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Liste De Correctifs Hors Wiwiland

correctifs skyrim hors wiwiland listing

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70 réponses à ce sujet

#26 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 09 mars 2012 - 00:15

Hein ? Les 4 volumes des commentaires sur le Mysterium Xarxes donnaient des bonus ??? http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=12459
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#27 Shadow she-wolf

Shadow she-wolf

    Le katana de la GBT

Posté 09 mars 2012 - 07:21

Voir le messagenico21000, le 09 mars 2012 - 00:15, dit :

Hein ? Les 4 volumes des commentaires sur le Mysterium Xarxes donnaient des bonus ??? http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=12459

Mais ce n'est pas parce que l'auteur a marqué "fix" dans la page que ça transforme automatiquement ce module comme étant un correctif...
Chaque compétence à 5 livres de compétences, point final...
Ce module ferait qu'il y ait 6 livres de compétences pour certaines...

#28 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 09 mars 2012 - 09:39

Ok. Je tiens à préciser que je ne prends pas pour parole d'évangile tout ce qui contient le mot-clé "fix". Ce mod m'a juste paru louche, même si ce n'est pas pour la bonne raison (pas le courage de réinstaller Oblivion pour vérifier). En parler entre nous est le meilleur moyen de faire le tri :grin: et je pense que le listing établi par Orann/Papill6n reste la référence. Il y a déjà suffisamment de quoi s'occuper même si des ajouts seront envisageables à l'avenir.
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#29 Orann


    Nérévarine de Pertevue

Posté 09 mars 2012 - 09:47

J'ai pensé à un truc... Si on ne peux pas encore fusionner proprement des esp, le seul moyen pour récupérer des correctifs, ça sera soit de proposer les esp à part, soit, avec l'accord des auteurs, de simplement "recopier" les modifications ?
Palme d'honneur 2010 pour le mod Archipel de Pertevue

Entamez votre voyage vers l'Archipel de Pertevue ! Test communautaire en cours.

#30 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 10 mars 2012 - 10:39

A mon avis proposer des esp à part n'est pas une solution fiable. S'ils se chargent après le PNOS ils risquent d'en écraser quelques modifications. "Recopier" les modifs dans le PNOS existant est le moyen qui me semble le plus fiable, mais ça peut être très laborieux pour certains mods volumineux comme le correctif des armes... Ni toi, ni moi ne souhaiterions voir balayés les intitulés de nos armes qui redeviendraient des armes "daedras". Je n'ai pas encore suffisamment testé les fonctions de "copier-coller" et d'édition de TESVSnip mais ça doit être faisable.

Pour le mod des armes je veux bien m'en charger. Vu le nombre d'armes modifiées je ne peux pas m'amuser à vérifier les caractéristiques des armes une par une, mais refaire un travail de copier-coller des noms tels qu'ils apparaissent dans l'actuel PNOS est assez simple. Ensuite ce ne serait à priori pas compliqué d'intégrer le mod ainsi "retouché" dans le PNOS avec TESVSnip. Par contre ça va grandement empiéter sur le temps que je passe sur le PNOS... Dans le doute, et pour l'instant,  je continue à me focaliser sur le boulot que j'ai déjà à traiter. :grin:

Ce mod m'a l'air assez pertinent, j'aurais tendance à le considérer comme un correctif. En effet, le fait de ne pouvoir acheter Hjerim qu'en prenant l'alignement d'Ulfric dans la guerre civile me paraît beaucoup trop restrictif, Hjerim étant la seule habitation pouvant donc rester totalement inaccessible. Je pense à une maladresse de la part des développeurs. Je n'ai pas sous la main de sauvegarde me permettant de vérifier facilement l'action de ce mod.
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#31 Parn


Posté 10 mars 2012 - 11:01


Ce mod m'a l'air assez pertinent, j'aurais tendance à le considérer comme un correctif. En effet, le fait de ne pouvoir acheter Hjerim qu'en prenant l'alignement d'Ulfric dans la guerre civile me paraît beaucoup trop restrictif, Hjerim étant la seule habitation pouvant donc rester totalement inaccessible. Je pense à une maladresse de la part des développeurs. Je n'ai pas sous la main de sauvegarde me permettant de vérifier facilement l'action de ce mod.
Désolé de te contredire, vu que tu t'y connais plus que moi^^, mais tu peux avoir Hjerim si tu choisis l'empire à condition de faire la quète "du sang sur la glace" après celle de la guerre civile. J'ai eu Hjerim avec mon perso qui à choisi l'empire sans aucun proplème, mais c'était avant les mise à jour de la quête par Bethesda. Par contre tu es obligé de choisir un camp pour pouvoir y accéder, et c'est ce que corrige, apparement  ce mod.

#32 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 11 mars 2012 - 01:44

@Parn : Je ne m'y connais pas plus que toi. Ton tutorial pour les bibliothèques dans le CK est une bénédiction, même si je n'ai pas eu le temps de me jeter dedans jusqu'au cou.^^
Bref, l'impossibilité d'acheter toutes les maisons du jeu quand on choisit de ne pas prendre d'alignement me semble quand-même une aberration. Je manifeste pour l'intégration de ceci au PNO ! Youhou, il y a un colorié qui m'entend ? ^^
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#33 Shadow she-wolf

Shadow she-wolf

    Le katana de la GBT

Posté 11 mars 2012 - 11:06

Je ne vois pas en quoi c'est un problème qu'il faille choisir son camp pour obtenir cette maison…

Il y a des tas de trucs qui ne sont pas accessible si on ne fait pas telle ou telle quête, ou si on ne rejoins pas telle ou telle faction…
Bah c'est comme ça…
On ne va pas s'amuser à changer ceci pour… quelle raison…? Que ça serait plus pratique de passer outre ces conditions…?

#34 MagikMike


    Crétins de bugs !

Posté 13 mars 2012 - 22:27

Je plussoie Shadow :)

Remit à jour le fichier excel d'Orann en ajoutant des fix vus sur le Workshopp .. ha non tient, peut pas uploader?

On a toujours besoin d'un petit PNO chez soi (merci Neluche)

#35 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 15 mars 2012 - 20:42

Tiens, un moddeur attentif a encore trouvé un bug dans les packs de texture haute-résolution de Bethesda : http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=12856

L'auteur s'est toutefois permis une infime modification pour les runes. On prend ou pas ? A priori ce n'est pas dur à refaire.

Je ne me souviens pas avoir rencontré de bug au tertre d'Yngol mais celui-ci serait pertinent : http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=12937
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#36 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 28 mars 2012 - 20:00

Mon screenshot qui montrait des lattes de plancher se désalignant pourrait bien venir de là : http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=13885
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#37 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 31 mars 2012 - 11:22

Alors je précise que ce mod ne me paraît pas du tout pertinent, mais c'est juste que le 2e screenshot m'a fait mourir de rire. Humour !
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#38 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 04 avril 2012 - 17:43

Pas le temps de tester ça mais ça a l'air pertinent : http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=14330 et http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=14306
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#39 Shade666


Posté 07 avril 2012 - 16:16

désolé si cela a déjà été mentionné (mais comme je ne suis pas correcteur, je ne suis pas cette actualité.. par contre quand je vois un truc passer, je vous le ramène :) )


un fix qui vient de sortir sur Steam :

voici ce qu'il corrige

Image IPB
Unofficial Skyrim Patch List of Fixes

Last updated: 2012 - Apr. - 06

v1.0.0 First Release (2012 - Apr. - 06)

