Crimson Caravan Invoice for the Quest "You Can Depend on Me." (you are still out 300 xp, but at least you don't have to reload an old save just to talk to Hildern and Angelica in the right order)

After you finish the quests "There Stands The Grass" and "You Can Depend on Me" there is no longer any reason to leave this mod enabled.

One Caveat: I have not gone back to see what this mod does if you save ONLY the data OR Keely, but if you did that, you won't be having a bug anyway so you won't need this mod.

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