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Nettoyage De Mod À L'Aide De Fo3Edit (Ou Fnvedit)


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36 réponses à ce sujet

#1 Falloutman44


Posté 29 octobre 2012 - 18:13

Cherchant à nettoyer et optimiser mes mods, j'ai vu sur un forum cette procédure
(valable aussi bien pour FNV avec FNVEdit, que pour FO3 avec FO3Edit, je suppose.)


Requires FNVEdit (http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=34703)
1) Open the affected esp file in FNVEdit. Make sure all files are unchecked
other than the mod that you are attempting to clean.
2) Once FNVEdit has loaded the files and you see "Background Loader: finished",
right click on the Files pane and select "Apply Filter".
3) Select "Conflict Status Inherited By Parent" only. Click "Filter".
4) Give it a minuite or two. This part will take a while.
5) Once the Filtering is complete, the entries in the File pane will show up
in color. Right click on the mod you are attempting to clean and select
"Undelete and Disable References".
6) Yes, you're sure you want to edit this file.
7) Right click on the mod again, select "Remove Identical to Master References"
8 ) Close FNVEdit and save the file. Your file is now clean, and will not cause
crashes due to deleted objects (no promises about other kinds of crashes).
Note: In case of problems caused by this procedure, files edited in FNVEdit
are automatically backed up as .esp.backup., and
placed in your Data Folder. Deleting the plugins you modified and
renaming this backup file will restore your files to how they were
before you edited them."

J'aimerais savoir en fait à quoi ça correspond réllement.
J'ai fait un essai sur un gros mod que j'ai fait (souvent issu de fusions de plusieurs esp).
D'un esp de 1 663 180 octets, je passe à une taille de 1 644 675 octets.
Aussi j'aimerais savoir ce que ça "nettoie" réellement, et si surtout il n'y a pas un risque que ça supprime aussi des données.

Modifié par Falloutman44, 29 octobre 2012 - 18:14.

#2 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 29 octobre 2012 - 18:26

Cela enlève du mod ce qui est strictement identique entre le mod et le FalloutNV.esm et seulement cela (Ce qui apparait écrit en violet sur fond vert lorsque tu te ballades dans le logiciel).

Il est conseillé de passer à la main derrière pour voir si rien n'a été modifié involontairement.

Exemples classiques de trucs que le GECK modifie parfois sans qu'on le souhaite :
- Les "Objects Bounds" sur les objets du monde.
- Les PNJ qui perdent le record flag "Compressed".
- Les dialogues avec juste le record flag "No Voice Filter" qui change.
- Les Worldspace de base du jeu qui s'ajoutent sans pour autant que de cell soient modifiées.
Tout cela est a Supprimer du mod pour qu'il soit propre.

#3 Falloutman44


Posté 29 octobre 2012 - 20:25

Voir le messageAncestral Ghost, le 29 octobre 2012 - 18:26, dit :

- Les PNJ qui perdent le record flag "Compressed".

Oui, ça j'avais remarqué cette différence. Que signifie précisément ce flag ?

#4 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 29 octobre 2012 - 21:45

Je n'ai jamais trouvé ce que c'est exactement, surtout que c'est un paramètre non visible dans le GECK. Mais quoi qu'il en soit, si ce paramètre est modifié sur un PNJ alors que c'est autre chose que l'on souhaitait modifier, c'est une saleté à nettoyer.

#5 Falloutman44


Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 00:30

Donc, si je te suis bien, la manip que j'ai citée une fois faite, il faut quand même réexaminer le mod dans FNVEdit (ou Fo3Edit), et tout examiner en détail, pour voir si des données cruciales n'ont pas été supprimées ?

Pas très rassurant, car dans mon cas, c'est un gros esp.

#6 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 08:52

Tu n'aurras pas de donnée cruciale suprimmée, mais tu risques de te retrouver avec un esp pas si propre que ça à la fin.
Et puis, en fait, ça va vite. Si tu masques les donnés communes dans la fenètre de droite, il ne te reste que les différences et tu peux facilement voir les choses modifiées par erreur avec les quelques cas que je t'ai donné plus les connaissances de ton mod.

De plus, pas besoin de passer en revue ce qui apparait en blanc : il s'agit des nouveautés du mods donc pas de conflits possible sur ces lignes là.

#7 Falloutman44


Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 09:19

Dans l'arborescence de gauche, la ligne "Objects bounds", c'est où ?

Sinon il y a aussi la fonction "Clean" de TESnip dans FOMM. Elle est valable aussi ?