Game Mechanics Fixes
  • NPCs will no longer drop weapons or shields as separate objects, as these are never cleaned up which greatly adds to save bloating and litters the gameworld (the items will still appear to be dropped, but will access the corpse's inventory to be taken and be cleaned up with the corpse if left)
  • Ash Piles, Ghostly Remains, Ice Piles and Wisp Cores will no longer permanently remain and bloat the save file (they will either disappear on exit of the cell or when the cell resets)
  • The torches on sconce activators will no longer duplicate-in-place (also adding slightly to bloat) when their cells respawn; the duplicate(s) would remain when the player picked up the newest torch (note that this fix is not retroactive for existing duplicate torches; simply open the console, click any duplicate torch and enter delete to get rid of it and no new ones will appear)
  • The Absorb Spells effect of the Atronach sign, Atronach perk (Alteration tree) and Breton Dragonskin ability will no longer cause the player's own conjuration spells to fail
  • Casting a Flame, Frost or Shock Cloak spell will no longer cause most conjured allies to disappear for no apparent reason
  • Flame, Frost and Shock Cloaks and Runes will now be properly augmented by their relevant Augmented perks in the Destruction tree
  • Being too overencumbered to run or fast-travel (except mounted) will no longer stop carriages from working
  • The Purity (Alchemy) perk now has the correct pre-requisite of Snakeblood, instead of Experimenter
  • The Matching Set perks (both Light and Heavy variants) will now apply properly to Ebony, Imperial Light, Guild Master's and Linwe's armors which had been overlooked
  • The Ancient Knowledge perk's 25% bonus when wearing full-Dwemer armor and 15% faster skill increase in Smithing will now work as indicated, rather than increasing all armor rating by 25% and adding 15 to the Smithing skill
  • Argonian players (who have permanent Water Breathing) will no longer gasp for air when surfacing
  • Fixed the missing Well Rested message and duplicated Well Rested and Rested bonuses appearing when the player slept in their home
  • The player will now receive the Well Rested bonus from sleeping in the Winterhold College Arch Mage's quarters if they are the Arch Mage
  • The Windhelm Barracks now has the correct music type (castle rather than dungeon) and followers won't react as though in a dungeon or cave
  • Fixed the lever (7CFE7) in BlackreachArena (3,0) so that it will turn off the Dwemer spinning blade trap on the arena platform, as well as turning it on again (was also slightly seethrough-underside but this wasn't noticeable)
Quest Fixes
  • Riftweald Manor, Mercer Frey's house in Riften, will no longer be accessible before the Thieves Guild quest The Pursuit without console commands, as accessing it earlier and picking up his plans would cause the Hard Answers quest to not start and break the questline (removed a barrel 3FFE6 from RiftenWorld RiftenCityEast 43,-24 that allowed early access)
  • The Thieves Guild quest "The Litany of Larceny" will no longer terminate immediately when the last item is obtained, rather then when it's returned to Delvin Mallory, which left the quest unfinishable
  • The Thieves Guild ongoing job quest "The Numbers Job" will now correctly target the ledger in Haelga's Bunkhouse (Riften) rather than a static crate that left the job unfinishable (won't fix it if occurring currently; just cancel the job with Delvin and it won't reoccur)
  • If the player quits or fails a job in the Thieves Guild ongoing job quest "The Fishing Job" this will no longer remove the target item type from the player even if it wasn't acquired from the mark yet
  • If the player quits or fails a job in the Thieves Guild ongoing job quest "The Burglary Job" without having acquired the target item, it will be removed from the target location, as otherwise it couldn't be picked up and future Burglary Job items at that location would overlap it
  • If the player finds all 24 Unusual Gems before talking to Vex in the quest "No Stone Unturned" this will no longer make the quest unfinishable
  • Vekel The Man's (Riften Thieves Guild) quest to retrieve Arondil's Journals will now pay the player the intended reward, will properly remove the items at quest end, and if the player finds the journals prior to getting the quest Vekel will have appopriate dialog rather than dialog that only makes sense if he gave the quest first
  • Fixed Karliah going to Snow Veil Sanctum instead of returning to live at Nightingale Hall (which then didn't get restored; her dialog would also indicate she was in Nightingale Hall when she wasn't) at the conclusion of the Thieves Guild main questline (Darkness Returns)
  • After the Thieves Guild initiation quest "A Chance Arrangment", Brand-Shei will no longer remain permanently in the Riften jail; he was intended to be released in just over two minutes of real time, but a bug prevented this
  • Imperial Legates and Stormcloak Commanders in camps throughout Skyrim will no longer remain unnecessarily essential after the Civil War questline is completed
  • Farkas will no longer lose his Skyforge Steel Greatsword during the Companions quest Proving Honor and then be reassigned an incorrect Iron Greatsword he's stuck with thereafter
  • If the player finds Leifnarr's corpse in Broken Helm Hollow before receiving the objective to do so from his wife Grosta, the objective to report his death to her will now have a quest target, and the dialog option will be available so that the quest can be completed
  • Find Red Eagle's Sword will no longer restart if it's already completed by re-reading the book "The Legend of Red Eagle"
  • At the conclusion of Tending the Flames (Solitude Bards College), Viarmo will no longer tap the effigy of King Olaf with a mysterious hammer that appears from nowhere and then be stuck holding a torch permanently afterwards (note that due to bugged idle handling he still may have his hand in the holding position after the festival though), and the effigy's fire will now have its missing sound effect and flicker
  • In Tending the Flames, when Viarmo presents the rewritten Olaf verse to Jarl Elisif, he will now read the correct line if the player chose "Olaf sacked it in dragon form (Persuade)" for verse 4
  • Fixed Pantea Ateia's Tending the Flames festival greeting confusingly linking into her own quest's dialog
  • After the Bards College Rjorn's Drum quest is complete, Giraud Gemane will no longer have the "I found Rjorn's Drum" option (he would repeat the same dialog again, although not provide the reward again; this bug was introduced with the 1.4 patch)
  • If the three Bards College instruments are found before their related quests (Finn's Lute, Pantea's Flute and Rjorn's Drum) the misc. quest objectives to find them will no longer remain permanently incomplete after the quest ends
  • If the player finds the Fine-Cut Void Salts and returns them to Captain Wayfinder before being given the quest to do so, his quest-initiating dialog will no longer take the Void Salts quest item away and put it back where it was originally found
  • The player will no longer be able to return further (non-quest-item) Void Salts to Captain Wayfinder after the quest is complete and receive the reward each time
  • Esbern's misc. quest objective "Bring a Dragon Scale and a Dragon Bone to Esbern" will now complete properly when this is done
  • The Dawnstar bounty misc. quest objectives "Collect Bounty from Skald" and "Collect Bounty from Brina Merilis" will now complete properly when the reward is collected from the Jarl
  • The misc. quest to return Roggvir's Amulet of Talos to Greta (Solitude) and convince her to return to the Temple will now remove the Amulet and complete properly
  • The misc. quest objective "Visit Proudspire Manor, your new home" will properly clear if the player first enters from a door other than the front door
  • Alessandra will now properly give the reward for the quest to bring her dagger to her father Andurs in Whiterun
  • The misc. quest (Favor110) to bring a copy of The Mirror to Captain Aldis, and the misc. quest (SolitudeFreeform01) from Angeline Morrard to ask Captain Aldis about her daughter will both now terminate properly if he's removed from the gameworld by the Stormcloaks capturing Solitude
  • The misc. quest (FreeFormMorthalB) to deliver Gorm's letter to to Captain Aldis will now terminate properly if he's removed from the gameworld by the Stormcloaks capturing Solitude, and will display its quest objective and target
  • An unfinishable misc. quest "Investigate the Bards College" objective will no longer be added if the player talks to one of several bards throughout Skyrim and has already visited the College and started the Tending the Flames quest
  • An unfinishable misc. quest "Speak to Verulus about the Hall of the Dead" objective will no longer be added if the player talks to Kleppr or Frabbi and has already started the quest by talking to Brother Verulus
  • An unfinishable misc. quest "Speak to Degaine" objective will no longer be added if the player talks to Kleppr and has already started the quest to steal the statue of Dibella by talking to Degaine
  • The unfinishable misc. quest "Speak to Degaine" objective will be also now be removed if the player starts the Heart of Dibella by talking to Hamal directly
  • An unfinishable misc. quest "Visit the Shrine of Azura" objective will no longer be added if the player talks to innkeepers or wandering pilgrim Faldrus and has already started the quest The Black Star by visiting the shrine
  • The mini-quest that can occur when the player assaults an NPC will now work properly: removed a leftover debug message, fixed quest objectives displaying script code and the quest letter will now properly advance the quest when read
  • Tolfdir's (Winterhold College) mini-quest to find his Alembic will now have journal objectives
  • J'zargo's Experiment (Winterhold College) will no longer break if more than three undead are destroyed with J'zargo's Flame Cloak Scrolls (the quest objective was to test them on three, but it's easy to go over this)
  • In "Revealing the Unseen" (Winterhold College) the Mzulft map marker will now be added as was intended but misconfigured
  • Urag gro-Shub's (Winterhold College) book finding quests will no longer break if the player has already found the book before starting the quest
  • After the Restoration Ritual Spell quest, Colette Marence will offer the spell Guardian Circle for sale as she was supposed to
  • After the quest "The Blessings of Nature" if the player chooses the sapling option, the dead Gildergreen tree (Whiterun) will be properly removed
  • The Attunement Sphere (3532C) and Runed Lexicon (3A3DD) will no longer remain as undroppable quest items when the Discerning the Transmundane quest is completed
  • The Strange Amulet (D2328) will no longer remain as an undroppable quest item when the Blood on the Ice quest is completed
  • Haelga's Statue of Dibella (21EA3) will no longer be an undroppable quest item if the player steals it after clearing her debt by other means in the Thieves Guild quest "Taking Care of Business"
  • Gallus's Encoded Journal (CEDA6) will now be removed properly from the player when Enthir takes it at the conclusion of the Thieves Guild quest "Hard Answers," and no longer remain in inventory as an undroppable quest item
  • The spiders in Redbelly Mine will no longer respawn there after the quest to get rid of them has been completed (otherwise they would be found roaming around while the miners were working whereas the quest indicated the mine was closed as soon as they were seen, and the player could kill them and finish the quest again; the mine will also be cleaned of spider detritus which may have been intended as it was already linked to an enable parent that was then never referenced)
NPC/Creature Fixes
  • All Civil War soldiers (both Imperial and Stormcloak) and guards in all holds will no longer be very easy opponents at higher player levels, as the leveling multiplier intended to scale damage to the player's level was broken due to bad condition checks
  • Fixed some encounter dragons not burning up nor giving the player a soul when slain (respawned dragons were not being properly reset)
  • The Companions Skjor, Njada and possibly Aela should no longer come back to life if they're dead or have their corpses be found moving around in the wilderness while lying down as if dead; Skjor was the most notable of these (disabled unneeded random wilderness encounter WERJ11 which was causing this)
  • Brynjolf will no longer dismiss the player's conversation indicating that he's busy after the Thieves Guild questline
  • J'zargo (Winterhold College) will now cap at level 30 as all other non-quest followers do (other than Housecarls)
  • Added Lydia (Whiterun housecarl) to onload/retroactive so that she can now be married by the player if Breezehome already as been purchased (her marriagability as of the purchase of Breezehome was fixed officially by update 1.5.24)
  • Lydia will no longer use the chairs in the player's bedroom or get into an AI loop of sitting and standing in the same place repeatedly
  • Faendal will no longer continue to visit Camilla Valerius if she's married to the player (and living in the player's house)
  • The corpses of Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist will no longer persist indefinitely in the Windhelm Palace of the Kings after the Battle for Windhelm is completed (they were neglected to be given coffins in the Hall of the Dead as well which was also rectified)
  • Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist's hands will no longer go through the map table in Windhelm's Palace of the Kings when they lean over it due to misaligned markers
  • If Illia is dismissed or otherwise loses her follower status, this will no longer prevent her from being talked to and recruited again (may have to talk to her twice to get her to follow if she's gotten into this state as the first attempt will fix the problem)
  • When bartering with wilderness Hunters, they will no longer take sold player items (which then disappear from their inventory) without paying for them, and gold paid to them by the player for their items will now properly add to their gold store (they were missing their merchant container; all Hunters will now share a common one for their faction so items sold to one be bought from another)
  • Imperial guards in Solitude will now have have the missing arrest dialog option recognizing if the player is Thane of Haafingar
  • The Bandit Marauder at Valtheim Towers will no longer remove 200 gold from the player if successfully intimidated
  • Randomly encountered thieves in the wilderness will now properly recognize if the player has Guild Master's or Nightingale armor equipped and defer accordingly
  • Legate Taurinus Duilis will no longer be locked out of the Morthal Guardhouse at night due to missing key assignments (both he and the door)
  • Bothela (Hag's Cure, Markarth) will now sleep properly (package wasn't set up properly) as otherwise she was very difficult to rob when assigned to by the Thieves Guild
  • If Cairine (Markarth Warrens) is "killed" she will no longer lie still as if dead yet remain able to blink, engage in dialog and detect the player until "killed" a second time (this strange behaviour may have made her very difficult or impossible to pickpocket for the Thieves Guild quest The Fishing Job)
  • Gharol (Burguk's Longhouse) will now have the option to train Heavy Armor if the player's skill is 50 to 74 (she's an Expert, not Common-level trainer)
  • Yngvar the Singer (Markarth) will now carry a shield and war axe as some of his dialog mentions them
  • Louis Letrush should no longer duplicate at the Whiterun Stables fast-travel marker or attack the player for no apparent reason
  • The "dead" skeleton (7502A) on a bier in Tamriel (24,18) will no longer add a copy of the book The Doors of Oblivion to its inventory every time it is activated
  • Brenuin's (Whiterun) urn in the catacombs will now properly enable if he dies (ref. was pointing to a fire shader instead of the urn)
  • Fixed the following named, non-respawning, non-essential NPC's missing their cleanup script, so depending on their death location their corpses could persist overly or indefinitely: Acolyte Jenssen (assigned unused urn E4B5F), Adeber (assigned unused coffin DEF28), Adisla (assigned unused urn F93DF), Aela the Huntress, Aeri, Ahkari, Ainethach, Alain Dufont, Alva, Alvor, Angi, Angrenor Once-Honored (assigned intended coffin F93DE), Angvid, Annekke Crag-Jumper, Anska, Aquillius Aeresius (assigned unused coffin 8618D), Aranea Ienith, Arcadia (assigned unused coffin E4BF6), Ardwen, Argis the Bulwark, Aringoth (assigned unused coffin 102DD1), Arnskar Ember-Master (assigned unused coffin 102DFE), Arob, Aspiring Mage, Atahbah, Atar, Athis, Atub, Azzada Lylvieve, Badnir, Bagrak, Barknar, Bassianus Axius, Beitild, Belchimac, Belrand, Bendt (assigned unused urn 863C6), Benor, Birna, Bjartur (assigned unused urn 86176), Bodil, Bolfrida Brandy-Mug, Bolund, Bor, Borgakh the Steel Heart, Borgny, Bothela (assigned unused coffin DEF2C), Boti, Brelas (assigned unused coffin F524E), Brelyna Maryon, Briehl (assigned unused coffin EC775), Bulfrek, Calder, Camilla Valerius, Captain Lonely-Gale (assigned unused coffin F5256), Captain Wayfinder, Chief Burguk, Chief Larak, Chief Mauhulakh, Cynric Endell, Dagur, Dalan Merchad, Delacourt, Derkeethus, Dravynea the Stoneweaver, Drelas, Dro'marash, Dulug, Dushnamub, Edith, Eimar, Eola, Embry, Enmon, Erik the Slayer, Eris, Faendal, Faida, Fastred, Fianna, Filnjar, Frida, Froki Whetted-Blade, Fruki, Fultheim, Gadba gro-Largash, Ganna Uriel, Garakh, Gemma Uriel, Gerda, Gerdur, Gestur Rockbreaker, Ghak, Ghamorz, Gharol, Ghorbash the Iron Hand, Gilfre, Gjak, Gloth, Golldir, Gorm, Grogmar gro-Burzag, Grosta, Gul, Gularzob, Gunding, Guthrum, Gwendolyn, Gwilin, Hadring, Haran, Helvard, Hern, Hert, Hilde, Hod, Hogni Red-Arm, Horgeir, Hroggar, Iddra, Indara Caerellia, Iona, Irgnir, J'darr, J'datharr, J'zargo, Jervar, Jenassa, Jesper, Jofthor, Jonna, Jordis the Sword-Maiden, Jorgen, Jouane Manette, Julienne Lylvieve, Kaie, Karita, Karl, Keeper Carcette, Kesh the Clean, Kharjo, Khayla, Kjar, Kjeld, Kjeld the Younger, Klimmek, Kodrir, Kust, Lami, Lash gra-Dushnikh, Leifur, Leigelf, Lemkil, Leontius Salvius, Lob, Lod, Lodvar, Lond, Luaffyn, Lu'ah Al-Skaven, Lucan Valerius, Lydia, Lynly Star-Sung, Ma'dran, Ma'jhad, Ma'randru-jo, Madena, Mahk, Malborn, Marcurio, Mathies, Maurice Jondrelle, Mena, Michel Lylvieve, Margret (assigned unused coffin DEF4C), Mogdurz, Mralki, Mul gro-Largash, Murbul, Nagrub, Narri, Nimriel, Nirya, Njada Stonearm, Odfel, Oglub, Ogol, Olda, Olur, Onmund, Orgnar, Perth, Ra'zhinda, Ragnar, Ranmir, Ravam Verethi, Reldith, Revyn Sadri (assigned intended coffin F5249), Rexus, Rhorlak, Ria, Roggi Knot-Beard, Rorik, Runil, Rustleif, Safia, Sanyon, Sarthis Idren, Seren, Sergius Turrianus, Sharamph, Shel, Shuftharz, Sifnar Ironkettle (assigned unused coffin F93EC), Sigrid, Sigurd (assigned new urn xx01A7D3), Silus Vesuius, Sirgar, Skulvar Sable-Hilt, Snorried, Solaf, Sondas Drenim, Stenvar, Sulla Trebatius, Sven, Swanhvir, Sylgja, Teeba-Ei, Temba Wide-Arm, Thadgeir, Thorgar, Thoring, Tilma, Torvar, Tulvur, Tuthul, Ugor, Ulfr the Blind, Umana, Umurn, Urog, Valdr, Valga Vinicia, Verner Rock-Chucker, Vorstag, Willem (assigned unused coffin DEF2A), Wilmuth, Wuunferth the Unliving (assigned new coffin xx01AD36), Xander, Yatul, Zaynabi
Item Fixes
  • All followers will no longer have invisible Hunting Bows that can't be removed from them that they would use even in preference to much better bows they were given; they will now be visible and can be removed from the follower normally
  • Esbern's Potion (E6DF5) will now properly grant the player the permanent Dragon Infusion ability
  • The health damage effect of the Silent Moons enchantment of Lunar weapons will now work properly
  • Gourds and Apple Cabbage Soup are no longer missing their sound effects when eaten
  • Completely filled Petty, Lesser, Common, and Greater Soul Gems will no longer empty when dropped or put in a container (partially filled Lesser, Common, and Greater Soul Gems will still empty and this is by design so that they may be reused if incompletely filled)
  • The White Phial (Empty) (2C25A) will no longer endlessly duplicate if activated in player inventory
  • Wylandriah's Soul Gem (4E326) now has no soul capacity, as otherwise it could capture a soul and then be used up at an enchanter (even though it is a quest item) which broke the quest to retrieve it
  • Removed the description "Especially effective against undead." from the Silver Sword (10AA19) and Silver Greatsword (10C6FB) as if one is enchanted the enchantment type, magnitude, duration and charge bar won't display due to an engine bug (so that the player is still advised of the benefit against the undead, made a new loading screen)
  • The Ebony Blade (4838F) and Headsman's Axe (BE25E), both two-handed weapons, will no longer behave like one-handed weapons in their perk effects and other characteristics
  • Ebony Shields (13964) and all 16 variants, and Blades Shields (4F912) will now appear properly on Vampiric players of all races
  • Stormcloak Officer Helmets (86985) and Ancient Nord Helmets (1FD77/B/C) will now display properly on armor mannequins
  • The Gauntlets (EAFD2) and Boots (EAFD3) of the Old Gods will no longer disappear if the full set is being worn
  • Banded Iron (13948), Elven Gilded (1392A) and Studded (13B2A) armors will now provide the appropriate Matching Set perks (they are only available in cuirass/greaves and didn't match up with the boots/helmet/gauntlets of the same material)
  • Daedric Bows (139B5) and 27 enchanted varieties based on them now have the correct bash sound effect
  • Changed the Elven Boots of Eminent Stamina (10DF88) into boots as they incorrectly appeared as a suit of armor (in the boots leveled list, has boots price and boots internal name so appears was intended to be boots but incorrect template was used)
  • The level 32-39 Shield of Solitude (10EB63) now has the correct level enchantment, not the weaker one for the level 25-31 version
  • The Grand Staff of Charming (29B91) now has the correct enchantment of mass charm, not calm as the weaker Staff of Calm does
  • Corrected Fine Armguards (86990) not being categorized as armor
  • Corrected the Flawless Amethyst item (6851E) being miscategorized as clutter rather than a gem
  • The Bond of Matrimony (C5809) and Linwe's Boots/Armor/Gloves/Hood (108543/4/5/6) are now blocked from disenchanting as they should have been, as the resulting enchantment can't be applied to anything
  • Corrected both Blade of Woe items (964C9/9CCDC) being improvable at a grindstone without requiring any materials, unlike all other items (both have keywords indicating they should require a Steel Ingot)
  • Corrected Dragonplate Boots (13965) and 16 enchanted variants, Gauntlets (13967) and 16 enchanted variants, and Helmet (13969) and 28 enchanted variants requiring Dragon Scales rather than Bone to improve them, though they are crafted of Dragon Bone, have a clearly different appearance than their Scale counterparts and the correct Dragonplate keyword
  • The Jagged Crown (DA750) is now properly listed for smithing and other purposes as being Dragonplate rather than Daedric, and the Masque of Clavicus Vile (D2846) as Daedric rather than Ebony
  • Fixed the following weapons and armor not being improvable at a workbench or grindstone: Amulet of Articulation (9DFF7/F6904/D/E/F/10/11) [yes, these amulets are actually armor and their internal name indicates that this is intentional], Diadem of the Savant (F9904) [also an armor amulet as previous], Dragon Priest Dagger (1C1FE), Drainblood Battleaxe (F82FA), Drainheart Sword (F71DD), Drainspell Bow (F82FC), Ebony Blade (4838F), Fine Armguards (86990), Gilded Wristguards (E84C1), Headsman's Axe (BE25E), Honed Falmer Sword (6F6FF), Honed Falmer War Axe (6F700), Jagged Crown (DA750), Keening (6A13C), Masque of Clavicus Vile (D2846), Nord Hero Bow (68C57) [the entry for this was actually present; it was copied from the Nord Hero Battle Axe and then was neglected to be changed], (Notched) Pickaxe (1019D4/E3C16), Scaled Horn Armor (1B3A4), Nightingale Blade (F6527) [this is the highest-level one; the other four could already be improved, and like the Nord Hero Bow this one had an entry but it was set up wrong, so was clearly intended], Shield of Solitude (9E023/10EB62/3/4/5), Shield of Ysgramor (E41D8), Shiv (426C8), Shrouded Cowl Maskless (5ABC4), Silver Sword/Greatsword (10AA19/10C6FB), Skyforge Steel Dagger (9F25D), Studded Imperial Armor (13ED8 - also 6 enchanted variants can now be improved), Supple Ancient Nord Bow (5D179), The Woodsman's Friend (22265), Tumblerbane Gloves (F5981), Ulfric's Bracers (6230B), Woodcutter's Axe (2F2F4) [the almost-identical Poacher's Axe could be improved], Worn Shrouded Armor/Boots/Cowl/Gloves (10EB5B/C/D/E) and Wuuthrad (956B5) [The justification for calling these omissions bugs are comments made pre-release and a loading screen that indicates that all weapons and armor may improved; to avoid arbitrary decisions of materials, magnitude or feasability I did not add missing crafting options or perk keywords, nor change items that don't appear in the unmodded gameworld; if you use a crafting mod such as the Lost Art of the Blacksmith or weapon improvement mod such as WAF along with the USKP they will not conflict; ie multiple entries won't appear in the stations' menus]
NIF Mesh and Texture Fixes
  • Closed seethrough gaps of missing polys all around the end of the shaft of the Elven Warhammer (Meshes\Weapons\Elven\ElvenWarhammer.NIF)
  • Fixed clipping on the skirt and Pauldrons and fit the belt to its alpha on the female Blade Cuirass (Meshes\Armor\Blades\1stPersonBladesArmorF_0/1.NIFs, BladesArmorF_0/1.NIFs, Textures\Armor\Blades\BladesArmor.DDS)
  • Closed a seethrough gap on the male Ebony Cuirass (Meshes\Armor\Ebony\M\Cuirass_0/1.NIFs) around where it meets the wearer's neck
  • Closed a seethrough hole in the armpit and fixed weighting with the pauldrons on the female Ebony Cuirass (Meshes\Armor\Ebony\F\Cuirass_0/1.NIFs)
  • Fixed clipping on the band at the back of the cuirass and improved weighting on the female Iron/Banded Iron Cuirasses (Meshes\Armor\Iron\F\CuirassHeavy_0/1.NIFs, CuirassLight_0/1.NIFs)
  • Closed a seethrough hole in the armpit and improved weighting on the female Steel Cuirass and Gauntlets (Meshes\Armor\Steel\F\1stPersonGauntlets_0/1.NIFs, Cuirass_0/1.NIFs, CuirassLight_0/1.NIFs, Gauntlets_0/1.NIFs)
  • Closed a seethrough hole in the armpit, fixed clipping on the pauldrons and improved weighting on the female Steel Plate Cuirass (Meshes\Armor\NordPlate\NordCuirassF_0/1.NIFs)
  • Fixed the common decorative stoneware two-handled pots (Clutter\Ruins\RuinsPot01/02.NIFs) so that every instance of them in the gameworld isn't tilted and slightly floating
  • Hand carts (Meshes\Clutter\Carts\HandCart01Wheel.NIF) now have much more mass/inertia and won't tumble end-over-end when walked into or fly away when spells are cast on them
  • Created USKPSPatioWallColumn.NIF and placed in Tamriel at the Solitude gates (-18,25) to cover exposed hollow ends on a fence piece
  • Added end pieces with collision to resolve hollow/seethrough fence beam ends and missing stone fenceposts on the Thalmor embassy entrance (Data\Meshes\Architecture\Solitude\SThalmorEmbassy.NIF)
  • Closed a seethrough triangular hole of missing polys at the roof apex of inn side room meshes Meshes\Architecture\Farmhouse\Interior\FarmIntInnEnd03/4/6.NIFs
  • Fixed overlapping faces, added a missing stone pillar to properly complete the fence including new collision for it Fixed Havok collision on the back door which was allowing the player to walk through the mesh, and removed a bad node that was causing problems with snow shader mods in the exterior Thalmor Embassy building (Meshes\Architecture\Solitude\SThalmorEmbassy.NIF)
  • Closed two seethrough gaps between the base of Belethor's General Goods and the roadway near Breezehome in Whiterun (Meshes\Architecture\Whiterun\WRTerrain\WRDrunkenHuntsmanBase.NIF) [note that the mesh name doesn't match the actual object]
  • Closed a seethrough gap under the side door of the Drunken Huntsman tavern and a seethrough hole into the void by the base of the side door stairway (Meshes\Architecture\Whiterun\WRTerrain\WRDryGoodsBase.NIF) [note that the mesh name doesn't match the actual object]
  • Closed seethrough gaps between the top stairs (both sides) and the landing, between the lower landing and banister and in the lowest step of the stairway to High Hrothgar (Meshes\Architecture\HighHrothgar\HighHrothgarFloor01.NIF)
  • Fixed bad UV texture mapping on the Riften north gate's stonework (Meshes\Architecture\Riften\RTNorthGate01.NIF)
  • Fixed bad UV texture mapping on the doorframe of the Tamriel secret exit from the Whiterun Underforge (Meshes\Architecture\Whiterun\WRCityWalls\WRWallRuinsFree01Entance01.NIF)
  • Eliminated Z-fighting flickering from overlapping and duplicate faces on the base of a column of a Solitude house interior piece found in Proudspire and other places (Meshes\Architecture\Solitude\Interiors\SSmaBalSol02.NIF)
  • Eliminated Z-fighting flickering from overlapping and duplicate faces on Tamriel road pieces RoadStraight01End.NIF and RoadStraight02.NIF
  • Closed a seethrough gap above the doorframe visible from the subterranean entrance of the Whiterun Hall Of The Dead (Meshes\Architecture\Whiterun\WRBuildings\WRHallOfTheDead01.NIF)
  • Removed a one-sided polygon projecting into the tunnel at the base of the Solitude windmill (Meshes\Architecture\Solitude\SWindmill.NIF)
  • Fixed the shaft of the grindstone on blacksmith sharpening wheel stations (Meshes\Furniture\Clutter\BlacksmithSharpeningWheelAnimating.NIF) only being on one side of the stone (wouldn't be possible to use as the torque on the wheel would quickly destroy it)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
    Tamriel (outdoor) Worldspace
  • Moved the Khajiit caravan's merchant chest (74355) which was underground near the Dawnstar mine (8,25) as it could be activated and looted through the ground
  • The front door to Klimmek's house in Ivarstead (17790) will no longer clip through the fake placeholder door behind it when activated (may only take effect on a new game)
  • The alchemy lab/crafting table (E68A7) will no longer completely embed in a Workbench and a chest (E68A8) will no longer embed in another chest when the Imperials are occupying the fort due to missing enable parents, and replaced the erroneous static/unusable grindstone BlacksmithSharpeningWheel01 (B409D) with a usable CraftingBlacksmithSharpeningWheel at Fort Amol (24,-6)
  • A wooden barricade (E1FAA) near the Rift Imperial camp now has its missing enable parent so won't appear before or after the camp does
  • For a road signpost that had two Markarth signs at right angles, replaced the erroneous one (EDC2C) with the Solitude sign it should have been (-21,6)
  • Grounded a bedroll (9688E) in the Reach Imperial Camp (-40,8) that was hovering over the roof of a tent, above where it had been intended to be placed
  • Moved a cliff face (95965) so that there wasn't a hole between it and another cliff face that the player could fall in, and nothing but console commands or a reload could get them out (-21,16)
  • Replaced the erroneous static/unusable grindstone BlacksmithSharpeningWheel01 (798AC) with a usable CraftingBlacksmithSharpeningWheel; also repositioned it as it was floating, and grounded the nearby forge as it was slightly floating on the roof of Fort Sungard (-17,-6)
  • Fixed the following load doors incorrectly using non-animated object FarmhouseDoor01 rather than FarmhouseDoorL01 so they didn't animate when activated: DB0E8 (-23,4), 1F7D7 (-37,3), 19974 (-29,1), 1656B/D (26,-2), 1636E (-11,-15), 16365 (7,6), 16356 (36,8), 16353 (35,8), 1633A (34,6), 1630A (26,8), 162D5 (27,8) [also had a seethrough gap as was misaligned], 177B9 (-9,16), 177B4 (-10,17), 177B2/8 (-9,15), 177AF/BB (-10,16), 17752 (-25,19), 177BD/DFF11 (-10,-15)
  • Fixed unmineable gold veins (10E570) in (11,28), (10E634) in (30,-26), (10E653) in (25,-19), (10D6F1) in (-9,-2), (10E5FC) in (45,-32) and an unmineable iron vein (10E608) in (34,-28)
  • The statue of Azura (33DCB) in ShrineOfAzuraExterior03 (26,19) can now be seen at a distance rather than just disappearing (only 116KB so doesn't really even need a LOD mesh)
  • Slightly moved the longship Northwind (9A38E) at the Windhelm docks (34,8) so that its side isn't clipping into the pier
  • Removed see-through land discontinuity caused by misplaced MountainTrim02ReachGrass01 piece (8DCA4) in (-36,-8)
  • Covered see-through land discontinuity under MountainTrim01FallForestDirt01 (B9386) in (28,-23) [scaled/moved rock BA04A to hide it]
  • Corrected a see-through underside land piece (7AE01) on the bridge to the East Empire Company warehouse outside Solitude (-17,24)
  • Grounded very floating trees 73348 (-27,0), 73349 (-28,0), 6E4D5 (-28,-4), 6E6EF (-32,-4), 7102D (-41,-2), 89E53 (-36,-8), 89DD8 (-32,-7), A3814 (7,18)
  • Grounded moderately floating or seethrough underside trees 5093B (-19,-8), 5C0B4 (1,-20), 5B515 (3,-14), 6E5C1 (-25,-6), 6E5C2 (-26,-6), 6BAC6 (-23,-6), 93647 (33,-10), C4C3D/C4C3E/C50A2/C50A3/C50A7 (-8,4), 4EE3F (41,-29), 4EE27 (42,-29), 4EAA3 (-2,19), E7FAE (27,-15), A073F (25,-12), 718C9 (-39,-5), 718F5 (-39,-6), 35DC3 (-39,-6), 7060C (-36,-5), 6E655 (-30,-3), 74728 (-31,3), 74724 (-31,4), 74727 (-31,3), 3ACE5 (21,6), B5987/8 (-32,37), 528F2 (-38,1), 6E6F0/4 (-33,-4), A40AA (-33,-2) [branches], 841A3 (-20,-10), 6AAA6 (-20,-7), 7BC47 (-20,27), 4FD27 (-16,-14), 4F69B (-6,-17), 5E068/77/7A (0,8), BA470 (9,11), A98B9 (12,-7), BDC4A/B5 (14,9), BDBD5 (13,10), 73D52 (20,3), 9713E (28,-23), A6ED3 (33,-20), BD082 (34,-22), E6E8B (35,-12), 51E3A (44,-30), 69997 (-19,22), 68886 (-19,23), 3E425 (42,-5), 669FE (22,-20), B6858 (38,-18), 403C5 (44,-20), B218D/F (38.-29), 727E4 (48,-28), BD0C9 (38,-22), 88EB8 (20,-19), A87B6/7 (20,-22), 5D088 (-11,-17), E6FB9 (35,-16), B8BF3 (40,-16), 7A6D2 (41,-13), 8D677 (-36,24), 8EC5C (24,-17), 801C7 (20,-21), A7F46 (22,-7), 746FF (-29,1), 8EC59 (24,-17), 89EFF (21,-20). 8022B/8983F (20,-20), AF450 (34,-27), 9A188 (26,-22), 78E7B/C/A3 (24,-20), 3B6D9 (22,5), 2AE22 (4,8), B43F1 (34,-14), B44C8 (35,-16), 42139 (38,-17), 89687 (41,-10), 4C1CD (38,-5), 8021D (20,-20), 1C079 (4,-7), 57794 (-13,-14), B9008 (41,-20), 40947 (-16,-20), 9A203 (25,-22), 4B83A (37,-29), B1357 (36,-28), B9125 (43,-16), 403BC/45E (43,-20), 3A782 (-18,-12), 4F73A (-4,-22), B930A (29,-24), D1D6E (31,-26), 97B93 (11,15), 5D894 (11,15), BAD73/C569 (30,-26), B937C (29,-24), B60D3 (38,-21), AEF1E (44,-24), B8C19 (41,-16)
  • Repositioned trees impossibly embedded in boulders 89E4B (-35,-8), 6E6D0 (-33,-4). E7002 (32,-13), 6703B (-20,22)
  • Raised tree 52ADD which was too far down in the ground (-39,3)
  • Grounded very floating shrubs C2F5B (-18,11), A0674 (35,-4), E10A7/8/9/A (-17,-1) [were stuck in tree branches], CE545/3E/F (-14,2), 67C4D [Mountain Flower plant also up a tree], 98D14 (-22,13)
  • Grounded moderately floating shrubs 4EBB2 (-2,19), 48377/48378 (-3,2), BFCA7 (-26,3), C3444 (-24,25), 4EED1 (42,-31), 98632 (-32,-4), A9A2E (18,-24), 8E2A8/8E2B0 (18,1), C9B38/CE2E7/CE2E8 (17,0), 107858/A (-12,7) [Nightshade plants], D10BD/E (-11,2) [Mountain Flower plants], C09C4/5 (-8,-9), 5A816 (-5,-16) [Nirnroot plant], 48326 (-3,2), AAACD (12,-7), C6EE3/8700/1 (15,21), D3B3C (18,10), 2F319 (31,25), 66A5A (22,-20), A720D (10,23), 66A5C (22,-20), A5378 (30,-18), D51CE (13,1), 227D6 (-7,-21) [Mountain Flower plant], 386A3 (-12,27) [Spiky Grass plant], B7490 (-17,7) [Tundra Cotton plant], 9D3FF (35,-2) [Dragon's Tongue plant], CA3D4 (42,-25) [Mountain Flower plant], A8574 (32,6), A8564 (32,-7), E1213 (-18,6), CB17A (16,23), E44B5 (-11,-9), E44B3 (-12,-9), BAF9A (33,-26), 3A7A0 (-18,-11), 6E561 (-33,-2), B527A (39,-17) [Mountain Flower plant], D1052 (-5,12), 2C60B (-13,17), 8D838/42 (-42,9), 4862C/E/F (-14,3), 4862D (-15,3), E6BBA (9,-3), 94112 (14,-10), 98788 (-39,-6), B145A/521 (39,-28), E6AF2 (9,0), A857D (32,7), 88AEB (-39,0), B145A/D/F (39,-28), C9C9B/C (0,-2), 538A0 (5,-13), 804DE/F (4,-24), D215E (8,4), 3CE06 (18,16), 386DC (-14,29), C7DD6 (1,9), F0CA7/8 (22,11), A0680 (34,-2), A060D/E/85/6/9 (35,-2), B8F72/3 (40,-19), 986D0 (-30,-4), B3B0B (-14,-13), 9A1D9 (25,-22), BA239 (29,-23), B908F (43,-16), A8086/D (-28,10), C3FBF (32,-10), 1900F [Jazbay plant], 3A7A1 (-18,-11), 8F8E0 (29,-18), C2DC4/5/6 (-10,0), E68F8 (-17,-3), 8335C (26,-21) [Nirnroot plant], 9B720 (23,-23) [Mountain Flower plant], 438DA/C (16,-2), F5C03 (20,22) [Snowberry plant], E7DD9 (38,-10) [Mountain Flower plant], EFB21 (8,15) [Mountain Flower plant], C1C2F [Tundra Cotton plant], C2D56 (-6,0), 83476 (30,-13), A0818 (28,-14), B6AF0 (36,-21), 7D874/5 (-37,12), E919A (-25,24), E9154 (-25,21), E69DE/F/E0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/B/C (-21,9), E3BF4 (-21,6), E69C9 (-21,7)
  • Closed seethrough gaps in/under rocks/glaciers 95952/9740D (-23,17), A1066 (-16-7), 4D2A0/4D2A1 (-11,-15), 4836B (-1,2), A1008 (-17,9), 33DBF (13,26), E1F7D (10,-4), AB06C (30,-14), 93649 (33,-10), C11A6 (35,22), 97AC2 (13,16), 1A0FA (27,20), 7C93F (-29,22), 61E96 (-29,21), FF438 (-7,35), B61ED (36,-22), 4EEE2 (44,-29), 5FADF (3,15), 4EED9 (43,-31), 62EBB (26,26), 0B91E8 (44,-21), 5FCC2 (-6,-19) [also needed to lower several icicles attached to it), 9EE2D (24,-12), 7332A (-28,0) [adjusted tree 73389 and shrub 7338B so they were not left floating], 98645 (-32,-4), 9E0F3 (-31,3), 8DC9D (-32,-9), 7CC32 (-37,12), FD605 (16,-23), 718CE (-40,-5), 6E6F5 (-33,-4), 5E39A (-32,-6), A9BE7 (-29,16), 58E78 (-20,-10), C2067 (-20,26), 486EA (-16,7), ACD42 (-12,7), 104184 (-11,6), 48F9B (-11,3) [large enough to walk through and quite wide], 468A0 (-11,2), C5109 (-9,4), 2BAED (-4,-14), 48071 (-1,1) [road piece], 54C30 (0,-14), 1CCE5 (1,-13), 6008C (3,-23) [also repositioned icicles E5B76 and E5B78], 64F21 (9,-22), 9A011 (15,-13), F28E5 (17,18), 95035 (18,-22) [the most open rock I've ever seen: a cliff face piece on its side], 8DE6E (23,15) [huge bus-sized hole in this as well], 19EE8 (18,-14), 83466 (29,-13), 8EED3 (30,2), 5B436 (43,-21), A6D96 (48,-23), 68884 (-19,22), 9253E (-17,23), 92540 (-17,23), 54432 (5,-20), 86280 (18,24), 949ED (31,15), ADD14 (30,-26), 13307 (5,-11), BB927 (-27,29) [needed to also lower several trees on it so they would not be left floating], 8CED1 (26,-16), 9C381 (39,17), 95967 (-24,16)57ACA (-31,9), 1A8FC (13,12), 3325F (-15,34), 6E65D (-30,-4), EA814 (23,5), 2D2D9 (-15,25), 77387 (15,-11), 30AAF (-42,-5), 7188B (-42,-6), 99F8D (37,18), 94136 (13,-12), 810C6 (39,-6), A8093 (-28,10), 9D51E (32,-5) [appropriated ore vein 10EF10], 3E58E (29,30), 52B3B/86F5B (-42,4), A6FED (30,-21), 44C92 (12,-8), 10E5B1 (7,-2), 4302E (-15,-2), 6E08A (11,-4), 45A02 (-11,-3)
  • Closed a seethrough gap above a fort bailey tower piece 2F145 (8,-23)
  • Raised a hanging moss (8FE09) floating well below the tree branch it was supposed to be attached to (-34,7)
  • Attached a fern (811F3) which was attached to nothing to a nearby tree (-39,13), a hanging moss (88087) to its tree (-35,2), and an ivy (8860E) to its rock (-37,0)
  • Grounded two clams (FE7B5/6) which were not just floating over the solid rock below, but over the water itself, in (39,22), and another (F7AE6) in (21,25) that was floating slightly over land
  • Attached a barnacle (CB2AC) to its rock (40,-24)
  • Attached a Mora Tapinella (EC883) to its stump (-11,-24)
  • Grounded a trapdoor (25207) on the roof of Fort Kastav in FortKastavExterior02 (27,12)
  • Grounded the Riften carriage's horse (9B7BA/1070E2) in RiftenCityNorthGateExterior (42,-23)
  • Raised the Solitude carriage's horse (C41E5/1070E6) so that its hind legs aren't embedded in the ground
  • Grounded a firewood pile (107213), chopping block (107214) and sack (107217) in (20,-25)
  • Grounded a floating deer skull A0469 (34,-4)
  • Grounded floating rock A6FC4 (33,-19); also moved slightly so that grass didn't wave through it
  • Grounded floating pot A9EC4 (-12,22)
  • Grounded a half-floating bedroll (A2912; level on non-level ground) in RoriksteadExterior01 (-21,2)
  • Grounded a hay pile (53160) in MorvunskarExterior01 (29,4) and nine (E7413/27/9/65E/60/2, 106C26/78/9) and a rocky ground texture piece (E7402) in SalviusFarmExterior02 (-41,1)
  • Fixed Z-fighting intersection of tent floor piece 96862 (-1,24), curved exterior barrow wall 515D0 (-11,6), water near aggregate rock piece 59CD3 (-3,30) [moved/scaled to cover it], water near rock 9B14F (37,21) [moved/scaled to cover it], water near rock F7E20 (19,26) [moved/scaled to cover it], water near rock 5D0E6 (-8,-16) [moved/scaled to cover it], water near rock 99A8D (12,27) [moved/scaled to cover it]
  • Grounded half-floating workbench 52410 and forge AB6E3 (6,14)
  • Grounded several wheat sheaves (6233E/F/40/1/2/4/5) at a farm in RoriksteadExerior04 (-20,1) [when harvested, the chaff pile was floating]
  • Grounded two potato plants (969AF/B0) at SalviusFarmExterior02 (-41,1) [when harvested, the square seethrough base of the object showed]
  • Grounded a floating piece of driftwood (9B398) in (38,21)
  • Removed a skeever head (B3BBB) placed deep underground that would end up embedded in a cliffside (-23,-7)
  • Reoriented the Solitude carriage (C41E4) slightly so two of its wheels aren't off the ground (-18,24)
  • Added the missing flame/embers to a brazier (FD0C9) at the Whiterun gates (3,-3)
  • Lowered a hollow seethrough-underside barrow obelisk (37EF9) at Yngvild (14,27)
  • Moved a Nirnroot (EFECF) that couldn't be picked as it was inside the Havok mesh of the hollow log it was placed in (35,24)
  • Properly embedded a dagger (BB433) in a table which was instead balanced on its point, and raised a tankard (1B8B3) floating under the table in NilheimExterior03 (24,-15)

