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  • #000556

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  • 1 - Très basse

  • Precisions requises

  • 3.1

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Chauncey Le Ranger Super-Mutant

Posté par abg on 11 octobre 2012 - 16:35

Une petite restauration amusante à faire éventuellement :


Can you tell us more about chauncey? if he was supossed to be included in the game.


Joshua E. Sawyer
JESawyer 8 Sep 11

He was a Super Mutant Ranger posted at Foxtrot, primarily because of its proximity to Jacobstown (much like the Ghoul Rangers are posted at Echo due to its proximity to Searchlight). He was supposed to wear a standard "flat rim" Ranger hat of normal size -- i.e. comically small on him.


Out of interest why was Ranger Chauncey (the mutant one) cut? Same goes for Angel the mutant in Gomorrah


JESawyer 8 Sep 11

I'm not quite sure why Chauncey was cut. I was wondering that myself, to be honest.

Ancestral Ghost

11 oct. 2012 - 17:02
Il n'a aucun dialogue :(

Arf... Dommage :(

Bon, sans un minimum de dialogue c'est sous-optimal pour le PNO mais ça peut faire une idée de petit mod...

Ancestral Ghost

19 oct. 2012 - 21:00
Bon, après si quelqu'un m'adapte le chapeau pour le mutant, je pourrais le mettre. Il ne dira juste rein d'autre que des dialogues de supermutant de base, mais l'effet comique prévu sera bien là.

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