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#1 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 11 juillet 2012 - 18:40

J'ai trouvé un autre fichier avec de l'anglais dedans, même que j'ai trouvé 2 versions de ce fichiers différente selon qu'elle vient d'un CD ou du site officiel de Beth.

Ce texte dit quelque chose à quelqu'un ?


Your earliest memories are of being hungry, cold and alone. You never were able to find out who your parents were, or how you came to be left to survive by yourself in the city streets. You can recall only a few mental scenes from your childhood. One of the more vivid ones were finding a sparkling silver staff on a corpse in an alley. Much of your childhood was a daily struggle simply to stay alive, and retain your few possessions, and you can remember distinctly the time when you began to train your mind to hold great knowledge. As you got older, only a few people were able to penetrate the shell that was forming around your friendlier inclinations. The most significant of them was Shelinah S'tham, who had just been accepted to the city guards. At first, Shelinah S'tham would bring you food and provide some weapons practice and advice for you, but eventually she sponsored your petition for acceptance to a novice warriors' school, and provided a portion of the gold required as payment. Then, after your training was complete, she was able to get you a job as a guard for one of the many merchants' caravans that criss-crossed Tamriel's roads and provinces. Over the next two years, you rented yourself to a succession of these caravans, learning much of Tamriel and its inhabitants. You also polished your longblade skills with some actual fighting experiences in the rougher and more unsettled portions of the continent. You found it easy to transfer your early self-defensive inclinations to the caravan as a whole. Finally though, you decided to return to your home city and seek out your friend Korina Jororin. You discovered, however, that she had likewise progressed quickly, and had been invited to the Imperial City to join a troop of the Imperial Guards. The trip to the capital drained your funds, so you immediately took a job there, working evenings at maintaining order in one of the rowdier inns. You made friends with all the regulars in the inn, but your sympathy was won by a nervous, mute boy who kept the bar stocked. He seemed so frightened and alone that he reminded you of your own lonely childhood. When one of the drunken regulars stuck the boy, you leapt to his defense. The boy looked at you with such gratitude that your heart almost broke. Then, a few days later, he disappeared. Months later, while you were helping restock the cellar, you were called to the front door, and there was the boy again. This time he was dressed in Imperial robes and surrounded by escorts including Korina Jororin. The "mute" boy spoke in an unmistakably aristocratic voice, "My name is Prince Pelagius, son of the true Emperor of Tamriel, Uriel Septim VII. When I was in hiding, fleeing from the wrath of the usurper Jagar Tharn, you befriended me and saved my life. Please accept the greatest gift the Emperor can bestow, his gratitude." He also presented you with a summons from the Emperor himself, who apparently had need of a champion such as you. Perhaps your luck was finally beginning to change.



Your parents travelled with a carnival throughout your youth, so you were exposed to the best and worst of Tamriel. From your mother you learned how to walk on the water's surface. From your father you learned many things -- how to fight dirty, to fight with a dagger, and the rudiments of practicing acrobatics. All could be used for defense as well as entertainment. The years between your tenth and twentieth birthdays are among the worst Tamriel has ever suffered. The carnival was not such a happy place, and movement within the land was severely restricted. Agents of the Emperor would search the countryside for enemies of the Empire and would question all quite rudely. You always hoped that such a refugee would make his way to the carnival, and then one day, one did. When the bedraggled young man was hidden away, you had your opportunity to have fun with the Imperial agents. Gleefully, you convinced half of the agents that you were their commanding officer in disguise and sent them after the other agents, insisting they were double- agents. It turned out to be your last prank. You were shortly after jailed as an enemy of the Emperor. When the true Emperor took his throne back from the usurper Jagar Tharn, all political prisoners, including you, were released from the dungeons. You and only you were bathed, dressed in fine clothing, and presented to the Emperor himself. Emperor Uriel told you that the young man whose life you saved at the carnival was his own son, the prince Voragiel. The Emperor congratulated you on your ability to charm, confuse, and befuddle and gave you a most wonderful book as a token of his appreciation. He also asked you for a special favor.  

#2 abg


    L'ABG pour les civilisés

Posté 11 juillet 2012 - 18:47

C'est tricoté au bol pour chaque perso (raison pour laquelle il y a de nombreuses variantes). Tu trouveras un fichier bio.dat dans chaque dossier save utilisé...
Les phrases doivent sortir d'un fichier quelconque (text.rsc ?)

(D'ailleurs c'est amusant car il y a quelques tranches de lore dedans, comme une longue liste d'enfants d'Uriel. Quel chaud lapin ! :D)
Antoninus Bibulus Glaber
Coaching de PNJs chez Morrowind Renaissance

#3 Ancestral Ghost

Ancestral Ghost

    Chasseur furtif

Posté 11 juillet 2012 - 19:00

D'accord, bon, celui là vient du dossier Arena2, mais oui, c'est bien possible que ce soit un truc généré à chaque création de perso.

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