    Other Worldspaces and Interiors
  • Fixed the following load doors incorrectly using non-animated object FarmhouseDoor01 rather than FarmhouseDoorL01 so they didn't animate when activated: 240CA (DawnstarSilussHouse), 1F7EA (KolseggrMinePavosHouse), 13CE1 (DawnstarIrgnirsHouse), DB208 (LundsHut01), 175AE (WinterholdRanmirsHouse), 13D41 (DawnstarWindpeakInn), 175BE (WinterholdKorirsHouse), 13C11 (DawnstarBeitildsHouse)
  • Flipped a backwards chest (CE2A7) in the Abandoned Shack
  • Moved a ruined book (10F408) and five Falmer Ears (10F409/A/B/D/F) that couldn't be picked up as they were inside the Havok mesh of the shelf they sit on in Alftand Animonculory
  • Grounded a slightly floating candleholder (F2383) and numerous dead bushes (36B23/48/55/6/F5/6/8/9/C/C01/4/5/D9A/A1/E1E/23/4/6/44/F82/D6/7151/8) in Angarvunde
  • Grounded a floating cobweb (85C44) and burial urn (85C46) in Angarvunde Ruins
  • Raised a lockpick (10E287) that couldn't be picked up as was inside a skeleton's Havok mesh, and fixed an unmineable gold vein (10E09D) in Ansilvund Burial Chambers
  • Slightly raised a Dwemer gear (ACFFC) out of its wall, as its black background was hidden making it appear it was turning through stone, in Avanchnzel Animoncultory
  • Fixed an unmineable gold vein (10FC47) in Blackreach POIBlackreach05 (-2,-1)
  • Removed a useless out-of-place, unlit (and slightly floating) Dwemer floor lantern (D8F62) on the BlackreachArena (3,0) arena platform as the spinning blades would go right through it as if it wasn't there, and lowered a seethrough-underside rubble pile (7CF3D)
  • Closed a seethrough gap underneath the back of a cliff face piece (CE84A), and lowered a hollow seethrough-underside Dwemer pillar (2B7E1) [also lowered a paired one by the same about to match] in Blackreach BlackreachTowers (2,2)
  • Grounded a seethrough-underside flat rock flooring piece (7AA37) in BlackreachCity (0,1) and a floating bush (DB936) in Blackreach (1,0)
  • Closed a seethrough gap under a stairway (2B608) in BlackreachCity (0,1)
  • Closed a seethrough gap between another cliff face rock (7AA10) and a wall in Blackreach (-1,1) [also adjusted four giant mushrooms so that they weren't left floating]
  • Closed a completely open platform end (8004E) in Blackreach POIBlackreach06 (1,3); appropriated rocky land piece 7AA4E for the job
  • Closed a seethrough rock (4E7F7) in BlackreachWeatherTest2 (3,3)
  • Corrected two piers that didn't go all the way to the bottom and a missing water texture that allowed fall-through into water as if on land in Broken Oar Grotto
  • Ground a semi-floating sharpened stick barricade (E74E0) and hay pile (8DEA6) in Broken Tower Redoubt
  • Flipped a backwards End Table (F73A5) in the Dainty Sload
  • Moved a partly floating shrub (7C45B) hanging over a rockface and fixed unmineable gold ore vein (10E14E ) in Darkshade
  • Fixed a large (unlit) ceiling sconce's (61B8D) ropes not displaying, making it appear it was floating, and grounded a floating Draugr corpse (F178B) whose head was also embedded in its niche in Dead Men's Respite
  • Grounded a seethrough-underside snowdrift (A547B) in Driftshade Cellar
  • Moved a ground texture (ImpRubblePileSmall01 CAEBD) that was protruding through an adjoining wall and closed a hollow step (73593) in Fellglow Keep Dungeons
  • Closed a seethrough gap in the ceiling of a hallway in Forelhost Refectory caused by a misaligned arch (7E3E0)
  • Lowered a seethrough-underside ice pillar in Forsaken Cave (2FDD4)
  • Replaced a common chair in Fort Dunstad (20918) that could still be sat on though buried in stone rubble up to the seat with a static one that can't be
  • Removed a redundant/duplicate room piece (3684A) that left a seethrough gap between the doubled floor, embedded a bucket and failed its possibly intended purpose of covering a seethrough gap of nothingness at the back wall, adjusted the wall position (448B5) to cover the gap and a torch (691C5) to compensate in a cell, and moved an overlapping crate (FBBD6) in Fort Kastav Prison
  • Fixed an overlapping chest (D8989) in Fort Snowhawk when it was occupied by Imperials or Stormcloaks as it was missing its enable parent
  • Moved the grindstone (B2531) in Frostmere Crypt to the center of its small room so that when the player activates it, the camera view doesn't swing right outside the cell into the blue void
  • Two candle sconces (5A252/4) in a stairway in Gallows Rock will no longer only show as hovering flames
  • Flipped three end tables (A1B80, B3662/3) in Goldenglow Estate and a dresser (A3701) in Goldenglow Estate Second Floor that was facing the wall
  • Closed a thin seam on nothingness between a hall (B1F95) and wall piece near the entrance of Halldir's Cairn
  • Attached a floating sconce (EE649) to its pillar and moved/scaled two night tables (EFF44/7) embedded in their beds in High Hrothgar
  • Fixed flickery Z-fighting hay in Honningbrew Meadery (4E7C2)
  • Closed a seethrough hole of nothingness at the foot of an alchemy crafting table (BC802) in Irkngthand Arcanex
  • Moved a cluster of Glowing Mushrooms (CB799) that couldn't be harvested as they were inside their wall's Havok mesh in Irkngthand Slave Pens
  • Closed a thin seethrough seam between two room pieces (29659 and A478E) in Korvanjund Crypt
  • Closed a seethrough gap between the flooring and stairs (104880/1/2/3) of the platform of the word wall in the Labyrinthian maze LabyrinthianMazeWorld (0,0)
  • Fixed an unmineable gold ore vein (10F0CF) in Labyrinthian Thoroughfare
  • Repositioned an Alchemy Lab (C8835) in Labyrinthian Valkygg (-2,10) that was almost completely embedded in the wall behind it
  • Removed a spurious three-quarters-hollow rock (NorPlatCorOut01 104422) from the floor, and moved a purple Mountain Flower (1044AE) that was growing from a solid stone tile instead of the nearby flowerbed in the Labyrinthian maze start LabyrinthianMazeWorld (0,-1)
  • Removed an extraneous seethrough second dropdown ceiling in a tunnel of Lost Prospect Mine (56F25/C/825A)
  • The door from Markarth's Dwemer Museum to Calcelmo's Laboratory (33D2C) is now properly tied to Calcelmo's Laboratory Key, not the Dwemer Museum Key (he gives the player the latter to access the Museum, but the key also allowed access to his off-limits Laboratory where his guards would immediately attack the player)
  • Moved a doorframe (B3994) slightly forward to cover a piece of missing texture on the threshold in MarkarthWorld (-44,0)
  • Flipped a backwards chest (9CF4F) in the Markarth Smelter Overseer's House
  • Grounded several floating hay piles (446AF, 9184A, C0128/34) in Mistwatch West Tower
  • Moved a wine bottle (F782F) that was almost completely embedded in a wooden post in Morvunskar
  • Grounded a dwemer lever in Mzinchaleft that was floating over its pedestal (BE4CF)
  • Fixed ragged one-sided edges and a seethrough gap of nothingness at the right side of the roof of a semi-submerged Dwemer structure in Mzinchaleft Depths; scaled/moved a rock (BEA48) to cover the errors
  • Moved an animated load door (58E22) so that the stonework behind it doesn't clip through it in Mzinchaleft Gatehouse
  • Moved a Solid Dwemer Metal (F9D44) that was embedded in the floor's Havok mesh so couldn't be picked up in Mzulft Aedrome
  • Moved a Glowing Mushrooms (C0541) that was embedded in the wall's Havok mesh so couldn't be harvested in Nchuand-Zel, and closed large seethrough gaps around the frame of the small hallway (560D1) to the door to Nchuand-Zel Control caused by using wrong piece; replaced DweFacadeHallSmExBg01 with DweFacadeHallSmExBgExtender01
  • Lowered a Dwemer column (89899) that didn't reach the ground in Nchuand-Zel Armory
  • Moved a Large Dwemer Strut (FDDD1) that was embedded in the floor's Havok mesh so couldn't be picked up and closed a seethrough gap in a wall column (33680) in Nchuand-Zel Quarters
  • Closed seethrough gaps (all around floor-to-ceiling) in a hallway of Nchuand-Zel Control (58CA5, 58CAB) and moved a Dwemer barrel (FDE0F) that rock clipped into
  • Moved a Satchel (E9E2A) that was embedded in the floor's Havok mesh so couldn't be activated in Northwind Mine
  • A pressure plate dart trap (2DE02) in Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary will no longer erroneously trigger even if the player has the Light Foot perk
  • Closed seethrough gaps at the sides of the stairs and small square holes with misaligned textures in the throne pedestal of Potema's Refuge (26272/4/5/6/7/9/A/C)
  • Moved two benches (B7CA7/8) somewhat embedded in the walls in Raldbthar
  • Removed a spurious one-sided column fragment (78298) from a pool in Raldbthar Deep Market
  • Fixed an unharvestable Imp Stool (C1744) and moved a small rock pile (C1713) to cover up a seethrough rip between the entry tunnel and main area of Rebel's Cairn
  • Removed two webbed, dessicated human corpses (ED0CB/13D) from Redbelly Mine as it's indicated during the quest there that the spiders invaded recently and the mine was closed before anyone was even injured
  • Closed thin seams between wall piece 2B191 and its neighbour and end piece 2B19B in RedEagleRedoubtWorld (-29,5)
  • Moved the mannequins (102BDF, 120BE2) in Riften's Honeyside (player home) slightly further from the wall as they could be activated from the other side, through the wall
  • A wall, ceiling and post near the entrance of Riften Jail (RiftenJail01) will no longer disappear depending on the player's viewing angle
  • Closed a small seethrough gap under an arch in the Riften Ratway (A3DAE)
  • Fixed a Z-fighting of a tunnel piece (A1C95) intersecting another in Riften's Ratway Warrens
  • Moved a crate embedded in a barrel (A2E68) and a neighboring basket to make room (A2E72), realigned two barrels clipping into other barrels (26D1E and 4E640) and closed a seethrough gap at the intersection of two pieces in the sewers (50C18) in Riften's Riftweald Manor (Mercer Frey's house)
  • Closed ceiling gaps in an alcove (6EF7E), moved an impossibly balanced Ruined Book (A7C75) and raised a bowl (F1AFF) out of rock in Shroud Hearth Barrow
  • Closed a land discontinuity in a corner (scaled/moved a rock (201E0) to cover the error) and replaced two columns (F384A / B) that were using MrkTreasuryColm01 with an exposed one-sided ragged piece hanging from them (replaced with DweRmLgColumn01) in Sightless Pit's Temple of Xrib
  • Grounded a slightly floating chair (CBF89) in Sky Haven Temple
  • Grounded a floating fern (67FAB), closed a seethrough area under a cliff face (67FB1) and cleared the erroneous ownership on a Deathbell ingredient (FB51E) that made it a stolen item in Snapleg Cave
  • Closed large gaps in the ceiling caused by use of incorrect pieces (5579A/F) in a section of Snow Veil Catacombs
  • Raised a book embedded in its shelf (C85DA) and fixed a vertical strip of Z-fighting on a column (6ADD8) and at the sides of an archway (EAA33) in the Solitude Bards College
  • Flipped a backwards chest (65CFC) in the Solitude Hall of the Dead
  • The three new chairs around the living room table (D89D2, E2CB4/5) will no longer be embedded in the new chairs when the Living Room upgrade is purchased due to missing enable parenting, flipped the backwards chest at the foot of the master bed (9DA07) and eliminated a large arc of Z-fighting intersection on the wall by the mannequins (5F0B1) in Solitude's Proudspire Manor (player's home)
  • The housecarl/guest bedroom in Proudspire Manor will now be properly upgraded and not remain with a bedroll, crates and hay after the player has been made Thane of Haafingar
  • Fixed a crate (E273A) in Proudspire Manor remaining embedded in a chair and two cobwebs (E2753/4) remaining after the housecarl bedroom was upgraded as they were missing enable parents
  • Two rugs (D8A7A/D89C8) in Proudspire Manor under the tables in the living room areas that were tied to an unused enable parent are now tied to the living room upgrade so will appear when it is purchased
  • Three cobwebs (D8ACF/D3/F9) and three hay pieces (D8AD7/A/E, one of which was floating) will no longer remain in Proudspire Manor after the Enchanting area is purchased as they were missing enable parents
  • The exterior back door of Proudspire Manor (3AF95) will no longer be unusable as it was tied to an incorrect key
  • Appropriated a couple of sacks (F5D74/7) in SolitudeWorld SolitudeOrigin (-16,25) to cover a seethrough gap in an corner outside Bits and Pieces
  • Aligned a misaligned wall piece (CD043) that had a seethrough gap on one side and clipped the candle resting on it, moved another candle (CD053) whose flame was hidden inside its similar wall piece and in the Solitude Temple of the Divines
  • Moved an impossibly balanced/clipping barrel (37F58) and grouded a partially floating Nightshade plant (F6F90) in Solitude (SolitudeWorld SolitudeRow)
  • Grounded a floating thistle plant (533AF) in SolitudeWorld SolitudeBluePalaceCourtyard (-13,24)
  • Fixed an invisible ramp of projecting Havok mesh from wallpiece SCastleWall006 (E73A4) in SolitudeWorld SolitudeCastleDourDistrict01 (-15,26); appropriated nearby rock pile 5414E to cover it
  • Removed an unused, unneeded hanging ring (208CE) from Solitude Castle Dour, Emperor's Tower as the hollow rope protruded vertically through the floor into the room above
  • Grounded a floating candle in the Solitude Blue Palace (1612E)
  • Grounded a floating chair in Solitude Red Wave (DE85A)
  • Closed a gap in SouthfringeWorld SouthfringeAvalanche (33,-16) near the boss chest that the player could go through and "fall out of the world;" caused by cliff face 6F0FD not being large enough
  • Moved a lantern (C4B69) somewhat embeded in solid rock in SouthfringeWorld SouthfringeStart (35,-17)
  • Grounded an urn (3A738) that was embedded halfway up a tree for some unknown reason in SouthfringeWorld SouthfringeNPC (33,-17)
  • Closed a seethrough gap under a flooring piece (A49D1) and a floating shrub (FBAB7) in Stillborn Cave
  • Closed a seethrough gap behind rockface piece (2587F) in Stony Creek Cave
  • Grounded two floating thickets in Sightless Pit (106922/3)
  • Grounded a floating horn candle (CA753) in the Thalmor Embassy, Barracks
  • Grounded a half-floating bear trap (F552C) in Torvald's Cave
  • Grounded hay piles 4D461/7B/BC in Treva's Watch and 6C28D/F/90/2 in Treva's Watch Escape Tunnel
  • Moved a scissors (79651), screwdriver (79652), scalpel (79653), Skeever tail (79654) and ruined book (D6F4F) that were embedded in the floor's Havok mesh so couldn't be picked up, grounded a seethrough-underside rubble pile (7F807) and closed huge seethrough gaps (large enough to walk through) around the misplaced entranceway to the Pilgrim's Path (B0186) in the Twilight Sepulcher (needed to move the door, audio object and FX object as well to match; because doors' positions are stored in the same the door may be misaligned on an existing save)
  • Fixed a small piece of Z-fighting on a floor piece (40BF4) of Ustengrav
  • Moved several unharvestable or completely seethrough-underside mushrooms (86E6E/F/70/1/2) up a wall (appropriated rock 362DF to put them on), replaced a half-buried cupboard (2E260) whose drawers opened into rock with a static shelf, and raised a cauldron (B08E4) clipping into rock in White River Watch
  • Adjusted one of the sets of rocks (34EB1) at the side of the player's home Breezehome in WhiterunWorld WhiterunPLainsDistrict03 [sic] (5,-2) to cover a seethrough gap of nothingness at the inside corner, and moved a set of sharpened stakes (FC8AF) by Severio Pelagia's house so one stake doesn't protrude through from the inside
  • An unusable bench in Whiterun's Bannered Mare (60343) can now be sat on
  • Removed a duplicated-in-place beam (E3EFA) at the top of the stairs that ran the length of the floor of Whiterun's Breezehome (appeared when the alchemy upgrade was purchased)
  • Adjusted the scale/position of archway WRWallTierDivide01 (39ED0) in WhiterunWorld WhiterunPLainsDistrict03 [sic] (5,-2) to cover seethrough gaps between the sidewalk and stairs and the seethrough sidewalk border end
  • Slightly lowered the interior Whiterun main gate (383C9) in WhiterunWorld WhiterunOrigin (4,-2) to close a seethrough seam between it and the main road mesh (1A329) parallel to the canal, visible from the Warmaiden's grindstone
  • Closed a seethrough gap under wall 506E0 behind Carlotta Valentia's house in WhiterunWorld WhiterunOrigin (4,-2); appropriated rock pile piece 5110A from elsewhere to close it
  • Closed a triangular seethough gap behind the Talos shrine between land mesh 506EE and wall 4C415 in WhiterunWorld WhiterunWindDistrict (6,-1); appropriated nearby boulder 10E995 to close it
  • Closed a seethrough gap of void between the back of Dragonsreach and the land mesh 40BAC in WhiterunWorld (6,0); appropriated nearby boulder 587AF to close it
  • Closed yet another seethrough gap of void between land mesh 40BAC and wall 89F7F in WhiterunWorld (6,0); appropriated nearby boulder 5A0A5
  • Removed an out-of-place instance of RockPileS02FieldGrass01 (B96D5) at the well in the Whiterun market WhiterunWorld (6,-2)
  • Removed a duplicated-in-place boulder (103067) outside the Whiterun walls in WhiterunWorld (6,-3)
  • The intact House of Clan Cruel-Sea (5DA33) in Windhelm WindhelmPalaceOfTheKingsExterior (32,10) will no longer overlap the destroyed one during the siege of Windhelm due to missing enable parenting
  • Moved two Hanging Moss plants (B804F/B7FFB) in Windhelm (31,9) and (32,9) respectively that couldn't be harvested as they were inside their walls' Havok mesh
  • Grounded two dead shrubs (AEE9A/B) in WindhelmWorld (32,8)
  • Replaced a wooden wall panel WHIntWoodWallKitWall03 (7D19E) that has holes in it with WHIntWoodWallKitWall01 that doesn't, as it was allowing the fire in the fireplace on the other side to be seen (right through the brick chimney) in the Windhelm Blacksmith Quarters
  • Fixed a strip of Z-fighting at the join of the hallway (C1068) and a basement room and another between its doorframe (C1067) and adjoining wall in Windhelm's Palace of the Kings
  • Scaled down a jug (D6474) in a bookshelf in the wizard's quarters of Palace of the Kings Upstairs as its collision was knocking items above off the shelf
  • Aligned a misplaced column 55BB9 hanging over the edge of a stairway which could be seen into and fixed bad clipping at the of another stairway AFC0F in Winterhold College's The Midden
  • Removed seethrough gaps under two floor pieces (ADDBD/E) in Wolfskull Ruins (also grounded several bones left floating when they were lowered) and grounded two potion bottles (AC6BD/E)
Text Fixes
  • Corrected name of Leifnarr's corpse in Broken Helm Hollow (C2871) "Nord" » "Leifnarr"
  • Corrected typo in NPC name EncDremoraMelee06 (00016FF8) "Dremora Valynaz" » "Dremora Valkynaz"
  • Corrected typo in creature name CritterPondFish02 (00106D29) "Abacean Longfin" » "Abecean Longfin"
  • Corrected description for Banish magic effect BanishFFActor75 (0006F951) "Powerful summoned daedra creatures are are sent back to Oblivion." » "Powerful summoned Daedric creatures are sent back to Oblivion."
  • Corrected description for Frost Breath shout FrostBreathShout (0005D16B) "Your breath is winter, you Thu'um a blizzard." ("you Thu'um" » "your Thu'um")
  • Corrected description for third Experimenter perk: "Eating an ingredient reveals all it's effects." ("it's" » "its")
  • Corrected description of Matching Set light and heavy armor perks (51B17, 107832) as it indicated a 25% bonus but was providing 20%
  • Corrected loading screen: "Weapons can be improved at a Grindstone. Armor can be improved at a Blacksmith's Table." ("Blacksmith's Table" » "Workbench")
  • Corrected activator TGCrownCompleteWithStand (0007F8DF) "Barenziahs Crown" » "Barenziah's Crown"
  • Corrected container dunMiddenInvestigationChest (000D30CC) "Investigators Chest" » "Investigator's Chest"
  • Corrected container QAEnchantedWeaponContainer (000C2CDF) "All EnchantedWeapons" » "All Enchanted Weapons" [note that this container can never be seen in normal gameplay]
  • The Blessing of Talos effect (FortifyShoutTimerFFSelf 000FB992) will now display the correct magnitude (20% rather than 0%) in its Active Effects page
  • The Equilibrium spell (DA746) will now show the correct drain health/restore magicka magnitude in its description, rather than a fixed amount of 25 per second
  • Slightly improved cell names: "Palace of the Kings Upstairs" » "Palace of the Kings, Upstairs"

    Corrected the following errors in item names:
  • Renamed "Apple Pie" » "Meat Pie" as Sorex Vinius referred to them as this several times in Tending the Flames, then gave a misnamed "Apple Pie"; note that the item's internal name is FoodPie (no mention of apples) and they are sold at inns (ie pub pies, which are meat pies) so this appears to be a mistake by the developers (there is no recipe to make them either and they are mentioned nowhere else)
  • Renamed all 19 types of Elven Gauntlets that were misnamed "Elven Bracers of..."
  • Renamed all 15 types of Steel Plate Gauntlets that were misnamed "Steel Plate Bracers of..."
  • 000C891D MS11NecromancerAmulet "Necromancer Amulet" » "Necromancer's Amulet" [this is how it is referred to during the quest Blood on the Ice]
  • 00010509 DancersFlute "The Dancer's Flute" » "The Dancer's Pipe" [Calixto refers to it as "The Dancer's Pipe" several times in audio/subtitle during his museum tour]
  • 00043E27 FRiften14Ingot "Orichalcum Ingot" » "Wylandriah's Orichalcum Ingot" [the other two items collected for Wylandriah in this quest are prefixed with her name]
  • 000B83CF ArmorFalmerGauntlets "FalmerGauntlets" » "Falmer Bracers" [they are bracers, as the hands are completely exposed]
  • 000FE2DF EnchArmorGlassHelmetMagickaRate05 "Glass Armor of Resurgence" ("Armor" » "Helmet") [it is a helmet, has the helmet template, price, leveled list, etc.]
  • 00100E04 EnchRingDestruction06 "Ring of Peeless Destruction" ("Peeless" » "Peerless")
  • 000CD883 FavorNightshadeExtract "Nightshade Extact" ("Extact" » "Extract")
  • 0010DF96 EnchArmorOrcishBootsStamina04 "Orcish Armor of Eminent Stamina" ("Armor" » "Boots") [it is a pair of boots, has the boots template, price, leveled list, etc.]
  • 0010DF96 EnchArmorSteelBootsStamina03 "Steel Armor of Major Stamina" ("Armor" » "Boots") [it is a pair of boots, has the boots template, price, leveled list, etc.]