#8 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 11:05

Objects bounds, c'est à droite sur la plupart des objets placables dans le monde (Misc, Weapons, Statics, ...)

Je n'utilise que FNVedit et le GECK pour toucher aux ESP/ESM.

#9 Falloutman44


Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 21:01

Sinon, quand j'ouvre mon mod avec le GECK, durant le temps d'ouverture, j'ai un message de ce type qui apparait au moins 15 fois.
J'aimerais savoir à quoi ça correspond, et comment on peut corriger ça.

#10 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 21:24

Cherche l'objet dans ton mod qui a le même ID (00F74AC7) pour voir quel est le problème

#11 Falloutman44


Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 22:12

ces 17 objets sont des armes. Mais je n'ai rien trouvé d'anormal, à part le fait que dans FO3Edit, les entrées correspondantes sont écrites en italique.

#12 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 30 octobre 2012 - 23:20

Italique = Dépend d'un autre master.
Vu que c'est 00, c'est que ce master est FalloutNV.esm, donc : Soit l'ID n'est pas le bon et tu va te retrouver avec des DUPLICATED000, soit l'ID n'existe pas dans le master et il est donc conseillé de changer les FormID pour que ces objets deviennent des objets du mod plutôt que du master.

#13 Falloutman44


Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 08:03

n'oublie pas que je suis sur Fallout 3.
pourtant à l'origine, avant qu'elles soient fusionnés, les mods de ces armes étaient bien pour F3.

Ces armes etant impliquées dans d'autres objets (Cond et Withammo entre autres), c'est pas risqué de changer d'ID ?

Ca se fait par FO3Edit ?

Et je suppose qu'il faut que les deux 1ers chiffres de l'ID soient identiques à ceux du rang du mod dans le chargement ?

Sinon on est bien dans le cas 2, car je n'ai pas de DUPLICATE

#14 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 08:38

Voir le messageFalloutman44, le 31 octobre 2012 - 08:03, dit :

n'oublie pas que je suis sur Fallout 3.
Cela ne change rien sur le principe.

Voir le messageFalloutman44, le 31 octobre 2012 - 08:03, dit :

pourtant à l'origine, avant qu'elles soient fusionnés, les mods de ces armes étaient bien pour F3.
Dans FO3Edit, les armes en question apparaissent en blanc (Dans quel cas elles se basent bien sur des ID inexistantes) ou en couleur avec à droite une comparaison avec Fallout3.esm (Dans quel cas, le problème c'est autre chose).

Voir le messageFalloutman44, le 31 octobre 2012 - 08:03, dit :

Ces armes etant impliquées dans d'autres objets (Cond et Withammo entre autres), c'est pas risqué de changer d'ID ?

Ca se fait par FO3Edit ?

Et je suppose qu'il faut que les deux 1ers chiffres de l'ID soient identiques à ceux du rang du mod dans le chargement ?
Non, pas de risque FO3Edit change l'ID partout dans ton ESP. Et oui, cela se fait avec FO3Edit (Change FormID puis choisir l'esp de ton mod ou taper un ID avec les même 2 premiers chiffre que ceux du mod).

Il y a un manuel pour FO3Edit là :

