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Le Ck Et Ses Problemes Generaux (Resumé)

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#1 Mike89


    Encyclopedia Univerwikissssss

Posté 08 février 2012 - 11:57

Pour rechercher des informations ou solutions aux problèmes du CK :

Le wiki de Bethesda : creationkit (en anglais)

Le  Wiwiki Creation Kit : Aide aux Moddeurs (en français) - Un peu vide pour l'instant, mais vous allez le remplir... si, si !

Les problèmes référencés ci-dessous (et les nouveaux) sont à discuter dans le sujet jumeau de celui-ci : discussion ou dans la page de discussion de l'article du WIWIKI, si le problème y a été transcrit.

Liste des problèmes repérés dans les discussions, et à wiwikiser...

1) Problème de localisation
Message au chargement (Warning) :
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID :0x: 00nnnnnn from STRINGS/Skyrim_ENGLISH.DLSTRINGS
Solution :
Dans le fichier SkyrimEditor.ini, juste en dessous de [General] ajouter sLanguage=FRENCH:
Cela permet de virer une bonne partie des erreurs de Localisation, laissant la place à une nouvelle bordée.
Pour tout le reste, appuyer sur annuler... jusqu'à plus amples informations.

2) Edition des scripts (papyrus)
Utiliser le freeware Notepad++ qui permet d'éditer et de compiler les  scripts Papyrus. Le téléchargement sur le site officiel est très recommandé  (il existe des contrefaçons !!). Vous pouvez définir la mise en valeur de la syntaxe ( indentation, couleur, gras italique souligné...) la gestion des dossiers source et objet, paramétrage du compilateur papyrus, ce qui donne des options plus pratiques que l'éditeur basique en texte brut du CK. Un mode d'emploi et paramétrage complet sera à ajouter au WIWIKI.
Les infos actuelles du wiki officiel sont à prendre avec précautions : Setup (prévenir dans le sujet discussion si la situation évolue...)

3) Où sont passées les quêtes ?

 Dorjé, le 08 février 2012 - 12:13, dit :

Juste les systèmes de quêtes et dialogues que j ai pas trouvé.

C'est dans la fenêtre principale (Object windows) : Character / Quest

4) Les erreurs détectées par le CK

CK version - erreurs détectées dans Skyrim.esm ou Update.esm (1408 ko)

Cette liste peut être sujette à variations dans l'avenir, au fil des mises à jour.

Voici les messages que vous pouvez trouver dans EditorWarnings.txt situé dans votre dossier de programmes Skyrim :
MASTERFILE: ===========================================================
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Gantelets impériaux de conjuration  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée impériale de fatigue  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée impériale de veulerie  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée impériale de réduction  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Épée cérémonielle  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Phare d'Hiveronde  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Rocher d'Eaulointaine  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Rocher d'Eaulointaine  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Phare d'Hiveronde  has at least one space after it.
FORMS: EXTRA SPACE: Rocher d'Eaulointaine  has at least one space after it.
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x000086E3 from persistent strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.STRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x00003AED from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000016E from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000B5FE from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000BA71 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x00007375 from persistent strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.STRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x00001028 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x00003551 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x00009938 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000BA65 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000D638 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000BBF7 from persistent strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.STRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000FB00 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x00008AA0 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000A1B7 from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x0000D25A from strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.ILSTRINGS
MASTERFILE: LOCALIZATION: Lookup failed for ID: 0x00006EB8 from persistent strings file: STRINGS/Update_FRENCH.STRINGS
MASTERFILE: NavmeshInfo 00028e37 has no parent space, ignoring
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00099315) [0 units] in cell 'Contrées sauvages' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00061435)
Ref: '' (00099315)
Cell: 'Contrées sauvages' (0000967A) (2, -6) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015E1D) [324 units] in cell 'YngolBarrowExterior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)
Ref: '' (00015E1D)
Cell: 'YngolBarrowExterior' (0000B452) (38, 11) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (0001779F) [125 units] in cell 'KarthwastenExterior03' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)
Ref: '' (0001779F)
Cell: 'KarthwastenExterior03' (0000707A) (-34, 9) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (0006767F) [48 units] in cell 'WhiterunExterior10' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (000FE471)
Ref: '' (0006767F)
Cell: 'WhiterunExterior10' (000095DA) (7, -1) in world 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
See Warnings file for more information.
CELLS: Cell name Observatoire de la Rivière blanche for cell WhiteRiverWatch01 (000151F9) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'WhiteRiverWatch01' (000151F9)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Fort Kastav - Quartiers du capitaine for cell FortKastav02 (00024771) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'FortKastav02' (00024771)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Ruines de la Grande porte - Catacombes for cell HighGateRuins02 (0002F83E) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'HighGateRuins02' (0002F83E)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Fort Dunstad - Quartiers du commandant for cell FortDunstad03 (0005258C) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'FortDunstad03' (0005258C)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Ambassade du Thalmor - Chambre d'Elenwen for cell ThalmorEmbassy02 (0007DCFC) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'ThalmorEmbassy02' (0007DCFC)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Ambassade du Thalmor - Baraquements for cell ThalmorEmbassy04 (0006DAA0) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'ThalmorEmbassy04' (0006DAA0)
Check Warnings for details.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC3F) [287 units] in cell 'DA14Interior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC41)
Ref: '' (0003DC3F)
Cell: 'DA14Interior' (0003D62B)
See Warnings file for more information.
CELLS: Cell name Maison du responsable de la fonderie for cell MarkarthSmelterOverseersHouse (00016DF5) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'MarkarthSmelterOverseersHouse' (00016DF5)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Château de Clairlande - Salle de rituel for cell FellglowKeep03 (000C9DAB) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'FellglowKeep03' (000C9DAB)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Irkngthand - Quartiers des esclaves for cell Irkngthand03 (000527F2) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'Irkngthand03' (000527F2)
Check Warnings for details.
CELLS: Cell name Fort Tiremuraille - Quartiers du capitaine for cell FortGreenwall03 (000529DD) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'FortGreenwall03' (000529DD)
Check Warnings for details.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015D12) [307 units] in cell 'WolfskullCave01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00031897)
Ref: '' (00015D12)
Cell: 'WolfskullCave01' (000151F6)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2) [275 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'ImpDoorSingleLoad01' (0004203A)
Ref: 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2)
Cell: 'HelgenKeep01' (0005DE24)
See Warnings file for more information.
MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95) [304 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
MASTERFILE: Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference:
Base: 'ImpDoorDoubleLoad01' (000439C4)
Ref: 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95)
Cell: 'HelgenKeep01' (0005DE24)
See Warnings file for more information.
CELLS: Cell name Mausolée du crépuscule - Sanctuaire intérieur for cell TwilightSepulcher02 (0002E521) is too long. The maximum length allowed is 33 characters.
CELLS: Errors were encountered during InitItem for interior cell:
Cell 'TwilightSepulcher02' (0002E521)
Check Warnings for details.

Toute autre erreur qui s'ajouterait à cette liste devrait provenir de votre mod.

A SUIVRE...   les liens "WIWIKISE" s'ajouteront au fur et à mesure...

...  :offtopic:  Discussion fermée sur ce sujet  - Voir le sujet jumeau de celui-ci : discussion
Modifiable par un modérateur... bien sûr !
Un mod en construction pour Oblivion : L'archipel d'Angamandon !   (mais il est un peu en sommeil)...
On en parle aussi sur ce forum de  Wiwiland  : [mod complet] Archipel d'Angamandon

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