    Corrected the following errors in quest stages/objectives:
  • Finn's Lute (BardsCollegeLute) 20: "Thieves stolen Finn's Lute from the Bards College over a year ago." ("stolen" » "stole")
  • Glory of the Dead (C06) 10: "I should attend the funeral of Kodak Whitman, the late Harbinger of the Companions." ("Kodak Whitman" » "Kodlak Whitemane")
  • Glory of the Dead (C06) 10: "..., I need to convene in the Underforge to determine the next steps for the Companions following the death of Kodak Whitman." ("Kodak Whitman" » "Kodlak Whitemane")
  • Compelling Tribute (CWMission07) 40: "Together we will over power the enemy and secure the weapons and coin." ("over power" » "overpower")
  • The Black Star (DA01) "Nelacar has told me that his old mentor, Maylyn Varen,..." ("Maylyn" » "Malyn")
  • Boethiah's Calling (DA02) 10: "..., and once trapped by it's magic, slay them. If I do this Boethiah will appear." ("it's" » "its")
  • A Night To Remember (DA14) 100: "A note of debt I gave to Ennis in Rorikstead has directed me to Ysolda in Whiterun, she might be able to direct me to Sam." ("Whiterun, she" » "Whiterun. She")
  • A Night To Remember (DA14) 100: "Ysolda in Whiterun will give me more information about Same once I return the ring I borrowed from her to give to someone in Witchmist Grove." ("Same" » "Sam")
  • A Night To Remember (DA14) 115: "Ysolda in Whiterun will give me more information about Sam once I return the ring I borrowed from her to give to a hagraven Witchmist Grove." ("Same" » "Sam")
  • Repentance (dunDarklightQST): "...surprise. We attacked an killed her mother. Illia told me to take her mother's staff from as a reward." ("surprise. We" » "surprise. We", "an killed" » "and killed", "from as" » "as")
  • The Book of Love (T02) 10: "I've agreed to help the Temple of Mara help the cause of love throughout Skyrim." ("help the cause" » "promote the cause")
  • The Fishing Job (TGRGF) 20: "Return the to Delvin" (Removed "the" as ItemToGet begins with the mark's name)
  • The Pursuit (TG07) objective 41: "(Optional) Shoot the mechanism to lower the ramp" ("(Optional) Shoot" » "Shoot") [this stage was never optional]
  • Blindsighted (TG08B) 40: "I've finally located Mecer Frey within the ruins of Irkngthand." ("Mecer" » "Mercer")
  • Blindsighted (TG08B) 60: "Mecer Frey is dead,..." ("Mecer" » "Mercer")
  • No Stone Unturned (TGCrown) "However, I'll need to wait until I'm full member of the Guild before she'll be able to assist me." ("I'm full" » "I'm a full")
  • Contract: Kill Beitild (DBSideContract03) 200: "Betild is dead,..." ("Betild" » "Beitild") (New in 1.03)
  • Hitting the Books (MG03) 30: "Urag suggested that useful books may have been stolen from the Arcanaeum by Othorn,..." ("Othorn" » "Orthorn") (New in 1.03)