#15 Falloutman44


Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 09:23

voici l'EditorWarning du GECK de mon mod


EDITOR: Editor ID 'testPhil' (02003218) is not unique, previous object (010015F5) is type CELL. Editor ID will be set to 'testPhilDUPLICATE000'. (J'ai cherché partout cet ID : non trouvé.)
EDITOR: Editor ID 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReload' (0300B857) is not unique, previous object (02006EBE) is type SOUN. Editor ID will be set to 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadDUPLICATE000'. (cette donnée ne semble pas être de toute façon utilisée)
EDITOR: Editor ID 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam' (0300B856) is not unique, previous object (02006EA7) is type SOUN. Editor ID will be set to 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJamDUPLICATE000'.(idem)
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb08' (03011BA7) is not unique, previous object (0200528E) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb08DUPLICATE000'. (là encore ces testjb, je ne les ai pas trouvés)
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb09' (03011BA4) is not unique, previous object (02005582) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb09DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb07' (03011A14) is not unique, previous object (02004A38) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb07DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb05' (0300F9E9) is not unique, previous object (02003358) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb05DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb06' (0300F9CD) is not unique, previous object (020038E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb06DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb04' (0300F8EF) is not unique, previous object (020024E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb04DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb03' (0300F8E5) is not unique, previous object (0200223D) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb03DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb02' (0300E448) is not unique, previous object (020019F3) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb02DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb05' (05003A66) is not unique, previous object (02003358) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb05DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb03' (050021FB) is not unique, previous object (0200223D) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb03DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb02' (0500107E) is not unique, previous object (020019F3) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb02DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb04' (0500107D) is not unique, previous object (020024E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb04DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb01' (05000C70) is not unique, previous object (0300E36B) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb01DUPLICATE000'.
EXTRA SPACE:  DLC05HQPaulsonGeneratorDone  has at least one space after it.
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000005AF) (les fameuses armes)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00FB9D38)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00000672)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (0000067A)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00000691)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00BEEF07)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00BEEF08)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00BEEF25)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000005A7)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000005B4)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00000655)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F9E22B)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00BEEF11)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00E0434F)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F0434F)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F04355)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F04241)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00FFF006)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F5C6C5)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F2935E)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00A74AD5)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00B74AD5)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F6B546)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F645D6)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F2FE59)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F74AC8)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F6B542)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F302B3)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00F74AC7)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000006C3)
MASTERFILE: Potentially duplicate Land (06000d61) encountered in file Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp. (???)
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a62 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized? (oui : test avec "Balance" avant enregistrement fait...)
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007811 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000761b0 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a6016 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2B) (3, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce4 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a84 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C48) (5, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601a Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4B) (2, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b26c2 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C68) (4, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601c Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C69) (3, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 00071b09 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (000011FD) (4, -3) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00E34248)
MODELS: No FurnitureMarkers found in 'DLCAnch\Furniture\AnchPodPlayer01.NIF'. (erreur déjà présente dans le DLC Anchorage)
MODELS: You have not selected any FurnitureMarkers for 'AnchPodChair01'.  (erreur déjà présente dans le DLC Zeta)
Cell name Site d'élimination des matières dangereuses L5 for cell HazmatDisposal01 (0001A271) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:

Cell 'HazmatDisposal01' (0001A271)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Distribution de nourriture de Mama Dolce for cell MamaDolces02 (0001A274) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'MamaDolces02' (0001A274)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Métro Pennsylvania Avenue/Seward Square for cell zcPennAveToSeward (000BC4C3) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'zcPennAveToSeward' (000BC4C3)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Fort Independence - Niveau inférieur for cell FortIndependence02 (0003D444) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'FortIndependence02' (0003D444)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Musée des technologies - Aile ouest for cell MuseumTech02NEW (0007CEDD) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'MuseumTech02NEW' (0007CEDD)
Check Warnings for details.
DOOR: Reference OffDoorMetalDoor01EXTERIOR 0300F080 has portal to navmesh 01011833 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this. (erreur déjà présente dans le DLC Point Lookout, car je n'ai pas touché au navmesh)
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'OffDoorMetalDoor01EXTERIOR' (00014D51)
Ref: '' (0300F080)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
DOOR: Reference DLC04LabDoorSm01MinUse 0300F081 has portal to navmesh 01011833 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this. (erreur déjà présente dans le DLC Point Lookout, car je n'ai pas touché au navmesh)
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'DLC04LabDoorSm01MinUse' (0301183D)
Ref: '' (0300F081)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
DOOR: Reference OffDoorMetalSmL01 0300F082 has portal to navmesh 01011835 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this. (erreur déjà présente dans le DLC Point Lookout, car je n'ai pas touché au navmesh)
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'OffDoorMetalSmL01' (00019CF5)
Ref: '' (0300F082)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find enable state parent 050098D4. Enable state parent data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05LvlAlienMelee' (05003C77)
Ref: '' (050094BD)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find enable state parent 050098D4. Enable state parent data will be removed. (erreur et les suivantes déjà présentes dans les DLC Zeta ou  Anchorage, ou Pitt)
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:

Base: 'DLC05LvlAlienMelee' (05003C77)
Ref: '' (050094BE)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 050098DB. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (050098DC)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 050098DD. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (050098DE)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DBD.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DBB)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC0.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DBE)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC6.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DC4)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC9.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DC7)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DCC.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DCA)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DCF.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DCD)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05008A24)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006B20)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DBC)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DBF)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DC2)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DC5)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 05007CCB. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (05007CCA)
Cell: 'DLC05CargoHold' (0500098B)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchD' (0300DE04) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly.
MASTERFILE: Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchA' (0300DE03) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC04FF05AviaryPuzzle03ControlBox' (0300DE0E)
Ref: '' (0300DE02)
Cell: 'Aviary' (03000887) (3, -3) in world 'DLC4Pointlookout' (03000802)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Could not find reference (05003319) for condition item on owner form PACK 'DLC05MZ1SallyInitialForceGreet' (05003702).
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseCryoPod".
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseConsole".
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseRailMarker".
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0400375B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0400375B).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (040054FB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (040054FC), but Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (040054FC) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (040054FB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0400A73B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0400A7FB), but Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0400A7FB) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0400A73B).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0300C1EB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645), but Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0300C1EB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (020064CB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (020064CB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0200674A) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0200674A).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (02008CCE) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (02008CCE).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0200946C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0200946C).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0200B30E) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0200B30E).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF), but Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2), but Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7), but Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7).
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\furniture\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\furniture\ for model Furniture\Table01.NIF.
TEXTURES: BASE Furniture\Table01.NIF :Table01:0 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\furniture\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\furniture\ for model Furniture\Table02.NIF.
TEXTURES: BASE Furniture\Table02.NIF :Table02:0 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\fridge\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\fridge\ for model Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\fridge\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\fridge\ for model Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\fridge\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\fridge\ for model Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\fridge\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\fridge\ for model Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\fridge\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\fridge\ for model Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\fridge\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\fridge\ for model Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF.
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF :FridgeContainer:0 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF : FridgeContainer:0 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF :FridgeHandle01:0 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF : FridgeHandle01:0 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF :FridgeDoor:0 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\Fridge\FridgeClosed01.NIF : FridgeDoor:0 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF.
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF :WhiskeyLabel02 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF : WhiskeyLabel02 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF :WhiskeyBottle02:0 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF : WhiskeyBottle02:0 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF :WhiskeyBottle02:2 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle02.NIF : WhiskeyBottle02:2 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF.
TEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\liquorbottles\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\liquorbottles\ for model Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF.
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF :WhiskeyLabel is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF : WhiskeyLabel is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF :WhiskeyBottle01Empty:0 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF : WhiskeyBottle01Empty:0 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF :WhiskeyBottle01Empty:2 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\LiquorBottles\WhiskeyBottle01Empty.NIF : WhiskeyBottle01Empty:2 is missing a Normal map
Bip01 R Finger21 had a translation keyframeBip01 R Finger21 translation changedMODELS: Bad skin name 'BASEHD' on 'BASE Armor\WastelandSettler02\F\Outfit.NIF'.
Bip01 R Finger21 translation changedBip01 R Finger21 had a translation keyframeBip01 R Finger21 translation changedMODELS: Bad skin name 'Nipples' on 'BASE characters\_Male\UpperBody.nif'.
Failed to find body mod texture '00000007ModBodyMale' for 'Caucasian' (00000019). Creating from scratch.
MODELS: Bad skin name 'Body' on 'BASE characters\_Male\UpperBody.nif'.
Bip01 R Finger21 translation changedBip01 R Finger21 had a translation keyframeBip01 R Finger21 translation changedTEXTURES: texture does not contain mipmaps & will not be used : textures\clutter\junk\
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\clutter\junk\ for model Clutter\Junk\9VoltBattery01.NIF.
TEXTURES: BASE Clutter\Junk\9VoltBattery01.NIF :Box02:0 is missing a Diffuse map
3D for Ref 'DLC04WeapShovel' (03010A40) does not support external emittance but ref has explicit emittance data
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b8a62 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000761b0 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007811 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000a6016 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2B) (3, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a62 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 00071b09 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (000011FD) (4, -3) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007811 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000761b0 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a6016 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2B) (3, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b8a84 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C48) (5, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce4 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce4 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a84 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C48) (5, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b26c2 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C68) (4, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000a601a Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4B) (2, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000a601c Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C69) (3, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601a Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4B) (2, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b26c2 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C68) (4, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601c Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C69) (3, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 00071b09 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (000011FD) (4, -3) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
Failed to find door portal array index for tri 516 in NavMesh (000B372C). (???)
Failed to find door portal array index for tri 578 in NavMesh (000B372C).
Failed to find door portal array index for tri 4 in NavMesh (000B372D).
Failed to find door portal array index for tri 739 in NavMesh (000B372C).
Failed to find door portal array index for tri 774 in NavMesh (000B372C).
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b8a62 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000761b0 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007811 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000a6016 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2B) (3, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a62 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 00071b09 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (000011FD) (4, -3) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007811 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000761b0 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a6016 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2B) (3, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b8a84 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C48) (5, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce4 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce4 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a84 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C48) (5, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b26c2 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C68) (4, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000a601a Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4B) (2, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000a601c Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C69) (3, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601a Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4B) (2, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b26c2 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C68) (4, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601c Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C69) (3, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 00071b09 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (000011FD) (4, -3) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
MODELS:   1   0   1 markers\furnituremarker01.nif
MODELS:   1   0   1 markers\furnituremarker11.nif
MODELS:   1   0   1 markers\furnituremarker02.nif
MODELS:   1   0   1 markers\furnituremarker14.nif
MODELS: ModelLoader still contains 4 NIF files.

