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Issue information

  • #000368

  • Issue

  • 3 - Moyenne

  • A verifier

  • 2.4

  • -

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (0)No (0)

Edla CœUrnoir Attaque Les Chevaux

Posté par BG3 on 24 septembre 2011 - 20:49


Voici un bug relativement gênant : en effet, le PNJ nommé Edla Cœurnoir a tendance à attaquer les chevaux.

Tout est expliqué ici : dit :

Edla may attack horses, including the player's horse, as an unintended side effect of her AI for retrieving arrows after her target practice. (If a horse has been shot with an arrow, it goes into the horse's inventory and her AI will try to retrieve it from there by killing the horse. She won't attack the player or NPCs for arrows as her Responsibility statistic is too high to allow that.)


changed status to: A verifier
changed version to: 2.4

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