    Corrected the following errors in new books' text:
  • AtrFrgDaedricRecipe01 "Atronach Forge Recipe" - Description: "Daedric Cuirass", Body: "Ebony Cuirass" ("Cuirass" » "Armor") [cuirasses are no longer separate pieces in Skyrim]
  • AtrFrgRecipe12 "Atronach Forge Recipe" - Description "Conjurer's Elixr" ("Elixr" » "Elixir")
  • ED02E Book1CheapWhiterun "A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun"
    • "Welcome, good sir, to this indispensible guide." ("indispensible" » "indispensable")
    • "Belethor's General Goods offers various and sundry wears for the adventurous traveler,..." ("wears" » "wares")
    • "The smith is a pretty Nord named Adrianne Avenicci,..." ("Nord" » "Imperial")
    • "I often visit her to make conversation, as she is a fellow Imperial far from home." ("a fellow" » "an") [the author, Mikael the Bard, is a Nord]
    • "These Nords are simple folk,.." ("These" » "We") [note that there are two other Imperial references that were not touched as they make sense if the book was intended for Imperials visiting from Cyrodiil]
    • "…and the risks I have taken to bring you this most thorough report on all thing of interest to the discerning gentleman in the grand city of Whiterun." ("thing" » "things")
  • 403AF FavorAdonatoBook "Adonato's Book"
    • "It seemed that no powerin Tamriel could stop the monster" ("powerin" » "power in")
    • "The Jarls might have been able to conquesr the beast if they had worked together," ("conquesr" » "conquer")
    • "When Olaf finds Numinex, the dragon is to weak to defend himself." ("to weak" » "too weak")
  • 2A96D MS14AlvasJournal "Alva's Journal": "I am to seduce the guardsman one at a time and make them my slaves." ("guardsman" » "guardsmen")
  • ED03F Book3ValuableAmongstTheDraugr "Amongst the Draugr": "…I noted a sort of transferal happening." ("transferal" » "transferral")
  • 3636A MQ202SkyHavenBook "Annals of the Dragonguard"
    • "Emperor Kastav again ordered the Dragonguard to sieze hostages from Markarth and Hroldan to ensure that the jarls meet their conscription quotas." ("sieze" » "seize")
    • "Upon the outbreak of the Winterhold Rebellion, our Master refused orders to send the Dragonguard out to help supress the rebellion." ("supress" » "suppress")
  • 504EF CWMission07InformantLetterImperial "Anonymous Letter": "If forced to chose between his dislike for the Empire or love for , will most assuredly chose the latter." ("chose" » "choose") [two instances]
  • 80D63 dunYngvildJournal01 "Arondil's Journal, Part 1": "It seems the cretins of Dawnstar are not quite a foolish as I had surmised." ("a foolish" » "as foolish")
  • 80D66 dunYngvildJournal04 "Arondil's Journal, Part 4": "The milk maid (who's name still escapes me)" ("who's" » "whose")
  • 78DD2 dunRobbersGorgeJournal "Bandit Leader's Journal": "I've ordered an extra ration of mead, but unless this fighting stops, we'll tear outselves apart." ("outselves" » "ourselves")
  • 2F83B SkillEnchanting5 "Catalogue of Armor Enchantments"
    • "Fortifying the wearers health is popular with warriors.", "There are even examples of gauntlets that are enchanted to improve the wearers ability to enchant things." ("wearers" » "wearer's")
    • "The make the wearer less susceptible to burning, freezing and shocks." ("The make" » "They make")
  • 2F83A SkillEnchanting4 "Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments"
    • "These drain off a wizards reserve of power," ("wizards" » "wizard's")
    • "Unlike the elemental enchantments, the enchantment along cannot kill, although the weapon itself can still take a life." ("along" » "alone")
    • "Should he die shortly thereafter, he soul is siphoned off to a nearby soul gem." ("he soul" » "the soul")
    • "Noticablely more rare are the absorb enchantments." ("Noticablely" » "Noticeably")
    • "There are three known types that drain the victims health, magicka, or stamina." ("victims" » "victim's")
    • "These are sometime referred to as vampiric enchantments." ("sometime" » "sometimes")
    • "Absorbing health can actual steal the life from a creature." ("actual" » "actually")
    • "It is important to note that many creature are immune to paralysis,…" ("creature" » "creatures")
  • ED605 Book2CommonCatsOfSkyrim "Cats of Skyrim"
    • "The tooth of the cat is rumored to be useful in potions that restore the imbibers stamina as well as a potion that will temporarily give a more keen eye for smithing." ("imbibers" » "imbiber's")
    • "An skillful hunter can usually salvage the pelts and teeth of their kill, but report that the meat is tasteless and not fit to eat." ("An skillful" » "A skilful")
  • 85FE3 dunFolgunthurJournal2 "Daynas Valen's Notes": "Mikrul, the youngest, was run to ground in Folgunthur, the ancient barows at the foot of Solitude" ("barows" » "barrows")
  • EF2C0 Book3ValuableDragonLanguage "Dragon Language: Myth no More"
    • "The very word conjurs nightmare images of shadowed skies,…" ("conjurs" » "conjures")
    • "An always, always, it was the same word repeated:" ("An always" » "And always")
    • "In my travels, I found many of the ancient walls, and every suspicision proved true." ("suspicision" » "suspicion")
    • "And a human witness – possibly even a thrall or servant – learning, observering,…" ("observering" » "observing")
    • "The anicent Nords used the dragon langauge for these walls for very specific reasons. ("anicent" » "ancient", "langauge" » "language")
    • "Again, those answers are probably lost to time, and will never be know." ("be know" » "be known")
  • E7F34 book2CommonDwarvenArchitectureVolIII "Dwemer Inquiries Vol III": "…but very specifically on ornate metal frames in the deepest reaches of the Strongholds Alftand, Irkgnthand and Mzinchaleft of Skyrim." ("Irkgnthand" » "Irkngthand")
  • 2F837 SkillEnchanting1 "Enchanter's Primer": "Place the item and the soul gem on the Arcane Echanter. ("Echanter" » "Enchanter")
  • 88FE2 dunIlinaltasDeepAdventurerJournal "Fisherman's Journal": "No amount of coin could convince any of the nearby villagers to guide me there, so I'm following the Whiter River." ("Whiter" » "White")
  • ED04E Book3ValuableThalmor "Flight from the Thalmor": "Or so I thought at the time, before their true power and inlfuence made itself known." ("inlfuence" » "influence")
  • E3E69 Book3ValuableForgeHammerAndAnvil "Forge, Hammer and Anvil"
    • "He was rumored to illiterate,…" ("to illiterate" » "to be illiterate"
    • "The last page had a large streak of ink an a few splatters of blood." ("ink an a" » "ink and a")
    • "We have no way of know if Thorbald ever discovered the extraneous comments added to his script." ("know" » "knowing")
  • 4C6C8 TG02BillofSale "Goldenglow Bill of Sale": "Payment of the property has been made in full by Gulum-Ei as an agent on behalf of the buyer." ("Gulum-Ei" » "Gajul-Lei") [It was part of the questline that this bill contained the alias "Gajul-Lei", but it instead contained the real name of the NPC instead of the alias it was supposed to]
  • AD8DE NoteFreeformMorthalB "Gorm's Letter" [Improved title to "Gorm's Letter to Captain Aldis as otherwise the player could forget what it was and read it to find out, then remember that Gorm asked that the player not read it; note that there are no consequences if the player does] (New in 1.03)
  • 2F836 SkillPickpocket5 "Guide to Better Thieving":
    • "Let me give you a bit of advise – don't bother." ("advise" » "advice")
    • "For every skilled thief I've met in my day, I've seen a twenty who thought…" ("a twenty" » "twenty")
  • E1647 dunWhiteRiverWatchHajvarrJournal "Hajvarr's Journal": "Travellers must have complained to the Jarl." ("Travellers" » "Travelers")
  • 1AFD2 SkillSmithing5 "Heavy Armor Forging": "Ebony is the principle material, " ("principle" » "principal")
  • 1AFC8 SkillAlchemy5 "Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim"
    • "While it is most well-known for its use in poisons, it would be remiss to overlook that the blooms of the Deathbell are very effective in mixtures for boosting one Alchemy skill." ("one" » "one's")
    • "Do not be alarmed if, when the wings are broken down almost completely, they appear to almost disappear under your mortar." ("mortar" » "pestle") [The mortar is the bowl that ingredients are placed in, not under]
    • "Not all Nords are savages wrapped in animal skins, howling at the moon." ("moon" » "moons")
  • ED60C Book3ValuableDwarvenAutomatons "Herbane's Bestiary: Automatons"
    • "In the dark halls and chambers amid the ceasless droning of grinding gears and venting steam,…" ("ceasless" » "ceaseless")
    • "I will continue to my journey across the lands, And perhaps one day Herebane will meet a worthy challenge,…" ("lands, And" » "lands, and", "Herebane" » "Herbane")
  • ED60B Book2CommonHagravens "Herbane's Bestiary: Hagravens"
    • "…crude trinkets and alters to these witches on which sat dull, empty soul gems." ("alters" » "altars")
    • "…and deserving of its fate and its claws that are my trophy will tell the story of Herebanes triumph." ("Herebanes" » "Herbane's")
  • D6F0B Book2CommonOnIceWraiths "Herbane's Bestiary: Ice Wraiths": "When winters chill descended upon me as I traveled further north through the frozen plains and mountains,…" ("winters" » "winter's")
  • EDD35 Book1CheapCombatTips "Killing – Before You're Killed": "…learn the basics and keep your head firmly planted on your shoulders – or someone's bound to lob it off." ("lob" » "lop")
  • EF53E Book1CheapKolbAndTheDragon "Kolb & the Dragon"
    • "A strong gust of wind blew Kolb's torch out, and knocked him into a pit where split his head and died." ("where split" » "where he split")
    • "Kolb found the lair where the dragon slept, tendrils of smoke wafting from it's nostrils." ("it's" » "its")
  • D0E4E dunFrostmereCryptKyrJournal "Kyr's Log": "There's whole forest down there-" ("There's whole" » "There's a whole")
  • CADEC DB01AventusLetter "Letter from the Steward": "or if you possess the ability the read the letter I am currently composing" ("ability the read" » "ability to read")
  • 1AFD0 SkillSmithing3 "Light Armor Forging":
    • "What we call Glass is nothing like the windows panes you see in houses." ("windows" » "window")
    • "Studded armor also need iron ingots" ("need" » "needs")
    • "Then the Betrayal of Ulvul Llaren brought it the rest of Tamriel." ("it the" » "it to the")
    • "It's principle ingredient is Malachite," ("It's principle" » "Its principal"
  • 90213 dunAnsilvundLetter04 "Lu-ah's Journal" [Corrected title to "Lu'ah's Journal" to match her name]
    • "I would see both the Empire and these sons of Skyrim into Oblivion myself." ("Skyrim into" » "Skyrim into") [double space] (New in 1.03)
  • E82BE FFRiften08BrandSheiBook "Lymdrenn Tenvanni's Journal" [Corrected title: "Tenvanni's" » "Telvanni's"]
    • "…the Argonians simply answering a rallying cry incited by a millennia of suffrage imposed by my kind." ("millennia of suffrage" » "millennium of suffering")
  • F1445 HouseDecorateMarkarth "Markarth Home Decorating Guide": "This package will furnish one the small rooms that adjoin the living room with the implements of an alchemist's laboratory." ("one the" » "one of the")
  • DD125 dunPOIChillwindJournal2 "Merchant's Journal": "So many caravans have been attacked, so many travellers vanished into thin air." ("travellers" » "travelers")
  • 55549 dunLostProspectMineJournal "Miner's Journal": "And along comes Bern, my old partner, with an deed to some old gold mine out in the hills." ("an deed" » "a deed")
  • ED607 Book2CommonGiantsAndMammoths "Ode To The Tundrastriders": "I'd slowly fade to dream nested in the radiating heat of mammoth fur. It's cold resisting properties keeping me snug." ("fur. It's" » "fur, its")
  • ED035 Book2CommonRiftenOfCrossedDaggers "Of Crossed Daggers"
    • "Riften was a major hub of activity for trade caravans and travellers to and from Morrowind." ("travellers" » "travelers")
    • "The city guard was formiddable and maintained a tight grasp on its populace, keeping them safe from harm." ("formiddable" » "formidable")
    • "Although many believe that Hosgunn was responisble, and cries of protest filled the streets of Riften,…" ("responisble" » "responsible")
    • "Any caught breaking the curfew was immediately jailed without process or executed if it was a repeat offence." ("offence" » "offense")
    • "…using it to construct a massive wooden castle with unecessarily lavish quartering within." ("unecessarily" » "unnecessarily")
    • "…the streets of Riften became littered with refuse and it's people plagued by disease and hunger." ("it's" » "its")
    • "As the fighting recommensed, the fire spread through the city unchecked." ("recommensed" » "commenced")
    • "And even though over fifty years had passed since then, it still has yet to fully recover." ("had passed" » "have passed")
  • EB090 Book1CheapOlafAndTheDragon "Olaf and the Dragon" [NOTE: the text is the same as 403AF "Adonato's Book" but two of the mistakes have been corrected]
    • "The Jarls might have been able to conquesr the beast if they had worked together," ("conquesr" » "conquer")
  • ED037 Book3ValuableSteppingLightly "On Stepping Lightly": "Since the draugr tends to lay dormant until someone happens upon their resting place, it's advisable to keep an eye on any niches or sarcophaguses that you encounter." ("tends" » "tend", "sarcophaguses" » "sarcophagi")
  • 1AD14 Book4RareSancreTor "Remanada": "…the west split from the east and Colovia's estrangment lasted some four hundreds of years." ("estrangment" » "estrangement")
  • ED03B Book2CommonScourgeoftheGrayQuarter "Scourge of the Gray Quarter"
    • "…would open itself as a welcome destination for any refugee from the smoking sulphur…" ("sulphur" » "sulfur")
    • "Indeed, the soft hand of Hoag can be seen in the cities Argonian population as well;…" ("cities" » "city's")
  • F84A1 Book0Shadowmarks "Shadowmarks": "Saves you from breaking into a place only to find the people don't even have two septim to rub together." ("septim" » "septims")
  • 1AF93 Book3ValuableShezarr "Shezarr and the Divines": "…the defeat at Gelnumbria Moors would only damage his campaign for the Imperial Crown." ("Gelnumbria" » "Glenumbra")
  • F1447 HouseDecorateSolitude "Solitude Home Decorating Guide": "Will stock one of the home's small ground-floor rooms with all of the furnshings for an enchanting laboratory,…" ("furnshings" » "furnishings")
  • ED046 Book2CommonSongOfReturnV2 "Songs of the Return, Vol 2": "bringing his learnings to bear on the battlefield that his enemies would be defeated before they even know the battle had begun." ("learnings" » "learning", "know" » "knew")
  • D0969 dunFrostflowAbyssJournal02 "Sudi's Journal": "Or even being cabin girl on one ships we used to sail on would be better than this!" ("one ships" » "one of the ships")
  • 1DBFE MS10SuvarisJournal "Suvaris Atheron's Logbook": "PLEASE RETURN TO HIM IN WINDHELM IF FOUND" ("HIM" » "HER") [Suvaris is female]
  • 7EB9E Book2CommonButcherofMarkarth "The Bear of Markarth"
    • "…(undoubtedly due to the Nords poor treatment of them)…" ("Nords" » "Nords'"
    • "…a militia led by Ulfric Stormcloak sieged the gates of their capital…" ("sieged" » "besieged")
  • EF638 Book2CommonCabinInTheWoods "The Cabin in the Woods": "For the rest of the night slept with one eye open" ("night slept" » "night he slept")
  • 7EBC2 Book1CheapTheCityofStone "The City of Stone": "Meat is the preferred ration, the craggy rocks in the area make for poor farming land, and silver is what's used to make most all the rings and necklaces you might by…" ("might by" » "might buy")
  • E0D68 Book3ValuableFalmer "The Falmer: A Study": "The overthrew the dwarves,…" ("The" » "They")
  • F456D Book2CommonGreatWar "The Great War": "Once more the Empire failed to stop the advance of Thamor power." ("Thamor" » "Thalmor")
  • ED030 Book1CheapNineHolds "The Holds of Skyrim": "…but will ultimately look out for her own iterests if put in a difficult position." ("iterests" » "interests")
  • 973AC DA07KeepersoftheRazorNotes "The Keepers of the Razor"
    • "Sorscha's current descendent,…" ("descendent" » "descendant")
  • F699D Book3ValuableLustyArgonianMaidVol02 "The Lusty Argonian Maid, v2": "You wish me to kneed the loaf?" ("kneed" » "knead")
  • F68AD TGBook0NightingalesVolume02 "The Nightingales Vol. 2": "…Jagar Tharn in disguise and that he used the Staff to imprison Emperor Uriel Septim VIII." ("VIII" » "VII")
  • 37DEA Book2CommonOblivionCrisis "The Oblivion Crisis"
    • "…but that is just speculation.What was discovered there is that Mankar Camoran was behind the Mythic Dawn, …" ("speculation.What" » "speculation. What" [missing space])
    • "Now that the barrier was ripped asunder, it was too late to relighting the Fires." ("relighting" » "relight")
  • F4530 Book3ValuableBlades "The Rise and Fall of the Blades"
    • "…, and many believe that their brief appearance in Tamriel's history are those that escaped Akaviri,…" ("Akaviri" » "Akavir")
    • "They reached their height late during the 3rd era under the rule of the Septim emprors." ("emprors" » "emperors")
    • "Fragments of from late 1st era texts…" ("of from" » "from")
  • ED04F Book2CommonThirdEra "The Third Era Timeline":
    • "Beginning of Third Era, when all province in Tamriel are unified" ("province" » "provinces")
    • "Death of Empress Kintyra , and crowning of Emperor Uriel I" ("Kintyra ," » "Kintyra,")
    • "Death of Emperor Pelagius II Dies, and crowning of Emperor Antiochus" ("Pelagius II Dies" » "Pelagius II")
    • "Defeat of Camoran Usurper Defeated" ("Usurper Defeated" » "Usurper")
    • "Crowing of Emperor Uriel V" ("Crowing" » "Crowning")
    • "Uriel VI gain full power as Emperor" ("gain" » "gains")
    • "Beginning of the Blight Curse in Vvardenfell, and arrival of the Nerevar" ("Nerevar" » "Nerevarine")
  • ED03C Book2CommonWindhelmLetters "The Windhelm Letters"
    • "I think they're looking after me moreso than I them." ("moreso" » "more so")
    • "Ma is tired a lot, but has lots of visitors, so we are being good and helping." (helpping" » "helping")
  • 83B3B Book2CommonTheWispmother "The Wispmother"
    • "…and takes vengeance on those who wronged them in life." ("takes" » "take")
    • "Oddly, Cyrodillic legends invariably refer to Wisps as lone predators,…" ("Cyrodillic" » "Cyrodilic")
  • 1B276 SkillSneak1 "Three Thieves"
    • "When the victim is thus rendered unconscious, you slash his throat while still holding him from behind, and the risk of staining one's clothes with blood is practically nonexistant." ("nonexistant" » "nonexistent")
    • "…nothing beats throwing a sack over the targets head…" ("targets" » "target's")
    • "Imalyn headed east into the park, trusting his unnatural senses to keep him away from the citywatch." ("citywatch" » "city watch")
    • "It was merely intellectual curiousity: they thought his name was Lledos and he was meeting them at the Plot and Plaster." ("curiousity" » "curiosity")
    • "It wouldn't be until that afternoon when his servants returned from the feast of St Rilms in Gnisis." ("St Rilms" » "St. Rilms")
  • D2B09 DB003TovaLetter "Tova's Farewell": "How can I bare the loss of a second daughter, when I'm barely over the death of a first?" ("bare the loss" » "bear the loss")
  • 2F839 SkillEnchanting3 "Twin Secrets"
    • "I am upon my death bed, and am loathe to see knowledge of any sort lost to the mists of time." ("loathe" » "loath")
    • "I had hoped to see lost Atmora before I passed, that is not to be." ("passed," » "passed;")
    • "Exhausted and near the end of my spells, I parlayed with the wyrm, offering it life if it would share it's secrets.", "I asked for it's name, but it told me it would rather die than surrender that." ("it's" » "its")
    • "Instead if offered me something else." ("if" » "it")
  • E7F39 DA13AfflictedLetter "Unsent Afflicted Letter"
    • "I send this letter in hopes that it will sooth a worried mind." ("sooth" » "soothe")
    • "In truth, I am saddened that you were not likewise chosen by Peryite to awake with these oozing lungs." ("awake" » "awaken")
  • ED061 Book2CommonSolitude "Walking the World, Vol XI"
    • "…, the bridge was said to be used used to discretely allow Captain Jytte,…" ("used used to discretely" » "used to discreetly")
    • "Others believe the Jytte and Erling were involved on a more personal level." ("the Jytte" » "that Jytte")
    Corrected the following errors in Morrowind and Oblivion/Shivering Isles import books' text:
  • 1AFB3 Book4RareSixteenAccordsofMadnessV9 "16 Accords of Madness, v. IX": "..., as well as the infantile public and corrupt state for worshiping them." ("worshiping" » "worshipping")
  • 1AFB1 Book4RareSixteenAccordsofMadnessV12 "16 Accords of Madness, v. XII"
    • "His guttural voice rumbled, and the patron of the Orismer looked upon his counterpart with accusing eyes." ("Orismer" » "Orsimer")
    • "Malacath began to stand, but kneeled again,..." ("kneeled" » "knelt")
  • 1ACE4 Book3Valuable2920v12a "2920, Evening Star, v12"
    • "Even the plantlife showed a remarkable resilience." ("plantlife" » "plant life")
    • "...burning cauldrons of sweet herbs simmered in every corner, Pyandonean swallowtails sweeping through the air, singing their songs." ("sweeping" » "swept")
    • ""I must go and establish our alibi," said Savirien-Chorak, disappearing behind one of the secret passages that only the Emperor's most trusted knew about." ("behind one" » "into one")
  • 1ACE5 Book3Valuable2920v3a "2920, First Seed, v3"
    • "How that Akavir could slither across the grass without making a sound was a mystery to him.", "I would say Prince Juilek, if he were feeling better," replied the Akaviri." ("Akavir" » "Akaviri")
    • "Bodrum, Morrowind" ("Bodrums" » "Bodrum")
    • "Corda took the letter to the garden to read it, her favorite place, an oasis in the monochromatic sand-colored world of the conservatorium" ("conservatorium" » "conservatorium.") [missing period]
  • 1AFEA SkillConjuration4 "2920, Frostfall, v10": "But the spirits, while marvelous companions and faultless tellers of truth, are often hazy about the when and hows." ("hows" » "how")
  • 1AFE9 SkillConjuration3 "2920, Hearth Fire, v9"
    • "It was funny, she thought, that she had never stepped foot in its streets, though she had watched it ever day for seventeen years." ("ever day" » "every day")
    • ""Spirit fist right side the head," Mynista said, continuing the climb up the hill." ("side the" » "side of the")
    • "The Psijics study magic like its their painful duty." ("its their" » "it's their")
  • 1B01F SkillSneak2 "2920, Last Seed, v8": "A minstrel he had heard play once in Gilderdale was performing a jaunty old tune to the clapping of the mountain men." ("Gilderdale" » "Gilverdale")
  • 1AFF7 SkillHeavyArmor2 "2920, MidYear, v6"
    • "They are a two weeks march from Ald Iuval and Lake Coronati, heavily armored." ("weeks" » "week")
    • "...particularly one clan in slow-moving heavy armor could not move invisibly, silently." ("clan" » "clad")
    • "It seemed like the idea opportunity to strike." ("idea" » "ideal")
    • "You are a wonderous tactician, Versidue-Shaie!" ("wonderous" » "wondrous")
    • ""What you seem to be forgetting," laughed Prince Juilek. "Is that I gave my word that no harm to the army or to their commanders during the truce negotiations." ("Juilek. "Is" » "Juilek, "is", "word that" » "word of")
  • 1AFD9 SkillOneHanded2 "2920, Morning Star, v1"
    • "The Emperor had locked her up in Castle Giovesse seven years ago, and would likely keep her here until he or she died." ("Giovesse" » "Giovese")
    • "I don't know if I've even seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this." ("an Akavir" » "an Akaviri")
  • 1B025 SkillSpeechcraft3 "2920, Second Seed, v5": "Brought you neivous ichor, did she?" ("neivous" » "nervous")
  • 1B010 SkillIllusion2 "2920, Sun's Dawn, v2"
    • "Pale purple proscato flowers waves to and fro in the gentle breeze." ("waves" » "waved")
    • "If cell one holds the gold key, then cell three hold worthless brass." ("hold" » "holds")
  • 1ACE3 Book3Valuable2920v11a "2920, Sun's Dusk, v11": "A freakish wind blew through the streets, ripping his flags from the castle battlements, forcing all his people to close their shudders tightly." ("shudders" » "shutters")
  • 1AFC0 Book0DanceInFireV1 "A Dance in Fire, v1"
    • "Scotti wondered idly what the fellow would do with the contracts for the new statue of St Alessia for which the Temple of the One had applied." ("St Alessia" » "St. Alessia")
    • ", it was manifestly evident who the writer was. Liodes Jurus," ("was." » "was:")
    • "I've just gone through a stack, and the junior scribes hands are all cramping up, so I thought you wouldn't miss a few." ("scribes" » "scribes'")
    • "Ten wagons in all set off that afternoon through the familiar Cyrodilic countryside. Past fields of wildflowers, gently rolling woodlands, friendly hamlets." ("countryside. Past" » "countryside, past")
  • 1AFDF SkillBlock3 "A Dance in Fire, v2"
    • "A millennia's worth of fallen leaves formed a deep, wormy sea of putrefaction beneath their feet." ("millennia's" » "millennium's")
    • "The mer nodded and within a few minutes time, Scotti was two hundred feet in the air at a crook between two mighty branches." ("minutes time" » "minutes' time")
    • "Curled webs of moss stretched unevenly across the fork, forming a sharing roof for several dozen small buildings." ("sharing" » "shared")
  • 1AFD4 Book0DanceInFireV3 "A Dance in Fire, v3"
    • "Breath like you would normally." ("Breath" » "Breathe")
    • "He did not know if he were intruding on a party of Bosmeri or Khajiiti, only that he could swim no more." ("were" » "was")
  • 1B006 Book4RareADanceInFireV5 "A Dance in Fire, v5"
    • "The bolt missed the target by only two feet, but it continued on its trajectory, snapping when it struck a rock wall." ("bolt" » "arrow")
    • "Hello, I'm afraid I'm unarmed? Smoken flames and the closest town is dear Oblivion." ("Smoken" » "Smoke and")
  • 1B00D SkillSpeechcraft1 "A Dance in Fire, v6"
    • "So much was required and there were so many costs associated that addendums and codicils had to be scribbled into the margins of the papers,..." ("addendums" » "addenda")
    • "The thought of doing business with Jurus after all, of profiting from Valenwood war with Elsweyr,..." ("Valenwood war" » "Valenwood's war")
  • 1B00E SkillSpeechcraft2 "A Dance in Fire, v7": "Didn't you hear what I'm said?" ("I'm said" » "I said")
  • 1AFC4 SkillAlchemy1 "A Game at Dinner"
    • "Forward From The Publisher:" ("Forward" » "Foreword")
    • "I couldn't help thinking then, could the Prince's entire counsellorship be comprised of nothing but spies?" ("counsellorship" » "counselorship"
    • " alchemist of infamous repute, said to be a leading suppliers of exotic poisons." ("suppliers" » "supplier")
  • 1B01C SkillLockpicking4 "Advances in Lockpicking": "Sometimes the locks have weird spings." ("spings" » "springs")
  • 1B22F Book2CommonAntecedentsofDwemerLaw "Antecedants of Dwemer Law"
    • "..., the owner must pay the associates three fine instruments and the body of the one who his owned." ("his" » "is")
    • "It is instructive to compare what Dhark has mentioned concerning the rude beasts of the Tenmar forests." ("Dhark" » "Dahrk")
    • "..., his family were in disgrace till they retaliated by killing the Argonian,..." ("till" » "until")
  • 1ACFE Book4RareArcanaRestored "Arcana Restored"
    • "Make sure that thou havest with thee this Excellent Manual,..." ("havest with you" » "hast with thee")
    • "...whose faults and wickednesses are manifest even to the least learned of critics." ("wickednesses" » "wickedness")
    • "so that thou not in carelessness cause thyself and much else to discorporate and disorder the World with thine component humors." ("your" » thine")
    • "Takest thou exceeding great care to safeguard yourself from the insalubrious tempests of the Mana Fountain...", "...or to avail yourself of the Healing powers of the Temples and Healers..." ("yourself" » "thyself")
  • 1ACE7 Book3ValuableArgonianAccountBook2 "Argonian Account, Book 2"
    • "Now he truly knew no one in Black Marsh, but the caravan slowly grinded and bumped forward, so there was no time to argue." ("grinded" » "ground")
    • "Scotti remembered a long-forgotten prayer to the god Stendarr and whispered it to himself." ("long forgotten" » "long-forgotten")
  • 1AFCC Book0ArgonianAccountBook3 "Argonian Account, Book 3"