Je ne sais pas quoi faire... :(

#16 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 10:56

Ouvre le GECK en chargeant les même DLC mais sans ton mod : Tu verras alors la listes des erreurs qui ne viennent pas de ton mod. Plus simple pour faire le tri après.

Ensuite, ben il faut que tu n'es plus d'erreurs sur ton mod. Il faut regarder au cas par cas...

Comment tu peux avoir autant de duplicated ? tu ne chargerais pas un second ESP avec des contenus avec le même nom ? C'est une mauvaise idée de charger 2 esp en même temps dans le GECk, cela génère ce genre d'erreurs si tu essais de transférer un objet de l'un dans l'autre puis de rouvrir ensuite les deux ESP.

Si il y a des objets qui ne servent pas, supprimes les.

#17 Falloutman44


Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 11:13

Bon j'ai déjà corrigé les FormID de ces armes, nickel, cette fois leurs références n'apparaissent plus dans l'EditorWarning.txt.

A l'ouverture du GECK, j'ai encore ces messages.


File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000005AF)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00000672)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (0000067A)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00000691)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000005A7)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000005B4)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (00000655)
File 'Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp' contains a form with a master file ID but no match in the master file: (000006C3)

Le seul soucis c'est que cette fois, en faisant des recherches dans FO3Edit, ces FormID sont introuvables
Tout comme ces "TestjbDUPLICATE" .

A l'ouverture du mod dans le GECK, il y a bien que mon esp de coché et d'activé (et seuls sont utilisés les DLC requis du mod, à savoir les 5).

Qaund aux erreurs de navmesh, elles concernent un escalier accedant au toit du super duper mart. J'ai déjà galéré une après-midi entière a navmesher juste un escalier tournant, et le toit qui dans le mod originel ne l'étaient pas (deux surfaces rectangulaires).
Avec la validation fonction "B", tout est bien passé. Aussi je ne comprends pas ces erreurs. Et de toutes façons en navmesh, je ne suis pas assez calé.

Modifié par Falloutman44, 31 octobre 2012 - 11:17.

#18 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 12:37

Voir le messageFalloutman44, le 31 octobre 2012 - 11:13, dit :

Le seul soucis c'est que cette fois, en faisant des recherches dans FO3Edit, ces FormID sont introuvables
Tout comme ces "TestjbDUPLICATE" .
Cherche sans le DUPLICATE, c'est le geck qui l'ajoute si il trouve un doublon.
Pour les ID,cherche sans mettre les 2 premier 00 puisqu'ils peuvent changer selon l'ordre de chargement. Sinon, cherche ces ID directement dans le GECK aussi.

#19 Falloutman44


Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 13:11

Dans GECK, j'ai repéré les ID récalcitrants.
MAis le 0000672 ainsi que 3 autres refusent d'être changés dans FO3Edit
à droite ça me fait le message


Error: FormID [2E000672] belongs to a file that is not available as master to records in [2D] Armes_et_vetements_additionnels.esp
!!! Errors have occured. It is highly recommended to exit without saving as partial changes might have occured !!!

Modifié par Falloutman44, 31 octobre 2012 - 13:35.

#20 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 13:55

Il te dit que tes ID appartiennent à un ESP ou ESM qui n'est pas présent en gros. Là, si tu n'a pas le master en question sous la main, tu ne peux faire que "Change FormID" et si ça ne marche pas, à par les dupliquer dans le GECK puis les suprimer, je ne vois pas comment résoudre ton soucis. mais cela demandera de tout remettre correctement à la main dans les leveled lists et form lists.

#21 Falloutman44


Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 16:35

ce qui est dingue, c'est qu'aucun autre esp ou esm n'est en jeu.

Nouvelle tentative de suppression à l'aide du GECK après création du même objet (donc ID différent).
A chaque fois j'ai le message :

Des FormId que j'avais renommés dans FO3Edit, reprennent les valeurs erronnées (commençant par 00) dans le GECK, entrainant la réapparition des messages !!

Je ne sais plus quoi faire !
Cocher d'autres filtres dans les fonctions de filtrage sous FO3Edit ?

:cry: :angry: :help: :help:

Modifié par Falloutman44, 31 octobre 2012 - 16:37.

