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  • #000416

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  • 3 - Moyenne

  • Confirme (a traiter)

  • 3.0

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Fin Et Chef Hanlon

Posté par Ancestral Ghost on 14 octobre 2011 - 16:09

Un correctif VO : http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=44370


This mod attempts to fix the bug with Chief Hanlon and the "Return to Sender" quest. That is, no matter what you select, the endgame will only recognize either that: Hanlon commited suicide, you kept Hanlon's secret, or you killed Chief Hanlon. I could never get the option (though it exists) of informing him that Caesar is sick. Please note that my GECK skills are limited and my dialogue/quest editing skills were nonexistant before attempting this mod. Looking in the GECK, I there seemed to be no way of even getting the ending where you convince Chief Hanlon to stop; and somehow the topic of Caesar being sick was tied to the topic of him being dead. I think that I have resolved this issue. The topic for "Caesar is sick" should now be available if you have talked to caesar about it or if you have heard it from Silus. It should also cause the proper ending to occur (I hope). If there are any bugs, please let me know, but I make no promises.

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