    • "The smuggler kept his eye on the ground, poking at the viscuous mud intermittently." ("viscuous" » "viscous")
    • "Drawing-Flame and Furl-of-Fresh-Leaves sympathesized, and then,..." ("sympathesized" » "sympathized")
  • 1ACE8 Book3ValuableArgonianAccountBook4 "Argonian Account, Book 4": ""Pompous, assimiliated, slaver kleptocrats," a small lemon-colored Agaceph murmured with some feeling." ("assimiliated" » "assimilated")
  • 1ACE8 Book3ValuableAzuraandtheBox "Azura and the Box": "...and yet the skill that has taught me the finally truth is the one that I learned when I was but a poor, young man..." ("finally truth" » "final truth")
  • 2F83C SkillBlock5 "Battle of Red Mountain"
    • "Who can clearly recall the events of the distant past." ("past." » "past?")
    • "But Kagrenac's tools remained, and Dagoth Ur seized them, and he carried them to Nerever, saying,…" ("Nerever" » "Nerevar")
  • 1AFDC SkillTwoHanded5 "Battle of Sancre Tor": "..., and which resulting in the crowning of General Talos as Emperor Tiber Septim." ("resulting" » "resulted")
  • 1B012 SkillIllusion4 "Before the Ages of Man"
    • "..., presented roughly in sequence as it must be understaoo by creatures of time such as ourselves." ("understaoo" » "understood")
    • "...the year before the founding of the Camoran Dysnasty and the establishment of the White Gold Tower as an indepenent city-state." ("Dysnasty" » "Dynasty", "indepenent" » "independent")
    • "During the Middle Merethic Era, Aldmeri explorers mapped the coasts of Vvardenfel,..." ("Vvardenfel" » "Vvardenfell")
    • "..., the Heartland's long lines of communication from the Summerset Isles' sovereignty effectively isolated Cyrodill from the High Kings at Crystal Tower." ("Cyrodill" » "Cyrodiil"
    • "The Merethic Era was figured by early Nord scholars as a series of years numbered in reverse order backward from the their 'beginning of time'..." ("the their" » "their")
    • "..., from the continent of Atmora (also 'Altmora' or 'the Elder Wood' in Aldmeris) migrated and settleed in northern Tamriel." ("settleed" » "settled")
    • "..., warrior, sorceror, and king variously known as Pelinal Whitestrake,..." ("sorceror" » "sorcerer")
    • "...(also known as 'Old Ehlnofey') and settled in southwestern Tamriel." ("settled in" » "settled in") [removed double space]
  • 1AFD6 SkillPickpocket4 "Beggar"
    • "Futhermore, as he was but a child, all decisions in the kingdom went through Ynohp's rather corrupt council." ("Futhermore" » 'Furthermore")
    • "The time finally came when the taxcollector arrived to Drusba's hovel," ("taxcollector" » "tax collector")
    • "It is perhaps understandable that the Lahpyrcopa elected," ("the Lahpyrcopa" » "then Lahpyrcopa")
    • "Not a particular unusual situation for a kingdom of Tamriel, but an unpleasant one nonetheless." ("particular unusual" » "particularly unusual")
  • 1ACC7 Book2CommonBeggarPrince "Beggar Prince": "..., when gods walked like men and daedra stalking the wilderness with impunity." ("stalking" » "stalked")
  • 1B023 SkillSpeechcraft5 "Biography of the Wolf Queen"
    • "In the midst the victory celebration,..." ("midst the" » "midst of the")
    • "Potema died after a month long siege on her castle in the year 3E 137 at the age of 90." ("month long" » "month-long")
  • 1B236 SkillAlteration2 "Breathing Water"
    • "As with all spells and all skills, you more you practice, the better you get." ("you more" » "the more")
    • ""That's common sense," said Tharien" ("Tharien" » "Tharien.") [missing period]
    • "Thalien looked around the room.", "Thalien took the sailor's key and opened the box.", "Then, suddenly, Thalien Winloth felt reality." ("Thalien" » "Tharien")
    • "He kept his mind on the world of possibilities, that books could sing, that green was blue, that that water was air, that every stroke and kick brought him closer to a sunken ship filled with treasure." ("that that" » "that")
    • "He could break reality long enough to breath water all the way back up to the surface, but not enough to reach the ship.", "It was fading away, his ability to breath water." ("breath" » "breathe")
  • 1ACFF Book4RareBrothersofDarkness "Brothers of Darkness": Not long after Alimahera's journal entry came perhaps the most famous series of executions in the history of the Dark Brotherhood." ("Alimahera's" » "Arlimahera's")
  • 1B238 Book3ValuableCharwichKoniingeLettersBookI "Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v1"
    • "6 Suns Height, 3E 411" ("Suns" » "Sun's")
    • "Like a number of other similar towns in High Rock, there is a high wall surrounded it." ("surrounded" » "surrounding")
  • 1B239 Book3ValuableCharwichKoniingeLettersBookII "Charwich-Koniinge, v2" [Corrected title to "Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v2" to match the others of this series]
    • "And I hope further that you receive it in a timelier manner that I received your letter." ("that" » "than")
    • "I returned to the Pot and Plaster,..." ("Pot" » "Plot")
    • "..., and while they haven't begun so much of crusade to stamp them out,..." ("of crusade" » "of a crusade")
    • "..., and I whispered that if I released my grip a little so he could talk and breath," ("breath" » "breathe")
  • 1AFD1 SkillSmithing4 "Cherim's Heart"
    • "The menacing shadows of the Elsweyr battlecats loom on the hills, every muscle strained, ready to pounce in command." ("in command" » "on command")
    • "Obviously, the principle advantage of the traditional armor was that we could move easily in it,..." ("principle" » "principal")
  • 1B22E Book4RareAncientTalesoftheDwemerPartVI / 1AFF8 SkillHeavyArmor3 "Chimarvamidium" [This book has two instances]
    • "Barif has the golem brought to his chambers with all his housethanes." ("Barif has" » "Barif had")
    • "This word occurs several times in plans of Dwemer armor and Animunculi, but it's meaning is not known." ("it's meaning" » "its meaning")
    • "This is one of the few tales in this collection, which can actually be traced to the Dwemer." ("collection, which" » "collection which")
  • 1ACC9 Book2CommonDarkestDarkness "Darkest Darkness": "...Daedric artifacts like Mehrunes Razor and the Mask of Clavicus Vile are examples of long-term bindings." ("Mehrunes" » "Mehrunes'")
  • 1AFC9 SkillAlteration1 "Daughter of the Niben"
    • "Very little is left of the Ayleid presence in Bravil of today, though archetectural marvels of other kinds are very evident." ("archetectural" » "architectural")
    • "Though he was scarcely reconizable, it was the same young man the Lady had helped." ("reconizable" » "recognizable")
  • 1AFDD SkillBlock1 "Death Blow of Abernanit"
    • "To answer villiany's shield with justice's spear," ("villiany's" » "villainy's")
    • "Of one of the cruellest petty tyrants in the annals" ("cruellest" » "cruelest")
    • "Or have the the strength to absord all of my strikes." ("the the" » "the")
    • "Or have the strength to absord all of my strikes." ("absord" » "absorb")
    • "With fever glassed eyes and strength through the Horror." ("fever glassed" » "fever-glassed")
  • 1ACEA Book3ValuableDwemerHistory "Dwemer History and Culture"
    • "Before examing this question, a brief summary of the provenance and subsequent career of Ancient Tales would be appropriate." ("examing" » "examining")
    • "As the following essays will show, the Dwemer were, to our modern eyes, a remarkably unlikeable people in many ways." ("unlikeable" » "unlikable")
  • 1ACF7 Book3ValuableSnowPrince "Fall of the Snow Prince": "..., for the brilliant armor and spear of the Snow Prince still shined." ("shined" » "shone")
  • 1ACED Book3ValuableFeyfolkenIII "Feyfolken III"
    • "..., complementing him on the new, primative design for the Bulletin." ("primative" » "primitive")
    • "Feyfolken made all the Bulletins beautiful, except for the last one, the one Thaubad did for himself,..." ("Thaubad" » "Thaurbad")
  • 1AFDA SkillOneHanded3 "Fire and Darkness"
    • "The knife blade is whisper thin, elegantly wrought, but inpractical." ("inpractical" » "impractical")
    • "..., and his successor, Potentate Versidae-Shae in the 324th year of the second era,..." ("Versidae-Shae" » "Versidue-Shaie")
    • "..., the secular, murder-for- profit order of assassins,..." ("murder-for- profit" » "murder-for-profit")
  • 1AD06 Book4RareFragmentOnArtaeum / 72841 MG03Book03 "Fragment: On Artaeum" [This book has two instances]
    • "The Isle of Artaeum (ar-TAY-um) is the third largest island in the Sumurset archipelago" ("Sumurset" » "Summurset") [this error was already corrected in the latter edition]
    • "Even then, the Psijics were the counsellors of kings and proponents of the "Elder Way,"..." ("counsellors" » "counselors")
    • "The Council's influence in Tamrielan politics is tidal." ("Tamrielan" » "Tamrielic")
  • 1ACCD Book2CommonGalerionTheMystic "Galerion The Mystic"
    • "The trial of the smugglers was nonexistant, and the punishment swift." ("nonexistant" » "nonexistent")
    • "..., giving him the name of Vanus Galarion." ("Galarion" » "Galerion")
  • 1AD07 Book4RareGloriesAndLaments "Glories and Laments"
    • "..., nor the were they the savage beast peoples who learned the crafts of war and magic from their Ayleid masters." ("nor the were they" » "nor were they")
    • "...and the melancholy fate of high civilizations now poking like splinter shards of bone from the green-grown tumulus of time-swept obscurity." "tumulus" » "tumultus"
    • ", with broad vaulted avenues and limpid canals leading away through ever-deeping gloom into darkness." ("deeping" » "deepening")
    • "It was by these ancient, faded, but still active magics that I knelt and contemplated the departed glories of the long-dead Ayelid architects." ("Ayelid" » "Ayleid")
    • "The chiefest perils of these ruins to the explorer are the cunning and deadly mechanisms devised by the Ayleids to torment and confound those would invade their underground sanctuaries." ("those would" » "those who would")
  • 1ACD5 Book2CommonOverviewofGodsandWorship "Gods and Worship"
    • "Practioners of the Old Ways say that there are no Gods, just greater and lesser spirits." ("Practioners" » "Practitioners")
    • "This my own conjecture,..." ("This my" » "This is my")
  • 1AD08 Book4RareHangingGardens "Hanging Gardens": "Only fragments of the Aldmeris is readable,..." ("Aldmeris is" » "Aldmeris are")
  • 1AFEC SkillDestruction1 "Horror of Castle Xyr"
    • "I see that armor ever day,..." ("ever day" » "every day")
    • "Do you know an ashlander by the name of Sul-Kharifa?", "..., but being an ashlander and my master being of the House of Telvanni,...", "...You think the ashlander escaped,..." ("ashlander" » "Ashlander")
    • "One of the other kenas from the college been round yesterday," ("been round" » "been 'round")
    • "The Nord female was subjected to sixteen hours of a frost spell which eventually crystalized her into a state of suspended animation,..." ("crystalized" » "crystallized")
    • "I intend to increase it expotentially and see how long it is before she notices." ("expotentially" » "exponentially")
    • "..., similiar to my results with the Cyrodilic female and,..." ("similiar" » "similar")
    • "ANANA/IACHILLA" » "ANARA/IACHILLA" [two instances]
    • "rom the darkness, Anara/Iachilla speaks." ("Anana" » "Anara")
    • "As she speaks, the flames in the torchs extinguish." ("torchs" » "torches")
    • "Zollassa, a young Argonian mage" ("mage" » "mage.") [missing period]
  • 1B001 SkillLightArmor2 "Ice and Chitin"
    • "..., but he knew that she was would never order one of her men to perform the suicidal act of diversion,..." ("was would" » "would")
    • "..., that all would die before they reached Gorvigh Ridge if the warlords' army was not distracted." ("warlords'" » "warchiefs'")
  • 1AFF1 Book0ImmortalBlood "Immortal Blood": "He only studied me with those intense eyes of his, commiting every word I said to memory." ("commiting" » "committing")
  • 1B00F SkillIllusion "Incident at Necrom"
    • "I'm no combatter." ("combatter" » "combattant")
    • "The final attack when it happened was so unlike the others that the questors were taken utterly by surprise." ("questors" » "questers")
  • 1B002 SkillLightArmor3 "Jornibret's Last Dance": "It 'twas a pity he knew he had to harm her." ("It 'twas" » "'Twas")
  • 1AFE5 SkillTwoHanded3 "King"
    • ", you will not understand a word of what follows unless you have read and commited to memory the first three volumes in this series," ("commited" » "committed")
    • "We last left Eslaf Erol fleeing for his life, which was a common enough occurance for him." ("occurance" » "occurrence")
    • "For all her brutality, Laicifitra was an simple woman,..." "an simple" » "a simple"
    • "..., he had refused to name someone an heir, so the kingdom received its entire fortune." ("its entire" » "his entire")
  • 1AFE8 SkillConjuration2 "Liminal Bridges"
    • "Only a transpontine circumpenetration of the limen will result in transits of greater than infinitessimal duration." ("infinitessimal" » "infinitesimal")
    • "..., the exotic morpoliths used to make sigil stones occur only in pocket voids of Oblivion,..." "morpoliths" » "morpholiths"
    • "On the equinox, the mechanic shall then place the morpolith in the dish and intone the rites of the Book of Law,.." ("morpolith" » "morpholith")
  • 1AFE6 SkillOneHanded5 "Mace Etiquette": "By the time the mace gets there, his head will be in it's path." ("it's path" » "its path")
  • 1ACF1 Book3ValuableMagicFromTheSky "Magic from the Sky"
    • "The most common varieties are known as 'meteroic iron';..." ("meteroic" » "meteoric")
    • "Those with magical talents can draw magicka from Ayleid wells to restore their own reseroirs of magical power." ("reseroirs" » "reservoirs")
    • "Scholars believe that at the heart of each ancient Ayelid city,..." "Ayelid" » "Ayleid"
  • 1AFC3 Book0MysteryOfTalaraV1 "Mystery of Talara, v1": "Hoping that it was the tale end,..." ("tale end" » "tail end")
  • 1B018 SkillRestoration5 "Mystery of Talara, v2"
    • "It was long way through the swirling currents that wrenched back at her." ("was long" » "was a long")
    • ", but the water had carried her quite a ways from the point where she fell at Cavilstyr Rock." ("a ways" » "a way")
    • "Lets get you warm and have a look at that leg." ("Lets" » "Let's")
  • 1B013 SkillIllusion5 "Mystery of Talara, Part 4": [Corrected title to "Mystery of Talara, v4" to match the others of this series]
    • "As his angry mouth touched her lips, she cast the second spell she had learned her illusionist mentor." ("learned her" » "learned from her")
    • "It was a letter to the Emperor the late king your brother was penning at the time of his assassination,..." ("Emperor the late king your brother" » "Emperor that the late king, your brother,")
  • 1ACF5 Book3ValuablePrincessTalaraV5 "Mystery of Talara, v5": "By the right of law of the Emperor of Tamriel which supercedes all provincial royal authority." ("supercedes" » "supersedes")
  • 1AFE4 SkillOneHanded4 "Night Falls on Sentinel"
    • "..., indignant that her mathematical skills were being question:..." ("question" » "questioned")
    • "..., the sight of the young Redguard woman in a fine black velvet cape might have aroused surprise. Even suspicion." ("surprise. Even" » "surprise, even")
    • "As it were," ("were" » "was")
    • "Another died a that same plague that took the Queen and Prince Greklith." ("a that" » "o' that")
  • 1AFF9 SkillHeavyArmor4 "Orsinium and the Orcs"
    • "You were training when my emisary arrived two days ago,..." ("emisary" » "emissary")
    • "Your try too hard, sir,..." ("Your try" » "You try")
    • "The arena will be the central courtyard of my cousin Lord Berylth's palace in Wayrest,...", "Bowyn and Berylth sparred in the courtyard.", "Berylth commiserated.", "..., turning to Lord Berylth,..." ("Berylth" » "Berylith")
  • 1AFFE Book0PallaV1 "Palla, volume 1"
    • "I went back to Magister Tendixus's chamber and poured through his notes,..." ("poured" » "pored")
    • "...our hostess was reputed to be young, rich, unmarried orphan from Hammerfell." ("be young" » "be a young")
  • 1B01B SkillLockpicking3 "Proper Lock Design"
    • "I have taken it upon myself to devise a system of locks that can defeat such villianous intent." ("villianous" » "villainous")
    • "..., it's dwarven lock intact and still locked." ("it's" » "its")
  • 1B022 SkillPickpocket1 "Purloined Shadows"
    • "The peasants wisely bolted their doors and windows, praying to survival that most unholy of days." ("survival" » "survive")
    • "Her witches did not raise their head from the ground,..." ("head" » "heads")
  • 1AD14 Book4RareSancreTor "Remanada": "..., queen of ancienttimes,..." ("ancienttimes" » "ancient times")
  • 1B015 SkillRestoration2 "Racial Phylogeny"
    • "Khajiit differ from humans and elves not only their skeletal and dermal physiology..." ("only their" » "only in their")
    • "...but their metabolism and digestion as well." ("but their" » "but in their")
    • "Argonians, like the dreugh, appear to be a semi-aquatic troglophile form of humans,..." ("troglophile" » "limnophilic")
  • 1ACC6 Book1CheapReportDisasterIonith "Report: Disaster at Ionith"
    • "...succesfully breaking through the enemy lines but then being surrounded by overwhelming forces on the road to Septimia." ("succesfully" » "successfully")
    • "..., and peoples of that continent than presently obtains." ("obtains" » "obtained")
  • 1AFED SkillDestruction2 "Response to Bero's Speech"
    • "..., not to mention heresay." ("heresay" » "hearsay")
    • "..., and its students impatient, with megalomaniac tendencies." ("megalomaniac" » "megalomaniacal")
    • "The means of delivering the spell matters more in the School of Destruction than any other school,..." ("matters" » "matter")
    • "..., a man who knows nothing about the Schools of Alteration and Destruction, is the one insisting this..." ("Destruction, is" » "Destruction is")
  • 1B004 SkillLightArmor5 "Rislav The Righteous"
    • "The High Chieftain of Skyrim lost his life in the Battle of Sungard." ("Sungard" » "Sunguard")
    • "The statue of Rislav the Righteous which now stands in Skingrad is a romanticized version of king," ("version of king" » "version of the king")
  • 1ACDB Book2CommonRuinsofKemelZe "Ruins of Kemel-Ze"
    • "You would think that a twenty-foot golden kind would be hard to miss,..," ("kind" » "king")
    • "..., Kemel-Ze lies on the mainland side of the Vvardenfel Rift,...", "Travelers from the east coast of Vvardenfel often visit the site by boat,..." ("Vvardenfel" » "Vvardenfell")
  • 1B020 SkillSneak3 "Sacred Witness": "..., and I was priveleged to sit with the two in a dark skooma den in the musty slums of the city,..." ("priveleged" » "privileged")
  • 1B22B Book3ValuableAShortHistoryofMorrowind "Short History of Morrowind": "..., and Imperial interests to control Vvardenfell's resource could at any time erupt into full-scale war." ("resource" » "resources")
  • 1AFDB SkillTwoHanded4 "Song Of Hrormir"
    • "Son of Vjinmore, King of Evensnow." ("Evensnow" » "Eversnow")
    • "And thou mayst use me as thou will." ("mayst" » "mayest")
  • 1AD0C Book4RareSoulsBlackAndWhite "Souls, Black and White"
    • "Even if one were to ignore the guild strictures against the necromatic arts used to power black soul gems,..." "necromatic" » "necromantic"
    • "Centuries of experimentation has demonstrated that there are black souls and white souls." ("has demonstrated" » "have demonstrated")
  • 1B01D SkillLockpicking5 "Surfeit of Thieves"
    • "No one seemed to have any idea about the group, even that that there were here." ("that that there" » "that they")
    • "Undoubtedly, many of the keys had been lost in time." ("in time" » "to time")
  • 1B25E Book2CommonTheArcturianHeresy "The Arcturian Heresy": "He discovers the reason the Numidium was made and some of it's potential." (it's" » "its")
  • 1B009 SkillMarksman5 "The Black Arrow, v2": "..., a completely innocent man at it turned out,..." ("at it" » "as it")
  • 1AFE7 SkillConjuration1 "The Doors of Oblivion" "She listened to his tale with a smile, and told him of the coming of the Nevevarine." ("Nevevarine" » "Nerevarine")
  • 1ACF2 Book3ValuableTheDowry "The Dowry": "..., none arrived in a more resplendent fashion that Welyn Naerillic." ("that" » "than")
  • 1ACD2 Book2CommonTheFirmament "The Firmament"
    • "The Lady is one of the Warrior's Charges and her Season is Heartfire." ("Heartfire" » "Hearthfire")
    • "season" » "Season" [five instances; too numerous to mention individually]
  • 1B005 SkillMarksman1 "The Gold Ribbon of Merit"
    • "The two shot a few more practice bolts before parting ways." ("bolts" » "arrows")
    • "..., and saw Templer's wild-shot bolt sticking in his gold ribbon of merit." ("bolt" » "arrow")
  • 1B26D SkillMarksman2 "The Marksmanship Lesson"
    • "Dob was clearly ill suited for work in the mines or in the fields, but he seemed presentable enough for domestic service." ("ill suited" » "ill-suited")
    • ""Here, you," said Genethah Illoc, a minor but still noble member of the House Indoriil," ("Indoriil" » "Indoril")
  • 1B26E Book2ReligiousTheMonomyth "The Monomyth": "The strongest of the recognizable spirits crystallize: Mephala, Arkay, Y'ffre, Magnus, Rupgta, etc.," ("Rupgta" » "Ruptga")
  • 1AD0F Book4RareOldWays "The Old Ways"
    • "...and will otherwise not be counselled,..." "counselled" » "counseled"
    • "Other counsellors may advocate assassination or warfare...", "How, then, are our counsellors "faithful"?" ("counsellors" » "counselors")
  • 1AD12 Book4RarePostingoftheHunt "The Posting of the Hunt": "The Offices describe explains the laws and conditions of the four stages of the Hunt:" ("describe explains" » "describe")
  • 1AFD3 Book0RansomOfZarek "The Ransom of Zarek"
    • "Three huge soaring Nords attacked by carriage on the Frimvorn Pass." ("by carriage" » "my carriage")
    • "..., saying it would take him time to pull up a live tree by the roots and drop it on the bonfire." ("him time" » "him less time")
  • 1ACD6 Book2CommonRealBarenziahV1 "The Real Barenziah, v1": "There's Silgrd Tower,", "Silgrod Tower is full of Imperial soldiers." ("Silgrod" » "Silgrad")
  • Book2CommonRealBarenziahV3 "The Real Barenziah, v3": "..., you and Mournhold are like to live to see the fall of Septim's dynasty,..." ("are like" » "are likely")
  • 1ACD9 Book2CommonRealBarenziahV4 "The Real Barenziah, v4"
    • "Under pretence of her customary tour of inspection,..." ("pretence" » "pretense")
    • "In the midst stood a statue of a god, hammer in hand, poised above an admantium anvil." ("admantium" » "adamantium")
    • "Else would I not have come so quickly to fertility." ("would I" » "I would")
  • 1ACDA Book2CommonRealBarenziahV5 "The Real Barenziah, v5"
    • "The hawk drank mightily from the water till when she had done,..." ("till when she had" » "until when she was")
    • "The Emperor did not even make the slightest pretence at listening to her.", "I'm afraid my skill at pretence is no match for yours, my liege." ("pretence" » "pretense")
  • 1AD13 Book4RareRedBookofRiddles "The Red Book of Riddles": "This handye booke doth containe alle diverse manner of riddles and follyes,..." ("diverse" » "divers")
  • 1AFD5 SkillSneak5 "The Red Kitchen Reader": "..., and I learned at that very second the truth that that food can and should be sublime." ("that that" » "that")
  • 1B003 SkillLightArmor4 "The Refugees"
    • "The smell of the bay oozed through the stones of the cellar, salt and brined decay." ("brined" » "briny")
    • "Dishelved but still beautiful,..." ("Dishelved" » "Disheveled")
    • "She carefully but quickly pulled the rent leather cuirass, chausses, tassets, grieves, and boots off him,..." ("grieves" » "greaves")
    • "It's a phastasm he employs to scare people." ("phastasm" » "phantasm")
  • 1AD18 Book4RareWildElves "The Wild Elves": "Indeed, one of the finest sages of the University of Gwilym was a civilized Ayleid Elf,", "..., University of Gwilym Press,..." ("Gwilym" » "Gwylim")
  • 1AFF2 Book0WolfQueenV2 "The Wolf Queen, v2"
    • "He was an enormous bald man whose friends and enemies called Mount Vhokken," ("whose" » "whom")
    • "Truth to tell, it was Lord Vhokken idea." ("Vhokken" » "Vhokken's")
  • ""No, it's isn't the tournament, but it does relate to Bathorgh." ("it's isn't" » "it isn't")
  • 1AFFB Book0WolfQueenV3 "The Wolf Queen, v3"
    • "I've enchanted it with spells from the School of Illusion so its wearer may charm whoever he choses." ("choses" » "chooses")
    • "I will dead in a few months time," ("will dead" » "will be dead", "few months" » "few months'")
  • 1B00B Book0WolfQueenV4 "The Wolf Queen, v4"
    • ""Good morning, darling," said Potema, lifting her son in the air with feigned stain." ("stain" » "strain")
    • "..., he'd be a splitting image of his great great great great great granduncle." ("splitting" » "spitting")
    • "appeared suddenly off the Isle of Artaeum. The home port of the Psijic Order." ("Artaeum. The" » "Artaeum, the")
  • 1B024 Book0WolfQueenV5 "The Wolf Queen, v5"
    • "...and all the known lands beyond, Atmora, Yokunda, Akavir, Pyandonea, Thras." ("Yokunda" » "Yokuda")
    • "I have been informed that my coronation will take place in two days time." ("days" » "days'")
  • 1B01E Book4RareTheWolfQueenV6 "The Wolf Queen, v6": "She hoped to be married to him in the summer at the Blue Palace her grandmother Quintilla had loved so much, but the war may not permit it." ("the war may not permit it" » "thought the war may not have permitted it")
  • 1B026 Book0WolfQueenV7 "The Wolf Queen, v7"
    • "Now, please, bath yourself and rest,..." ("bath" » "bathe")
    • "He had been burned to death within his carriage." "had" » "has"
  • 1ACFD Book3ValuableWolfQueenV8 "The Wolf Queen, v8"
    • "Potema Septim died after a month long siege on her castle." ("month long" » "month-long")
    • "He marries Katarish, Duchess of Vvardenfell." ("Katarish" » "Katariah")
    • "His son, who will be known as Pelagius the Mad, is coronated." ("coronated" » "coroneted")
    • ".., I saw a hundred shops come in from all over the place!"" ("hundred shops" » "hundred ships")
  • 1ACDD Book2CommonThiefOfVirtue "Thief of Virtue"
    • ""Doest thou come to plunder my virtue?" asked the lady, all a-tremble." ("a tremble" » "a-tremble")
    • "I see thou hast made off with mine husbands precious coins." ("husbands" » "husband's")
    • "..., why doest thy husband set seven deadly traps around these tawdry coins,..." ("doest" » "dost")
  • 1ACFC Book3ValuableVarietiesofDaedra "Varieties of Daedra"
    • "In short, what is to be known is little, and and what is to be trusted is nothing." ("and and" » "and")
    • "Churls are obsequeous to superiors but ferociously cruel to humans and other Daedra." ("obsequeous" » "obsequious")
    • "A Kymarcher's command is usually associated both with a unit and with a 'fief'..." ("Kymarcher's" » "Kynmarcher's")
    • "Above the Kymarcher is the Markynaz,..." ("Kymarcher" » "Kynmarcher")
    • "..., who are like the Dremora in personality and temperment,..." ("temperment" » "temperament")
  • 1AFE0 SkillBlock4 "Warrior"
    • "..., more spoiled existance than young Suoibud," ("existance" » "existence")
    • "..., but was psychologically incapable of using the sword in any way that could damage its fine filligree,..." ("filligree" » "filigree")
  • 1B014 SkillRestoration1 "Withershins"
    • "Because everything I have a conversation,..." ("everything" » "every time")
    • "..., smoking censors hung by chains from the ceiling,..." ("censors" » "censers")
    • "At a wellworn table in the back a small man wearing a headress was tabulating a young lady's purchases." ("wellworn" » "well-worn", "headress" » "headdress")
    • "..., when Zaki pulled out his sachel of gold pieces,..." ("sachel" » "satchel")
  • 1AFD8 SkillTwoHanded1 "Words and Philosophy"
    • "..., her servants informed me than their mistress was in Skyrim." ("than" » "that")
    • "Lady Benoch spent the remainder of the interview, responding in her typically blunt way...." ("interview, responding" » "interview responding")
    Corrected the following errors in player response text (no audio):
  • MS09JusticiarThoraldBranch: "I'm here for Thorald Gray-Mane" ("Gray-Mane" » "Gray-Mane.") [missing period]
  • CWReasonsFieldCOFollowup2: "Sounds like you've seen you far share of hardship." ("you far" » "your fair")
  • BardsCollegeFluteIntroTopic: "Who's neck is that?" ("Who's" » "Whose")
  • FFHM01BranchTopic01: "I'll try and find him." ("and" » "to")