#22 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 31 octobre 2012 - 17:33

Euh, là tu essais de supprimer un truc du jeu de base...
Si tu dois supprimer des trucs, c'est dans ton esp et via FO3Edit.

Montres une capture de l'un de tes objets dans FO3Edit, sans filtres.

#23 Falloutman44


Posté 01 novembre 2012 - 11:05

Pourtant ce son bien des éléments spécifiques à mon mod.
Parmi eux, il y a un "1stperson"  et un textureset qui ne sont pas utilisés, un 1stperson utilisé pour une variante à silencieux du PM, et deux enchantements spécifiques à une armure créée.
L'autre est un béret.
Et pour chaque dans FO3Edit, le formID est bien celui corrigé (commence par 2E), alors que dans le GECK il reprend sa valeur initiale (00)
Un truc de fou.

Peut-être que l'utilisation d'autres types de filtrage peuvent m'aider ?

Modifié par Falloutman44, 31 octobre 2012 - 18:20.

#24 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 01 novembre 2012 - 12:49

Les filtres, ça t'aide juste avoir différemment le contenu, cela ne réglera pas les problèmes.

#25 Falloutman44


Posté 04 novembre 2012 - 18:57

Bon, on avance un peu.
1- une mise à jour de FO3Edit (je n'avais pas la toute dernière version)
2- Après création des nouvelles entrées équivalentes dans GECK
3- attribution dans les LevelList correspondants
4-Enregistrement, clôture du GECK
4- Dans FO3Edit, chargement que du mod au lancement, et non de tout (ce qui fait qu'il était en 06 au lieu d'être en 2E),
5- supression une à une des entrées devenues obsolètes à l'aide de FO3Edit.
Cette fois les messages d'erreurs au lancement du GECK, ainsi que les lignes équivalentes dans l'EditorWarning.txt ont disparu.

Mais c'est galérique, car je n'ai pas fait tout d'un coup. Au cas par cas, et contrôle à chaque fois !!
Note : Parmis ces entrées refaites par duplication, et dont les anciennes ont été supprimées, deux nouvelles munitions qui ont ensuite disparues de mes inventaires lors du lancement de la sauvegarde (alors que les autres objets concernés, dont un béret sur  le perso : tout ok). J'ai du m'attribuer à nouveau ces 2 munitions d'un coup de player.additem à la console.

Donc l'Editor.txt donne :


EDITOR: Editor ID 'testPhil' (02003218) is not unique, previous object (010015F5) is type CELL. Editor ID will be set to 'testPhilDUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReload' (0300B857) is not unique, previous object (02006EBE) is type SOUN. Editor ID will be set to 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadDUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam' (0300B856) is not unique, previous object (02006EA7) is type SOUN. Editor ID will be set to 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJamDUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb08' (03011BA7) is not unique, previous object (0200528E) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb08DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb09' (03011BA4) is not unique, previous object (02005582) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb09DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb07' (03011A14) is not unique, previous object (02004A38) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb07DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb05' (0300F9E9) is not unique, previous object (02003358) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb05DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb06' (0300F9CD) is not unique, previous object (020038E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb06DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb04' (0300F8EF) is not unique, previous object (020024E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb04DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb03' (0300F8E5) is not unique, previous object (0200223D) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb03DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb02' (0300E448) is not unique, previous object (020019F3) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb02DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb05' (05003A66) is not unique, previous object (02003358) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb05DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb03' (050021FB) is not unique, previous object (0200223D) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb03DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb02' (0500107E) is not unique, previous object (020019F3) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb02DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb04' (0500107D) is not unique, previous object (020024E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb04DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb01' (05000C70) is not unique, previous object (0300E36B) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb01DUPLICATE000'.
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a62 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007811 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000761b0 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a6016 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2B) (3, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce4 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a84 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C48) (5, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601a Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4B) (2, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b26c2 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C68) (4, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601c Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C69) (3, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 00071b09 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (000011FD) (4, -3) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
MODELS: No FurnitureMarkers found in 'DLCAnch\Furniture\AnchPodPlayer01.NIF'.
MODELS: You have not selected any FurnitureMarkers for 'AnchPodChair01'.
Cell name Site d'élimination des matières dangereuses L5 for cell HazmatDisposal01 (0001A271) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'HazmatDisposal01' (0001A271)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Distribution de nourriture de Mama Dolce for cell MamaDolces02 (0001A274) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'MamaDolces02' (0001A274)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Métro Pennsylvania Avenue/Seward Square for cell zcPennAveToSeward (000BC4C3) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'zcPennAveToSeward' (000BC4C3)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Fort Independence - Niveau inférieur for cell FortIndependence02 (0003D444) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'FortIndependence02' (0003D444)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Musée des technologies - Aile ouest for cell MuseumTech02NEW (0007CEDD) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'MuseumTech02NEW' (0007CEDD)
Check Warnings for details.
DOOR: Reference OffDoorMetalDoor01EXTERIOR 0300F080 has portal to navmesh 01011833 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'OffDoorMetalDoor01EXTERIOR' (00014D51)
Ref: '' (0300F080)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
DOOR: Reference DLC04LabDoorSm01MinUse 0300F081 has portal to navmesh 01011833 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC04LabDoorSm01MinUse' (0301183D)
Ref: '' (0300F081)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
DOOR: Reference OffDoorMetalSmL01 0300F082 has portal to navmesh 01011835 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'OffDoorMetalSmL01' (00019CF5)
Ref: '' (0300F082)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find enable state parent 050098D4. Enable state parent data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05LvlAlienMelee' (05003C77)
Ref: '' (050094BD)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find enable state parent 050098D4. Enable state parent data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05LvlAlienMelee' (05003C77)
Ref: '' (050094BE)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 050098DB. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (050098DC)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 050098DD. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (050098DE)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DBD.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DBB)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC0.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DBE)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC6.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DC4)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC9.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DC7)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DCC.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DCA)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DCF.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DCD)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05008A24)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006B20)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DBC)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DBF)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DC2)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DC5)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 05007CCB. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (05007CCA)
Cell: 'DLC05CargoHold' (0500098B)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchD' (0300DE04) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly.
MASTERFILE: Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchA' (0300DE03) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC04FF05AviaryPuzzle03ControlBox' (0300DE0E)
Ref: '' (0300DE02)
Cell: 'Aviary' (03000887) (3, -3) in world 'DLC4Pointlookout' (03000802)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Could not find reference (05003319) for condition item on owner form PACK 'DLC05MZ1SallyInitialForceGreet' (05003702).
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseCryoPod".
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseConsole".
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseRailMarker".
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0400375B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0400375B).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (040054FB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (040054FC), but Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (040054FC) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (040054FB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0400A73B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0400A7FB), but Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0400A7FB) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0400A73B).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0300C1EB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645), but Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0300C1EB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (020064CB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (020064CB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0200674A) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0200674A).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (02008CCE) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (02008CCE).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0200946C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0200946C).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0200B30E) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0200B30E).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF), but Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2), but Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7), but Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7).

En faisant comme tu m'as suggéré, c'est à dire lancer dans le GECK que Fallout3.esm, et les 5 DLC (puisque mon mod les utilise tous), et en regardant l'EditorWarning.txt, j'ai :