    Corrected the following errors and/or mismatches in dialog subtitles:
  • 0004BCEF WIChangeLocation08 WIChangeLocation08ForceGreet WIChangeLocation08HideAndSeek CUST 1 You stand right there and count to 10. No peaking. Ready? Okay go! ("peaking" » "peeking")
  • 000D82C6 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranch DialogueRiftenHafjorgIngunBranchTopic01a CUST 0 I wish Elgrim had spent more time tutoring me then that Ingun girl. ("then that" » "than that")
  • 000D668C MS01 MS01GarveyWarrens MS01GarveyWarrensTopic CUST 0 It's where you go if you can't afford a room anywhere else. About the time they opened the mines, someone got the idea to throw beds in here. ("if you" » "when you") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00035DA3 CWFinale SCEN 2 Will she acknowledge that it is we Nord's who will determine Skyrim's future? ("Nord's" » "Nords")
  • 000E2D25 CW02B CW02BABoutCrown CW02BABoutCrownTopic CUST 1 "Maw unleashing razor snow, Of dragons from the blue brought down, Births the walking winter's woe, The High King in his Jagged Crown." ("razor snow" » "razor snow") [double space]
  • 00058F85 CW02B MQ103UlfricRetrieveBook MQ103UlfricRetrieveBookTopic CUST 0 Damn him - the old bear was right! Did you run into any trouble? ("the old" » "that old") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000D2C10 DialogueRiverwoodSleepingGiantScene7 SCEN 0 It's only right seein' as your the important lumber man. ("your the important lumber man" » "you're the important lumberman")
  • 00021E8C TG01 TG01Hellos HELO 0 I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave. Tell Brynjolf he'll just have to make due without my coin. ("make due" » "make do")
  • 0003AA7E DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Listener. It is an honor to stand before you. ("It is" » "It's") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0005B494 DB04a DB04aDelvinFirstBranch DB04aDelvinFirstBranchTopic CUST 2 So, uh... how is Astrid doing' these days? Tell her to stop by some time. We can have a drink. Catch up. ("doing' these" » "doin' these")
  • 00098B5C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice3 CUST 0 Oh ho. Now that's the Dark Brotherhood I know and love. This for business or pleasure? Ah, what's it matter, right? I'll see that it gets done. ("Oh ho." » "Aha!", "matter, right? I'll" » "matter? Right, I'll") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00098B63 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice1 CUST 0 Banners, huh? Trying to pretty up the place? All right, you got it. ("up the place" » "the place up") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00087B6F DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 0 The Dawnstar Sanctuary? That where you lot are holing up in now? Hmm... Tell you what. It'll cost you - a lot - but I can help you out. ("That where" » "Is that where", "up in now?" » "up?", "Hmm..." » "Ah...")
  • 0002EA6D DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue HELO 0 Me, I have been part of the Dark Brotherhood from the day I first hatched. I am a Shadowscale, you see. Born under the sign of the Shadow. ("I have" » "I've", "am a Shadowscale" » "am Shadowscale") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00022F32 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridNightMotherBranch DBAstridNightMotherBranchTopic CUST 2 Today, she's... well, she's a skeleton. An ancient corpse. But, more importantly, a corpse that's being brought to this Sanctuary by her Keeper. ("being" » "been")
  • 00038C6D DarkBrotherhood DB07_08AstridTransitionBranch DB07AstridNextQuestChoice CUST 2 The Gourmet is scheduled to cook for the Emperor at a special dinner. You'll kill him, steal his Writ of Passage, and assume the roll of master chef. ("roll" » "role")
  • 00090DFC DialogueAngasMill DialogueAngasMillAeriTown DialogueAngasMillAeriTownTopic CUST 0 That I am. My father left it to me after he died in that Great War against the Elves. ("that Great" » "the Great")
  • 00057F7F DarkBrotherhood DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranch DBCiceroMetRoadReponse CUST 1 And you helped me! You helped poor Cicero! You talked to Loreius, got him to fix my wheel! ("Loreius, got" » "Loreius and got")
  • 000B3E2E DA02 SCEN 1 So how's this work exactly? Do you just kind of stand there on the look out? That's what Bolgeir does. Well, he sort of looms more than stands. ("look out" » "lookout")
  • 000AD0D1 WICommentSneaking WICommentSneakingHello HELO 0 It will keep it's hands to itself, yes? ("it's" » its")
  • 000E16EF MQ201Party HELO 0 I trust that this is just the begining of a long and mutually beneficial relationship. ("begining" » "beginning")
  • 00036754 DialogueSolitudeJailerScene1 SCEN 0 Come now. You'll want to show up in Sovngarde refreshed. You got an eternity of merrimakin' ahead of you. ("merrimakin'" » "merrymakin'")
  • 00063AB5 DialogueKarthwastenEnmonBelchimach02 SCEN 0 We're doomed. The mine is going to stay closed, and we'll up be carted of to Cidhna Mine as slaves. (of to " » "off to")
  • 0005F970 DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene17 SCEN 0 Perhaps they moved on to greener pastures. Whatever the reason, lets be glad they're scarce. ("lets be" » "let's be")
  • 00063EDE DialogueRiftenGrandPlazaScene33 SCEN 0 Yes, I heard. I think all of Skyrim knows by know. ("by know" » "by now")
  • 000606F0 DialogueMorKhazgurBagrakBorghakScene01 SCEN 0 I won't be married to some weak-willed Orc chieften. I'd sooner join the Legion. ("chieften" » "chieftain")
  • 0004146A DialogueMorthalInitialScene SCEN 0 I have told Idgrod of your concerns. She'll look after you all. Please, go back to your business. ("back to" » "about") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0002F7F8 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 If you ask me, this damned rebellion can't end soon enough. I had to end my tour of Skyrim's courts. Too dangerous too travel. ("too travel" » "to travel")
  • 000483EF dunHillgrundsTombQST SCEN 0 Okay, I think this door should lead to the main burial chamber where Vals is holed up. Let's get in there and put and end to this. ("and end" » "an end")
  • 00068944 FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranch FreeformOldHroldanBEydisScreamingBranchTopic CUST 0 Yes. I've heard stories that Old Hroldan was haunted, but no ones seen a ghost here since the Great War. ("no ones" » "no one's")
  • 0004CBAE MQ201Malborn MQ201MalbornPostQuestAssassin MQ201MalbornPostQuestSummary CUST 0 I was trying to get to Morrowind. The Dunmer don't care much for the Thalmor and I figured I'd be safe there. As safe as anywhere,that is. ("anywhere,that" » "anywhere, that")
  • 000D2A4E DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 Solitude's famous for it's Bards College. Worth a visit if you've never been. Some of them can sing just as pretty as a lark. ("it's Bards" » "its Bards")
  • 000E3DCD DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarl DialogueWhiterunVignarTopicsJarlTopic CUST 2 The Empire might try an take the city back, or worse, we'll get a visit from a dragon. We've got to be ready for both. ("try an take" » "try an' take")
  • 000423AC DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 Mjoll's brought me nothing but safety and piece of mind... and some lessons with the blade. ("piece" » "peace")
  • 00020016 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSleepGreetBranch DBAstridAdmirerTopic CUST 2 Ah, but there is a slight... problem. (Changed to: ""But there is a slight... mmm... problem.") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00022F34 DarkBrotherhood DBAstridSecondGreetBranch DBAstridThirdGreetBranchTopic CUST 0 Of course. And you've repaid your debt, in full. Here's the key to the shack. But why stop here? I say we take our relationship to the next level. ("full. Here's" » "full. Here's") [double space]
  • 000D6CC4 MS09 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2 MS09Stage20FraliaBranch2Topic CUST 2 They knew Thorald supported the Stormcloaks, knew he was going to aid them in battle. Made sure he didn't come back. ("going to" » "gonna") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0003AF61 MS09 MS09AvulsteinStage20Branch MS09AvulsteinStage20BranchTopic CUST 2 But you might be able to butter them up enough to lower their guard. ("them" » "'em") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00081DE3 C01 C01ObserverBladeQuestion C01ObserverBladeQuestionTopic CUST 0 Wuuthrad is a relic of Ysgramor. Through that weapon, we trace our line straight to the first harbinger of makind in this land. ("makind" » "mankind")
  • 00050C9A DB01 DB01AventusMotherBranch DB01AventusLiveAloneBranchTopic CUST 0 She got sick, last winter, when the snows came. And she just... she never got better. Not all year. One night she fell asleep and... never woke up. ("and... never" » "and... never") [double space]
  • 0004DE93 DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 A hearty welcome to Falkreath! All of Skyrim's true sons are welcome here!
  • 000CEFEE DialogueFalkreath HELO 0 A hearty welcome to Falkreath! All of Skyrim's true sons are welcome here! ("Falkreath! All" » "Falkreath! All") [double space]
  • 000316F8 DialogueDawnstarIntroBrinaHorikSkaldScene SCEN 0 Divines sake, Skald. Who do think we're threatening with our old war wounds? We're not soldiers, anymore. ("Divines" » "Divines'")
  • 000550E9 DB01Misc DB01MiscCiceroGreetBranch DB01MiscCiceroPlayerSuccessTopic CUST 2 Here, here. For your troubles! Shiny, clinky gold! A few coins for a kind deed! And thank you! Thank you again. ("for a kind" » "for your kind")
  • 0006E00A DialogueWinterholdCollege DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadly DialogueWinterholdCollegeColetteTreatedBadlyTopic CUST 1 But I know things are said behind my back. Conversations cease when I enter rooms. ("are said" » "are being said") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000288E7 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Keep this up and you'll be rich enough retire before you know it. Good luck. ("enough retire" » "enough to retire")
  • 00027928 TGLarceny TGLarcenyShared IDAT 1 If you happen across any other unusual trinkets like this, be sure and bring them to me. I promise it'll be worth the effort. ("sure and" » "sure to") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C04B3 TG07SP SCEN 0 Do what he says, Vex. This isn't helpin' right now. ("isn't" » "ain't") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C0515 TG07 TG07Hellos HELO 0 Need to stay focused in case Frey comes back, make it fast. ("back, make" » "back. make")
  • 0009DD55 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestBranch TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic CUST 1 Your makin' a name for yourself, that's for sure. But more important, you're makin' a name for the Guild. Keep it up. ("Your makin'" » "You're makin'")
  • 00098B66 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancMalloryRefitChoicesBranch DBSancMalloryRefitChoice2 CUST 0 That'll come in handy, yeah? An alchemy station, maybe a little garden with some choice plants. All right, consider it done. ("That'll come in handy, yeah?" » "Yeah, that'll come in handy.") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00098B61 DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair DBSancRepairMalloryBranch DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic CUST 0 Tell me what you need, and I'll get my people get on it. ("get my people get" » "get my people")
  • 000DD085 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 They're saying the Dark Brotherhood has been destroyed. Wiped off the face off Tamriel. But that's not entirely true... is it? ("the face off" » "the face of")
  • 000A7270 DialogueGenericUniqueVoices ATCK 0 Gettin' to old for this. ("Gettin' to old for this." » "I'm gettin' too old for this!" [audio also didn't match subtitle]
  • 000E16E6 MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenPolitics MQ201PartyElenwenPoliticsTopic CUST 1 I also oversee the activities of the Thalmor Justiciars throughout Skyrim, although this has been unfortunately disrupted by the war. ("been unfortunately" » "been most unfortunately") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000A9638 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 An archer, eh? Oh, I've got just what you need. ("Oh, I've" » "I've") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000806A0 DialogueGeneric ServicesBranch OfferServicesTopic CUST 0 Bow and arrows for the mighty huntsman. ("Bow" » "Bows")
  • 000D8412 MQ105 MQ105ArngeirHornBlocking MQ105ArngeirHornA3 CUST 0 You were given this gift by the gods for a reason. It is up to you to figure out how best to use it. ("figure out" » "determine") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0009DEA1 DB02 DB02CaptivePayToKillBranch DB02Captive2Persuade CUST 0 I'm a woman living in Skyrim with six children and no husband. I don't have the time or patience to be "nice." ("or patience" » "or the patience") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000288E7 TGRShell TGShellShared IDAT 0 Keep this up and you'll be rich enough retire before you know it. Good luck.
  • 0002E3D0 DB02 HELO 0 By the gods, when I get out of here you're dead! You hear me? Dead! ("You hear" » "Did you hear") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00094E33 DialogueWhiterun WhiterunAndursAmuletBranch WhiterunAndursAmuletBranchTopic CUST 1 I misplaced it in the catacombs. I'd look for it, but I've been hearing noises down there. I fear the dead have become... restless. ("I've been" » "I have been") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000E8BD1 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 Ah, welcome to Angela's Aromatics. Can I help with some herbal needs? ("help with" » "help you with") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000BD770 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenJobBranch DialogueRiftenAnurielJobBranchTopic CUST 1 I also handle the less important and day-to-day policies that effect daily life in Riften. ("effect" » "affect")
  • 000D6684 MS01 MS01MulushForsworn MS01MulushForswornTopic CUST 0 Every other day, seems one of the laborers runs off in the hills saying he'll join the Forsworn. ("in the" » "to the")) [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00039F0F MQ201 SCEN 1 Now, I have work to do. Leave me to it, if you ever want to see the rest of your payment. ("you ever" » "ever you")) [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000A17CB DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2 DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsCity2Topic CUST 2 All lovely young ladies, too. Let's hope the guards find that demon soon, and introduce him to the headsman's axe. ("headsman's" » "headman's") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 1 I can get you into one of those parties. Once you're inside the Embassy, you get away and find Elenwen's secret files. ("you get" » "you can get") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0005F702 MQ201 MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwood MQ201DelphineIntroRiverwoodB1 CUST 3 His name's Malborn. Wood elf, plenty of reason to hate the Thalmor. You can trust him. ("name's" » "name is")
  • 000BC21D MQ201Party MQ201PartyElenwenOften MQ201PartyElenwenOftenTopic CUST 1 But I also enjoy learning the latest gossip and hear the most intriguing rumors. ("hear" » "hearing") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00037BC4 MQ203 SCEN 0 Delphine! I... it's good to see you. It's been... a long time. ("It's been..." » "It's been") [no pause]
  • 0001C0EF MQ00 MQ0030thFrostfall MQ0030thFrostfallTopic CUST 3 The Thalmor ambassador delivered his ultimatum to the Emperor Titus Mede: the heads of every Blades agent within the Aldmeri Dominion. ("heads" » "head") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000E4A0E DialogueShorsStone DialogueShorsStoneHellos HELO 0 The spiders put you through the ringer? ("ringer" » "wringer")
  • 000CB26A DialogueRiften FLEE 0 Begone from here! Get out of this orphanage! Help!Somebody help me! ("Help!Somebody" » "Help! Somebody") [missing space]
  • 000BFA07 Favor204 Favor204GetFavor Favor204GetFavorTopic CUST 0 We have not faired well outside our native Black Marsh, but we're determined to make the best of things. ("faired" » "fared")
  • 000ABCB4 WIAssault02 WIAssault02MainBranch WIAssault02MainTopic CUST 0 It can't be traced back to me, can it? Was there lot's of crying? I hope so. ("lot's" » "lots")
  • 000C8201 CW CWReasonsFieldCOBranch CWFieldCOFollowup2B CUST 2 I ran to the scene with other Legionaries who where stationed there, but the entire quarter was a smoking ruin by the time we arrived. ("Legionaries who where" » "Legionnaires who were")
  • 000D5C3B DBEviction DBNazirEvictionBranch DBNazirEvictionBranchTopic CUST 0 Looks like Cicero's not the only only one to go a little crazy from time to time. Eh, Listener? You should talk to Nazir, work this whole mess out. ("only only" » "only only")
  • 0002464A DA01 DA01CollegeQuestionsBranch DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01 CUST 1 I hear one of them, Nelacar, still hangs around the Frozen Hearth. Guess he has no where else to go, poor thing. ("no where" » "nowhere")
  • 0008BBCD DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Aventus Aretino? He only lived here for awhile. I think his mother got sick and died or something. Anyway, he's gone now. He ran away.
  • 00016CA8 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranch DialogueRiftenHonorhallKidsBranchTopic CUST 0 Aventus Aretino? He only lived here for awhile. I think his mother got sick and died or something. Anyway, he's gone now. He ran away.
  • 000BBCB3 WEJS03 WEJS03Main WEJS03MainTopic CUST 1 It's a wonder people can get anywhere around here. Maybe I'll avoid this entire hold for awhile. That said... I do have a few things to sell.
  • 0006D26C DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryConvSystem SCEN 0 Hmph. Been awhile since I've actually cleaved someone in two. Forgot how hard it was to get the scimitar back out.
  • 0009B018 RoriksteadSceneEnnisReldith01 SCEN 0 It's too fine a day to dwell on such things. Let's get back to work and forget about wars and orphans for awhile.
  • 000D2AEF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Ah, Aegisbane. Sigil of Clan Shatter-Shield. But didn't that get stolen awhile back? Hmph. Must be rememberin' wrong.
  • 000A344D DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I'm a sailor on the Northwind. We're laying over in Windhelm for awhile. ("awhile" » "a while")
  • 000DDE3E CWMission07 CWMission07Friend CWMission07FriendTopic CUST 1 I'll stay here and guard the shipment. You get back to camp with news. ("with news" » "with the news") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000E1AE4 CW00WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 I fight for their wives and children, who's names I heard whispered in their last breaths. ("who's" » "whose")
  • 000DEAF9 TGFences TGFencesHellos HELO 0 Glad your here, I've been looking for some more merchandise to buy. Have lots of orders to fill and my clients don't like to wait. ("your here," » "you're here,")
  • 000C593E T01 T01InnkeeperDegainePointerBranch T01InnkeeperDegainePointerBranchTopic RUMO 0 Degaine the beggar got himself kicked out the Temple of Dibella. Caused quite the ruckus. ("out the" » "out of the")
  • 0009374F FreeformFalkreathQuest01 LodBookOfferBranch01 LodBookOfferTopic03 CUST 0 Yeah, if your interested then I'll give you the book for free. If you like it you can come back later and I'll have other stuff.
  • 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 3 We're going to install a garrison there, but first, your going to clean out the bandits that have moved in. ("your" » "you're")
  • 000D514F CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeBlockingTopic CUST 0 Are you ready to test yourself at Fort Hraagstad?
  • 000D513C CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetClearOutFort CUST 0 I'm sending you to clear out Fort Hraagstad. If you survive, you'll pass.
  • 000D5138 CW00A CW00RikkeBlocking CW00RikkeGreetAboutHraagstad CUST 2 Fort Hraagstad is one of the few that remains mostly intact. ("Hraagstad" » "Hraggstad") [Note that it's "Hraagstad" in one of the editor IDs, so the name may have been changed after the dialog was written.. or perhaps the placename itself is the error?]
  • 000D660F CW02A CW02AAboutCrown CW02AAboutCrownTopic CUST 2 Whatever the truth, if Ulfric get's his hands on it, it would be a powerful symbol around which to rally support for his cause. ("get's" » "gets")
  • 0008324D CWDialogue CWDialogueHellos HELO 0 Were the Stormcloaks to prevail in dismantling Imperial rule in Skyrim, who would be her protector? No. We will crush this rebellion. We must do. ("must do." » "must.") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000DC24C CW03 SCEN 0 If you prefer I took my men and left... ("took my men and left" » "could take my men and leave") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000DC240 CW03 SCEN 0 Not long. They're hiding in the country side. ("country side" » "countryside")
  • 000DC249 CW CWCampaignResolutionMajorHold CWCampaignResolutionMajorHoldTopic CUST 0 The Stormcloaks are here. In force. Get down to the front line. This is it. We must hold the city. Move it! ("Move" » "Now move") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C3490 CW01AOutfitImperial CW01AOutfitImperialBeirand CW01AOutfitImperialBeirandTopic CUST 0 Yep. I have just one question for you. ("have just" » "just have") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00065C74 CWFin CWFinWhatNow CWFinWhatNowTopic CUST 1 That said, Stormcloak true believers are still operating out of hidden military camps in the hills. If you encounter any on you travels, kill them. ("you travels" » "your travels")
  • 000904C6 DialogueWhiterun GBYE 0 Next time, come see my at my shop. I've got some things you'll just love. ("see my" » "see me")
  • 000E4D69 DialogueSarethiFarm DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranch DialogueSarethiFarmSinderionPostBranchTopic01 CUST 0 Well, after I fled Morrowind during the eruption, I made my way here... my family had purchased this farm and its all we had left.
  • 000C4448 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenRatwayBranch DialogueRiftenRatwayBranchTopic CUST 1 There's an entrance down by the canal, but I'd highly advise you stay out of there... its the Thieves Guild's territory.
  • 000B48F6 DA02 DA02WhatsWrongWithJarl DA02Key CUST 0 I suppose so. But believe me. Only us servants have a key like that, and its a very expensive looking lock. Really, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • 00083A90 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranch DialogueRiftenMjollTGBranchTopic02 CUST 0 That's a shame. Too many people in Riften share your view and look where its getting them. ("its" » "it's")
  • 000E1791 MS02 MS02MadanachBraig MS02MadanachBraigTopic CUST 0 Imagine hearing a story like that, over and over. Each time a different family Each time a different injustice. ("family Each" » "family. Each")
  • 000DF1CE MS02 MS02Borkul MS02BorkulTopic CUST 1 How about you get me a shiv? Not that I need one, but it's nice to have in case I need to do some "shaving." Ha ha. ("have in" » "have one in") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00091942 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I've been pouring over the plans you brought us, and I'm convinced the Eyes of the Falmer are in the dwarven ruins at Irkngthand.
  • 000D7D66 TG08A TG08AAcceptLeaderBranch TG08AAcceptLeaderBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I've been pouring over the plans you brought us, and I'm convinced the Eyes of the Falmer are in the dwarven ruins at Irkngthand. ("pouring" » "poring")
  • 000E7833 TGPre TGPreIdles IDLE 0 Make love like a sabercat or crush your enemies to dust like a giant! Only a mere 20 gold coins and all this could be yours! ("sabercat" » "sabrecat")
  • 000E57FC TGDialogue TGGoodbyes GBYE 0 Only way this guilds going to continue to grow is by takin' extra work. ("guilds" » "guild's")
  • 000E5070 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic CUST 1 I used to be a member of the Morang Tong.
  • 000E50A3 TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic04 CUST 1 If the Dark Brotherhood discovered I had been a Morang Tong, they would come after me with a vengeance.
  • 000E509B TGDialogue TGDialogueRavynBranch TGDialogueRavynBranchTopic05 CUST 0 I should hope so. The Dark Brotherhood is also known to place contracts on those who associate with the Morang Tong as well. ("Morang" » "Morag")
  • 000E409E CW03 SCEN 1 Whiterun's army will no doubt be bolstered with Legionnares. And those walls around Whiterun are old, but they still stand. ("Legionnares" » "Legionnaires")
  • 000E3537 FreeformWinterholdCollegeB FreeformWinterholdCollegeInitialBranch FreeformWinterholdCollegeBFollowUp CUST 1 Ilas-tei was practicing Illusions spells. She was having trouble with the calm spells, I believe, but only ever worked with skeevers. ("Illusions" » "Illusion")
  • 000E2D23 CW01WindhelmMapTableScene SCEN 1 We should risk letting those milkdrinkers put Thorryg's woman on the throne? She'll hand Skyrim over to the elves on a silver plate. ("Thorryg's" » "Torygg's")
  • 000DF8C9 dunFrostmereCryptQST dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranch dunStonehillBarrowQST_KyrBranchTopic CUST 1 *coughs* The cat... *gasp* Ra'jiir... ambushed me. He's trying to take the sword back! I... can't... *gasp* ("Ra'jiir" » "Ra'jirr")
  • 000DF1D4 MS01GuardAmbushQuest MS01GuardAmbushQuestForcegreet MS01GuardAmbushQuestTopic01 CUST 1 You have a problem wth that? Take it up with Madanach. I'm sure the King in Rags and his Forsworn would love to meet you. ("wth" » "with")
  • 000DE436 MGRArniel03 MGRArniel03FinalBranch MGRArniel03FinalBranchTopic CUST 2 Yes! It's not perfect, but it's a close enough approximation that it should certianly suffice for initial tests! ("certianly" » "certainly")
  • 000DBA10 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene08 SCEN 0 You tempt me mightily, Alva. But I won't cuckhold another man, even on murderer like Hroggar. ("won't cuckhold" » "wouldn't cuckold", "on murderer" » "a murderer")
  • 000DAAFF DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadGoodbyes GBYE 0 Welp, time to gather more supplies I guess. ("Welp" » "Well")
  • 000A3E64 C00 C00AelaCanYaTakeHim C00AelaIfYouWereAnyOtherMan CUST 0 Woah, ease up there. We're rough, but there's no need to kill a Shield-Brother over a dispute.
  • 000D61DA TG08A SCEN 0 Woah there, lass. I appreciate the armor, but becoming a Nightingale? That was never discussed.
  • 000A9B54 DialogueGeneric ACAC 0 Woah!
  • 000A9B5C DialogueGeneric PIRN 0 Woah... watch it!
  • 000CDFAC DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Woah! ("Woah" » "Whoa")
  • 000D5EE0 CW01SolitudeMapTableScene SCEN 0 The Stonefist's no fool. He's found the Crown. But we'll get to it first.
  • 0001BC8F CW02A MQ103KorvanjundIntro MQ103KorvanjundIntroTopic CUST 0 Ulfric's right-hand man, Galmar Stonefist, has located what he believes is the final resting place of the Jagged Crown. ("Stonefist" » "Stone-Fist")
  • 000D50C6 MQ103 MQ103FarengarIntro MQ103FarengarIntroA2 CUST 1 You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossiblilities. ("Impossiblilities" » "Impossibilities")
  • 000D4FBE FreeformRiften22 FFRiften22SapphireTGBranch FFRiften22SapphireTGBranchTopic03 CUST 0 Woah, woah. Calm down. Let's just think about this for a moment. ("Woah, woah" » "Whoa, whoa")
  • 000D3C5A CW00A CW00JoinBranch CW00JoinTopic CUST 2 If you're serious, make your way to Solitude. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. You find General Tulius there, commanding our forces in Skyrim. ("Tulius" » "Tullius")
  • 000D39AC MQ102A MQ102AElisif MQ102AElisifTopic CUST 0 Ah, I forget you're new to Skyrim. Jarl Elisif, I should say, although only because she was married to Jarl Torryg when he was murdered. ("Torryg" » "Torygg")
  • 0009403E Favor109 Favor109QuestGive Favor109QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Oh, don't give me that look. Fine. I supposed I can find some menial task to set your mind on. Hmm.... ("supposed" » "suppose")
  • 000D2A4F DialogueCarriageSystem IDLE 0 You'll want to watch out for the Forsworn if you do any travelling around the Reach. Bloodthirsty bastards, them. ("travelling" » "traveling")
  • 000CA644 MQ106 TAUT 0 Dohaviin, your Voice is no match for mine! ("Dohaviin" » "Dovahkiin")
  • 000C9836 CW01B CW01BGoodbye GBYE 0 Good luck with that Icewraith. ("Icewraith" » "Ice Wraith")
  • 000C7F40 DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceAiaJalaScene1 SCEN 0 I've heard stanger things, are eaten over at the Temple of the Divines. ("stanger things, are" » "stranger things are")
  • 000C7F38 DialogueSolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1 SCEN 0 I'm pleased when the palace is clean, I'm pleased when the beds are made on time, I'm pleased when I Erdi isn't around. ("I Erdi" » "Erdi")
  • 000C4DFB DialogueHalfMoonMill DialogueHalfMoonMillHert DialogueHalfMoonMillHertTopic CUST 0 We have guests as often as we can but there aren't a lot of travellers these days. The war keeps people off the roads. ("travellers" » "travelers")
  • 000C348C CW CWWhatWillItTake CWWhatWillItTakeTopic CUST 0 Ulfric Stromcloak's head rolling away from his lifeless body. ("Stromcloak" » "Stormcloak")
  • 000C1A19 WERJ09 WERJ09Attack ATCK 0 You will be my blood offering to Morvath!
  • 000C1A16 WERJ07 WERJ07MS14AttackYell ATCK 0 Morvath will taste your blood! ("Morvath" » "Movarth")
  • 000BFAE0 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02 DialogueSolitudeHeimvar02Topic CUST 1 If money's all you hold dear, then you you end up like Jaree-Ra. A plague on the city. ("you you" » "you")
  • 000BEB55 DialogueSolitude GBYE 0 I must return my attention to Elisif. If were were to lose another Jarl while I was... distracted... ("were were" » "I were")
  • 000BD6FD DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeGreta03 DialogueSolitudeGreta03Topic CUST 2 But it was Ulfric. And he did kill the High King, in honorable combat. My brother refused to allow the the Imperials to take revenge for the deed.
  • 00094199 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I thought the the Gray Quarter would be a haven for my kind. I was wrong.
  • 00037ED3 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 If he could, Savos would float the the entire College above Skyrim, for all the Nords to see.
  • 0006C9C3 WIChangeLocation02 SCEN 0 Walk into the the wrong place with your weapon drawn? You might not walk out again.... ("the the" » "the")
  • 000BC17F MQ201Party MQ201PartyElisifEnjoying MQ201PartyElisifEnjoyingTopic CUST 1 Elewen's parties are always so elegant. She really has impeccable taste. ("Elewen's" » "Elenwen's")
  • 000BC2C3 MQ201Party MQ201PartyIgmundThalmor MQ201PartyIgmundThalmorTopic CUST 0 For now, perhaps. But I've heard disturbing rumors that they're marshalling their strength. ("marshalling" » "marshaling")
  • 000B1239 DA08 DA08Hellos HELO 0 Kind of nice being in on the secret, itsn't it. ("itsn't" » "isn't")
  • 000B0398 TGBan TGBanDialogueBranch TGBanDialogueBranchTopic CUST 1 That means your out. No jobs, no payouts... no nothing. ("your" » "you're")
  • 000A937D DialogueSolitudePalaceScene8 SCEN 1 Perhaps this is a matter best discussed with with the general in person. ("with with" » "with")
  • 000D5634 DB05 SCEN 0 My husband Aesgir and I thank you for coming to our reception. We thank you for sharing the love we have for each other. ("Aesgir" » "Asgeir")
  • 000A3122 FreeformRiften21 FFRiften21VekelBranch FFRiften21VekelBranchTopic02 CUST 1 In his later years, Andoril moved into some ice caves known as Yngvild. He prefered the solitude in which to perform his, um... experiments. ("Andoril" » "Arondil", "prefered" » "preferred")
  • 000A17E4 DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsActivitiy DialogueWindhelmLonelyGaleTopicsActivitiyTopic CUST 0 If you're looking to pass the time, you can give Calixto a few septims and gawk at whater oddity he's come across lately. ("whater" » "whatever")
  • 0009DD69 TGRShell TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWR TGRShellCapQuestDoneBranchWRTopic CUST 1 More importanly, he's pledged the full support of the Battle-Born clan to the Thieves Guild. ("importanly" » "importantly")
  • 000973A4 DA07 DA07HaveBladeBranch DA07HaveBladeBranchTopic CUST 0 Look at them. The legendary sharpness of a deadric weapon. Marvelous. ("deadric" » "Daedric")
  • 000946F0 MQ304 MQ304TsunPursueAlduin MQ304TsunIntroAlduin CUST 1 But Shor restrained our wrathful onslaught - perhaps, deep-counselled, your doom he foresaw. ("counselled" » "counseled")
  • 00092CD1 dunMistwatchQST dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjola dunMistwatchQSTChristerHaventFoundFjolaTopic CUST 0 Until you can find out whether Fjola is here there's nothing I care to to discuss.
  • 000352DF TG00 TG00BrynjolfIntroBranch TG00BrynjolfIntroBranchTopic CUST 0 Glad to see you finally came to to your senses. Ready to make some coin?
  • 0001546C DarkBrotherhood DB05_06AstridBrideDeadBranch DB05_06AstridTransitionTopic CUST 2 You must find and kill Voltus Agallon. Doing so will disrupt security sufficiently that we will be able to, eventually, get to to the Emperor. ("to to" » "to")
  • 00092442 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene03 SCEN 0 I don't know about you, tekla, but all my prayers are silent and who I pray to is still my own to decide. ("tekla" » "Tekla")
  • 00092464 DialogueFalkreathDeadMansDrinkScene10 SCEN 0 Do you ever get tired of the long days on the farm, Mathias? ("Mathias" » "Mathies")
  • 00091AE3 DA01 SCEN 0 These fissures and cracks aren't encouraging. Malyn obviously was growing more desparate once he left the College. ("desparate" » "desperate")
  • 00089BA5 TG06 TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitial TG06EnthirOutroBranchInitial01 CUST 0 I undertstand. Now, let me take a good look at this. Over here, please. ("undertstand" » "understand")
  • 00028707 MS06 MS06FalkQuestEnd MS06FalkQuestEnd0 CUST 1 Without you this would have been a disaster. I should have paid more heed to Varnius' warnings. I won't make that mistake again. ("warnings. I" » "warnings. I") [double space]
  • 000E0D49 DA03Start DA03StartGuardResponseBranch DA03StartGuardResponseBranchTopic3 CUST 0 I don't know really. The blacksmith is offering a reward for a dog he saw on the road. I was hoping you'd seen it. ("really. The" » "really. The") [double space]
  • 000A3E96 C00 SCEN 0 Skjor and Aela like to tease me, but they are good people. ("they are" » "they're") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000D6CC2 DialogueWhiterun DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09Post DialogueWhiterunFraliaTopicsMS09PostTopic CUST 1 It's enough for me to know that he's out there somewhere, and not locked up like an animal in a cage. ("like an" » "like some") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0008893E DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1 DialogueFalkreathZariaTopics1Topic CUST 1 But what you must understand about Falkreath is that our town is defined, for better or wrose, by the large and ancient cemetery here. ("wrose" » "worse")
  • 000D5EC0 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Don't think you can barter with me like I'm one of those damned shopkeepers. ("like I'm one" » "like one") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000AD7E7 DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 Everything all right? ("Everything" » "Everything's") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000DD0BF DialogueGuardsGeneral HELO 0 I have to wonder... what does the Dragonborn do once he's summoned by the Greybeards? Can the Thu'um be taught, like any skill? ("he's summoned" » "he's been summoned") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000D3C58 CW00A CW00Hello HELO 0 The Legion's always looking for strong, capable warriors. If you think you've got what it takes, our headquarters is in Solitude. ("is in" » "are in") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0006894E FreeformOldHroldanB FreeformOldHroldanBSwordBranch FreeformOldHroldanBSwordBranchTopic CUST 1 Remembers our lessons from the sword masters of Alcaire? Let me show you a few things you may have forgotten before we leave Hroldan. ("Remembers" » "Remember") [audio is correct]
  • 000C0506 MGRAppJzargo01 MGRJzargoSpell01Stage30Branch MGRAppJzargo01Stage30Response2 CUST 1 But... J'zargo is pleased to see that you are here, and not in pieces! ("But... J'zargo" » "But J'zargo") [no pause]
  • 000AF482 DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3 DialogueSolitudeElisifBranch3Topic CUST 0 Hmmm... A question I am all to familiar with. One my very Thanes ask often. ("to familiar" » "too familiar")
  • 000C442D DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranch DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic CUST 1 As one of our city's most influential citizens, she's has taken it upon herself to oversee their incarceration. ("she's has" » "she's")
  • 0003CDB9 DialogueDawnstarWhiteHallSkaldJod01 SCEN 0 We are poised for glory, Jod. The Empire will never take Dawnstar while every last man, woman, and child here draws breathe! ("breathe" » "breath") [audio is correct]
  • 000587F9 TG08A SCEN 1 At the end of that path is a clearing and an old standing stone. I'd ask you both meet me there. ("both meet" » "both to meet") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 0 These priests weren't threat to the Skeleton Key or the conduit to Nocturnal's realm, so they were tolerated. ("weren't threat" » "weren't a threat") [audio is correct]
  • 00025F6E MS07 HELO 0 Get out of here or I'll call the guards! ("I'll" » "I will") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00025F6D MS07 HELO 0 Hey! What're you doing in here? ("What're" » "What are") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00025F6F MS07 HELO 0 That's it! You're leaving, right now. ("You're" » "You are") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C7B65 DialogueMorthal DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1Topic DialogueMorthalLamiBranch1TopicTopic CUST 1 I just often don't have much to do, so I tend to... I try things out. They don't usually work, but I try. ("I try things" » "try things") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C7B5C MS05Start MS05GenericJoin MS05GenericJoinTopic CUST 0 Only in that I'm a graduate. I work at here at the Winking Skeever. I would highly recommend it though. Talk to Viarmo if you're interested. ("work at here" » "work here") [audio is correct]
  • 0004000C dunLostKnifeQST SCEN 0 Don't say that to loud, you don't want it getting back to him. (Changed to "Hey, don't say that too loud. You don't want it getting back to him.") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000E3A3F DialogueTrainers TrainingBranch OffersTrainingTopic CUST 0 All right, but if you get arrested don't blame it on me. ("don't" » "do not") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000BD70C DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic02 CUST 0 Let's just say the headsman's axe may not be the worst way for a Solitude Jail prisoner to die. ("say the" » "say that the")
  • 000DD60B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 0 No. That honor is Sybille Stentor's. A smart woman steers clear of Stentor. ("woman" » "man") [audio didn't match subtitle; line was recorded for male-only and then the incorrect subtitle was put on the male version in the female-player branch. However it works if it's interpreted that the speaker is referring to himself, as advice]
  • 000DD60B DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeMelaran02 DialogueSolitudeMelaran02Topic CUST 1 And keeps herself out of the dungeon when she's having a bad day... ("herself" » "himself") [audio didn't match subtitle; line was recorded for male-only and then the incorrect subtitle was put on the male version in the female-player branch. However it works if it's interpreted that the speaker is referring to himself, as advice]
  • 0009BB8F MG05 MG05Stage50MirabelleBranch MG05Stage50MirabelleFinal CUST 3 Also, I think you should take this amulet. It belonged to Savos, but I think would do you the most good now. (Changed to "I think you should take this amulet. It belonged to Savos, but I think it would do you the most good now.") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00083AA4 DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenHellos HELO 0 You're a stranger here too, eh? ("eh" » "huh") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C1A49 dunNorthwatchKeepQST dunNorthwatchKeepQSTGuardHello HELO 0 I've got to get out of here! ("here!" » "here.") [No exclamatory emphasis]
  • 000C1E48 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportant MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportantTopic CUST 1 I don't... I know they always disapproved of what I wanted in life, to learn magic instead becoming a farmer, or a hunter. ("they" » "they've", "instead" » "instead of") [audio is correct]
  • 0001E678 MG04 SCEN 0 I am not "up to" anything. I apologize if I have offended in any way. ("offended" » "offended you") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 00092458 DA14 DA14SammyMeet1 DA14SammyMeet2Topic CUST 0 Oh, the Hagraven feather and so on. You can throw all those out. You see... ("out. You" » "out. You") [double space]
  • 0001F37E DA14 DA14WhyMe DA14WhyMe0 CUST 0 Let's be honest, here. I don't always think my decisions through. But you... you're going places. ("through. But" » "through. But") [double space]
  • 000EA477 DA14 DA14PriestessApology DA14PriestessApology1 CUST 0 You were ranting when you got here but most of it was slurred. You did say something about Rorikstead . Maybe you should take a look there. ("here but" » "here, but", "Rorikstead ." » "Rorikstead.")
  • 0002B8AC DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet0 CUST 1 Ooh, ooh, what kind of message? A song? A summons? Wait, I know! A death threat written on the back of an Argonian concubine! Those are my favorite. ("favorite" » "favorites") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C9B7F DialogueSolitudeMarketplaceSorexEvetteScene1 SCEN 0 The last one was warm up. ("warm" » "a warm") [audio is correct]
  • 00034FAA DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 You hear about the Shatter-shield girl? It's a tragedy. ("Shatter-shield" » "Shatter-Shield")
  • 000BD70E DialogueSolitude DialogueSolitudeSvari02 DialogueSolitudeSvari02Topic02 CUST 0 Really? Was it big? Did it breath fire? ("breath" » "breathe") [audio is correct]
  • 0003C3C3 DialogueDawnstar HELO 0 I'm sorry. My mind was just somewhere else. Did you need a room? Drink? ("Did" » "Do") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0003ECAA DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneTorbjornHillevi SCEN 1 She watched while we ate it, and when she saw how much we loved it, she was... so proud... ("was... so" » "was so... so") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 0001F5C0 DB02 GBYE 0 Tell you what. You release me, and I promise my associates won't hunt you down like an animal and butcher you in the street. It's a win-win. ("won't" » "will not", "It's" » "It is")
  • 00027575 MG04 MG04Stage50SavosArenBranch MG04Stage50ArenResponse1 CUST 0 And how do you know this? ("know" » "know of") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C1E48 MGRAppOnmund01 MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportant MGRAppOnmund01Stage10WhySoImportantTopic CUST 2 But no matter how poorly they may have treated me, they're still my family. I didn't consider that until after I'd made the trade. ("I'd made" » "I made")
  • 000E1082 TG09 TG09PilgrimsPathBranch TG09PilgrimsPathBranchTopic01 CUST 2 If a pilgrim was able to complete the path, it was said that they would become one with the shadows. What that means is anyone's guess. ("become one with the shadows" » "live forever in twilight") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C347A CW CWHighKing CWHighKingYou CUST 2 It's time we had a real king. One of our own making. ("real king" » "real High King") [audio didn't match subtitle]
  • 000C3475 CW CWJarlOfWindhelm CWJarlOfWindhelmTopic CUST 4 The Throne of Ysgramor! The throne of my father... I only hope I can prove worthy of the honor. ("the honor" » "that honor") [audio didn't match subtitle; also removed double space]
  • 000C826D DialogueWindhelm DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2 DialogueWindhelmJorleifTopic2Topic CUST 0 Grew up here. Colder as Atmora, but that just grows the beards thicker! ("Colder as" » "Cold as") [audio is correct]
  • 00088960 DialogueFalkreath DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2 DialogueFalkreathLodTopic2Topic CUST 0 I was Dengier's personal guard for years. I risked my hide more than once to protect him. ("Dengier" » "Dengeir")
  • 000875FB MQ302 SCEN 0 You know as well as I do that that we can't hand over Markarth on these terms.
  • 0004BA5F MQ302 SCEN 0 You know as well as I do that that we can't hand over Riften on these terms. ("that that" » "that")
  • 0004BA2A MQ302 SCEN 0 Do you hear that, Tullius? The blood of the innocent cries out for weregild. ("weregild" » "wergild")
  • 00048F09 MQ301 SCEN 2 My... eagerness to meet you in battle was my... undoing, Dovahkiin. I salute your, hmm, low cunning in devising such a grahmindol - strategem. ("strategem" » "stratagem")
  • 00048F05 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB2 CUST 1 He has travelled to Sovngarde to regain his strength, devouring the sillesejoor... the souls of the mortal dead. A privilege he jealously guards... ("travelled" » "traveled")
  • 00048F05 MQ301 MQ301OdahviingIntro MQ301OdahviingB2 CUST 3 Mindoraan, pah ok middovahhe lahvraan til. I surely do not need to warn you that all his remaining strength is marshalled there. ("marshalled" » "marshaled")
  • 00045311 FreeformRiften09 FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranch FFRiften09MjollGrimseverBranchTopic01 CUST 0 I couldn't ask you to undertake such a trecherous journey, it would be a fool's errand. ("trecherous" » "treacherous")
  • 00044831 DialogueMorthalMoorsideScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, I shouldn't be surprised if they come 'round. And if you're never seen or heard from agin. ("agin" » "again")
  • 00070435 Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestGiveTopic CUST 1 Poor Giruad Gemane at the Bards College has been waiting for my latest work, "Olaf and the Dragon," for weeks now. Roads are a mess.
  • 0007043E Favor001 Favor001QuestGive Favor001QuestAccept CUST 0 You're sure? When you see Giruad, ask for a tip. I'm sure he'll be in a good mood after reading this. ("Giruad" » "Giraud")
  • 0003EBE1 DialogueWindhelmMarketSceneJoraNiranye SCEN 2 I fear for you and your husband, should the Thamlor come here. But perhaps there's a way I can help. ("Thamlor" » "Thalmor")
  • 0003A94E DialogueEastmarch EastmarchHellos HELO 0 My sister and I both work for the Nords. Our brother is ashamed of us, but at least we can affort to eat. ("affort" » "afford")
  • 0003A91D DialogueWindhelmCornerclubScene5 SCEN 0 Of course! I undersand completely. You just put us in a room, and I'll do all the talking. No worries at all. ("undersand" » "understand")
  • 00037DF7 DialogueSnowShodFarmScene02 SCEN 0 My sweet Leanora, I will never let anything happen to us. I promise. ("Leanora" » "Leanara")
  • 00103240 MQ203 IDAT 0 Alduin isn't getting any weaker while we stand around here gawping at the architecture. ("gawping" » "gawking")
  • 00036A2F DialogueRiften DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranch DialogueRiftenTalenJeiDrinkBranchTopic CUST 3 Last, and only for the bravest of souls, we have the "Cliff Racer" which is Firebrand Wine, Cyrodiilic Brandy, Flin and Sujamma. ("Cyrodiilic" » "Cyrodilic")
  • 000D93DB BardsCollegeFlute BardsCollegeFluteHello HELO 0 That damn fool! I should ring her neck! ("ring" » "wring")
  • 0003673E DialogueSolitudeBardScene2 SCEN 0 Passably. Aia is my star pupil. None of the others can hold a candle to her. Especially not that wretched llldi. ("llldi" » "Illdi")
  • 000C81F6 DialogueWinterholdCollege HELO 0 I wonder if the College's reptuation will ever recover from our adventures. ("reptuation" » "reputation")
  • 0003589D DialogueSolitudeWinkingSkeeverScene1 SCEN 0 Bring the Blackbriar 195 Berry-Blend. It should be at its peak right now, and if it doesn't get served soon, it'll only go bad. ("Blackbriar" » "Black-Briar")
  • 00034FF7 DialogueWindhelm WindhelmHellos HELO 0 I still can't believe Isabella's gone. She was such a helpful young lass. ("Isabella's" » "Isabelle's")
  • 00034B33 SolitudeFreeform01 SolitudeFreeform01ValdBranch1 SolitudeFreeform01ValdContinue CUST 0 Her daughter was sent to Whiterun, the skirmishes there have been violent. The whiterun legate, he needed to know the Stormcloak positions. ("whiterun" » "Whiterun")
  • 0006D1EF MQ105 SCEN 0 You have the ability, but you need to learn discpline if you wish to fulfill your potential. (discpline" » "discipline")
  • 000D7892 DialogueSolitude HELO 0 I think Bryling's the one you want to talk to. I'm mostly just here to scare away the riff raff. "riff raff" » "riff-raff"
  • 0002BCFF DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1B CUST 1 You know, you remind me of myself at a young age. All I cared about was riding narwhales and sleeping in honeycombs and drinking babies' tears...
  • 0002BCFF DA15 DA15SheogorathMeetingBranch DA15SheoMeet1B CUST 2 Word of advice if you ride a Narwhale. Mind the pointy end. Speaking quickly. Deadly serious. ("Narwhale" » "Narwhal")
  • 0005BF34 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 Good. Make it it happen, soldier. ("it it" » "it")
  • 000D2798 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 My scouts tell me the inns at Dragonbridge and Rorikstead are frequent stops for Imperial runners.
  • 000D6B47 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The inns at Dragonbridge and Rorikstead are frequent stops for Imperial runners.
  • 000E6CB5 CWSharedInfos CWSharedInfoStack IDAT 0 The inns at Dragonbridge and Solitude are frequent stops for Imperial runners. ("Dragonbridge" » "Dragon Bridge")
  • 00028481 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I don't get much time time off from the tavern, but I enjoy it when I do. ("time time" » "time")
  • 00055DFC DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 I serve Jarl Baalgruuf as steward. ("Baalgruuf" » "Balgruuf")
  • 000918E1 DialogueWhiterun HELO 0 Commander Cauis walks around Dragonsreach like a preening rooster. I could do his job blindfolded.... ("Cauis" » "Caius")
  • 00026E10 DialogueRiverwoodFamilyScene2 SCEN 0 Let me guess. You'd rather play "Daedra and Battlemages" with Ordnar. Or go fishing, or catch frogs... ("Ordnar" » "Orgnar")
  • 00025E58 MS11 MS11WuunferthInPrisonBranch MS11WuunferthCSIMoment CUST 2 Let's see. From a Loredas of Last Seed until a Middas of Heartfire... it will happen soon. Very soon. ("Heartfire" » "Hearthfire")
  • 00025EE6 DialogueMarkarthKeepCalcelmoAicantarScene01 SCEN 0 Stop bothering me Aicanter! ("Aicanter" » ", Aicantar")
  • 0002465A DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 What does that mean Reberrus? Are we winning or aren't we?
  • 000253B8 DialogueMarkarthKeepStormcloakCourtScene01 SCEN 0 Oh, Talos's breath, Reberrus. Skip ahead to the good part. ("Reberrus" » "Reburrus")
  • 00021222 DialogueIvarstead DialogueIvarsteadHellos HELO 0 Oh Reyda! Redya! You live among the clouds now, dear Reyda! ("Redya" » "Reyda")
  • 0001E636 DarkBrotherhood HELO 0 Ah, back from Fort Graymoor. The old servant has been put out of her misery, I hope? ("Graymoor" » "Greymoor")
  • 000E4A35 DA04 DA04SeptimusWhatNextBranch DA04SeptimusWhatsNext CUST 1 This will take time to decryptify. Be on your way, and Septimus will find you if he has further need.
  • 0007D674 TGTQ04 TGTQ04TorstenOutroBranch TGTQ04TorstenOutroBranchTopic CUST 0 It pains me to see this locket... to be reminded of Fjotli once more, but I'm glad it's back where it belongs.
  • 0005C9FF VC01 VC01QuestStart VC01SunlightTopic CUST 0 I met several of your kind during my studies of life-extending magics. I even considered becoming a vampire myself.
  • 000DD754 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Ever taken a swim in the Illinalta? Take care you don't get nipped if you do. Folk say it's teeming with slaughterfish. Who knows what else. ("Illinalta" » "Ilinalta")
  • 000DE14B DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 Between the cliff and Snapleg Cave there, I hate this stretch of road. There's an evil air up here. Getalong, horse. ("Getalong" » "Get along")
  • 000DE14C DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 What's your sign? I was born under the Steed, as luck would have it. Really ought to visit my doomstone somtime. It's fairly near here. ("somtime" » "sometime")
  • 000DE150 DialogueCarriageSystem IDAT 0 I'm not asking, but if you happen to be the type, I hear that Kilkreath Ruin is a shrine to Merdia. You know. Daedra worship. ("Merdia" » "Meridia")
  • 000854D7 DialogueGeneric HIT_ 0 Agh! Flithy n'wah! ("Flithy" » "Filthy")