EDITOR: Editor ID 'testPhil' (02003218) is not unique, previous object (010015F5) is type CELL. Editor ID will be set to 'testPhilDUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReload' (0300B857) is not unique, previous object (02006EBE) is type SOUN. Editor ID will be set to 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadDUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam' (0300B856) is not unique, previous object (02006EA7) is type SOUN. Editor ID will be set to 'WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJamDUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb08' (03011BA7) is not unique, previous object (0200528E) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb08DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb09' (03011BA4) is not unique, previous object (02005582) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb09DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb07' (03011A14) is not unique, previous object (02004A38) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb07DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb05' (0300F9E9) is not unique, previous object (02003358) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb05DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb06' (0300F9CD) is not unique, previous object (020038E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb06DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb04' (0300F8EF) is not unique, previous object (020024E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb04DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb03' (0300F8E5) is not unique, previous object (0200223D) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb03DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb02' (0300E448) is not unique, previous object (020019F3) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb02DUPLICATE000'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb05' (05003A66) is not unique, previous object (02003358) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb05DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb03' (050021FB) is not unique, previous object (0200223D) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb03DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb02' (0500107E) is not unique, previous object (020019F3) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb02DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb04' (0500107D) is not unique, previous object (020024E4) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb04DUPLICATE001'.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'testjb01' (05000C70) is not unique, previous object (0300E36B) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'testjb01DUPLICATE000'.
MODELS: No FurnitureMarkers found in 'DLCAnch\Furniture\AnchPodPlayer01.NIF'.
MODELS: You have not selected any FurnitureMarkers for 'AnchPodChair01'.
Cell name Site d'élimination des matières dangereuses L5 for cell HazmatDisposal01 (0001A271) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'HazmatDisposal01' (0001A271)
Check Warnings for details.
Cell name Métro Pennsylvania Avenue/Seward Square for cell zcPennAveToSeward (000BC4C3) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'zcPennAveToSeward' (000BC4C3)
Check Warnings for details.
DOOR: Reference OffDoorMetalDoor01EXTERIOR 0300F080 has portal to navmesh 01011833 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'OffDoorMetalDoor01EXTERIOR' (00014D51)
Ref: '' (0300F080)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
DOOR: Reference DLC04LabDoorSm01MinUse 0300F081 has portal to navmesh 01011833 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC04LabDoorSm01MinUse' (0301183D)
Ref: '' (0300F081)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
DOOR: Reference OffDoorMetalSmL01 0300F082 has portal to navmesh 01011835 which is not found.  Please finalize navmesh in cell DLC04Lighthouse 0300F05A to resolve this.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'OffDoorMetalSmL01' (00019CF5)
Ref: '' (0300F082)
Cell: 'DLC04Lighthouse' (0300F05A)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find enable state parent 050098D4. Enable state parent data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05LvlAlienMelee' (05003C77)
Ref: '' (050094BD)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find enable state parent 050098D4. Enable state parent data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05LvlAlienMelee' (05003C77)
Ref: '' (050094BE)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 050098DB. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (050098DC)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 050098DD. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (050098DE)
Cell: 'DLC05ResearchLab' (05008EC7)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DBD.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DBB)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC0.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DBE)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC6.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DC4)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DC9.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DC7)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DCC.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DCA)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 05006DCF.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05006DCD)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmFieldDown' (05006D9A)
Ref: '' (05008A24)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006B20)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DBC)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DBF)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DC2)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find activate reference 0500AE84.
MASTERFILE: Removing empty activate parent extra.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC05MZDoorSmField01' (050041A1)
Ref: '' (05006DC5)
Cell: 'DLC05ExLab03' (05004A12)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 05007CCB. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'XMarkerHeading' (00000034)
Ref: '' (05007CCA)
Cell: 'DLC05CargoHold' (0500098B)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchD' (0300DE04) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly.
MASTERFILE: Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchA' (0300DE03) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'DLC04FF05AviaryPuzzle03ControlBox' (0300DE0E)
Ref: '' (0300DE02)
Cell: 'Aviary' (03000887) (3, -3) in world 'DLC4Pointlookout' (03000802)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Could not find reference (05003319) for condition item on owner form PACK 'DLC05MZ1SallyInitialForceGreet' (05003702).
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseCryoPod".
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseConsole".
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC05TestUseRailMarker".
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0400375B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0400375B).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (040054FB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (040054FC), but Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (040054FC) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (040054FB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0400A73B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0400A7FB), but Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0400A7FB) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0400A73B).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0300C1EB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645), but Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (03006645) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0300C1EB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (020064CB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (020064CB).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0200674A) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0200674A).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (02008CCE) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (02008CCE).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0200946C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0200946C).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0200B30E) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0200B30E).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF), but Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2), but Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7), but Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7).

Il semble que ces erreurs de DUPLICATE, testjb bidule, ne proviennent pas de mon mod, mais des DLC, tout comme ces erreurs sur les factions.
Bref, les développeurs de Bethesda ont encore fait un travail de sagoin...

En fait en comparant les deux EditorsWarning.txt dans Notepad++ :

Ce qui reste maintenant dans mon mod ce sont essentiellement ces erreurs de navmesh dont je t'ai parlé. Mais là il faudrait que qcq'un m'aide.

Pour la création de ces navmesh sur le toit du Super Duper Mart, j'avais suivi à la lettre le tuto traduit de Kamilu, y compris pour les couvertures, mais apparemment il reste des erreurs.


PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a62 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06007811 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000761b0 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C29) (5, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a6016 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2B) (3, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce4 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 000b8a84 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C48) (5, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601a Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4B) (2, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000b26c2 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C68) (4, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06006ce5 Cell 'SuperDuperMartExterior' (00000C49) (4, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000a601c Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C69) (3, -6) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 060082bd Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C4A) (3, -5) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 00071b09 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (000011FD) (4, -3) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) and Navmesh 06007812 Cell 'Étendues sauvages' (00000C2A) (4, -4) in WorldSpace 'Wasteland' (0000003C) have at least one edge in common but are not connected. Are the navmeshes Finalized?

que faire ?

Question : Le flag No voice filter, dans les dialogues : il faut qu'il soit présent ou pas ?

J'ai un mod où il est présent dans certaines lignes de dialogues, et d'autres non.

Modifié par Falloutman44, 01 novembre 2012 - 17:12.

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