#40 MagikMike


    Crétins de bugs !

Posté 09 avril 2012 - 10:54

mon Akatosh ! :peur:

On a toujours besoin d'un petit PNO chez soi (merci Neluche)

#41 Warwolf


Posté 12 avril 2012 - 11:54

Y'aurait pas moyen; si l'auteur du patch est ok; de recuperer les corrections qui concerne la vf ?

#42 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 12 avril 2012 - 17:15

Les 3 auteurs seront probablement d'accord mais c'est beaucoup plus compliqué que ça : Ce patch non officiel est une compilation de leurs correctifs PLUS de nombreux autres effectués par la communauté internationale, par conséquent il faudrait à nouveau redemander toutes les autorisations nécessaires aux correcteurs d'origine afin de réintégrer ça dans le PNO français. Par ailleurs il existe quelques erreurs présentes dans la VO et non dans la VF (donc ne nécessitant pas de correction pour nous) et inversement. De plus, vu le nombre de corrections qu'ils ont effectuées (à vue de nez je dirais un peu plus d'une centaine) le travail serait très copieux et surtout fastidieux : il faut réussir à isoler chaque modif (et comprendre quelle modif corrige quoi exactement) pour la récupérer et la réintégrer dans le PNO français. Sans compter qu'il faudra refaire tout ce travail à chaque nouvelle mise à jour de leur patch. Techniquement ce n'est pas impossible à faire mais c'est hélas beaucoup trop pour les 4 personnes qui s'occupent "officiellement" du PNO français quand ils le peuvent et qui effectuent leurs propres corrections.

Pour m'être beaucoup intéressé aux PNO pour Oblivion de cette équipe je peux dire que c'est du tout bon. Mais là il serait sans doute beaucoup plus simple de juste traduire leur travail sans chercher à comprendre quoi que ce soit à ce qu'ils ont fait. Je crois qu'une team sur la confrérie des traducteurs est en train d'y penser. Le résultat serait sans doute diablement efficace mais je doute qu'un seul de nos correcteurs actuels voudrait intégrer le moindre de ces correctifs sans le décortiquer et comprendre de quoi il retourne exactement. Ce que tu proposes est intéressant mais représente un travail de titan. Et finalement entre "repomper" des correctifs existants ou corriger nous-mêmes je ne suis pas sûr que le gain de temps soit si intéressant que ça...

Maintenant s'il y a des choses qu'on peut apprécier chez la team de l'USKP (Unofficial Skyrim Patch) ce sont leurs efforts soutenus et leur investissement régulier dans leur projet.
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#43 Warwolf


Posté 14 avril 2012 - 18:06

J'ai lu plusieur fois sur des forums qu'en plus de corriger le USKP permetait de gagner des fps; ça sera possible avec le PNO egalement ?

#44 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 14 avril 2012 - 18:49

Oui et non, tout dépend. On ne pourra rien changer au moteur 3D du jeu, ça c'est dit. Maintenant il y a d'autre moyens de gagner des FPS qui sont théoriquement à notre portée :

- Auditer tous les scripts, les comprendre dans leurs moindres détails et éliminer les instructions redondantes et/ou inutiles afin de générer moins de calculs. Seulement vu le nombre de scripts ce travail est pratiquement impossible à faire.

- Modifier une grande partie des meshes du jeu afin d'alléger leur nombre de polygones sans perdre en qualité visuelle et ainsi générer moins de calculs. Quarn et Kivan avaient fait un excellent boulot pour Oblivion et Shivering Isles, leur mod est . Là il nous faudrait d'habiles moddeurs ayant des compétences sous 3D Studio Max, et là encore vu le nombre de meshes on pourrait croire que c'est quasi impossible mais il y aurait peut-être moyen d'automatiser ça pour gagner énormément de temps. Il me semble qu'on peut trouver des batchs pour le faire pour Oblivion à l'aide du fargenerate.exe (qui permettait de créer des meshes très allégés des statics afin de les rendre visibles à distance sans mettre l'ordinateur à genoux).
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#45 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 17 avril 2012 - 17:16

Ce correctif est-il pertinent ou les dévelopeurs ont-ils fait ça délibérément ? Autant les déchirures sont très moches à l'origine, autant le rendu de la fourrure est horrible dans le correctif.
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#46 Orann


    Nérévarine de Pertevue

Posté 17 avril 2012 - 19:04

Je pense qu'une partie de la texture doit être corrigée, mais tu as raison, la correction que tu montres n'est pas du plus belle effet...
Palme d'honneur 2010 pour le mod Archipel de Pertevue

Entamez votre voyage vers l'Archipel de Pertevue ! Test communautaire en cours.

#47 Bananas-84


Posté 19 avril 2012 - 17:39


Un mod pour changer les 'ouvrir Bordeciel' en 'ouvrir + nom de la région/châtellerie


Je me posais une question, es que se sera possible d'inclure tous ces mods au PNOS ou bien de tous les réunir en un seul? Vu mon niveau avec le CK je peux juste vous aidez à chercher les bugs et donner mon avis.

#48 Orann


    Nérévarine de Pertevue

Posté 20 avril 2012 - 05:44

Ça à l'air vraiment sympa. Cependant, d'après moi, ce n'est pas un bug à proprement parler, et donc, je ne pense pas que ce sera intégré dans le PNO. Merci en tout cas d'avoir proposé le lien.
Palme d'honneur 2010 pour le mod Archipel de Pertevue

Entamez votre voyage vers l'Archipel de Pertevue ! Test communautaire en cours.

#49 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 29 avril 2012 - 10:39

Skyrim Mesh Improvement Mod a déjà été évoqué, il me semble : http://skyrim.nexusm...ile.php?id=8655

La version a été mise à jour récemment, mais l'auteur semble surtout tenir un log très précis et consciencieux. Il est donc possible de ne récupérer que les meshes ayant des erreurs d'UV mapping.
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

#50 Nico coiN

Nico coiN

    Commissaire Magret

Posté 04 mai 2012 - 19:05

Orann, un ovni pour toi : http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=16308
Un bug invisible in-game mais néanmoins présent : http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=16307
Et quelques fix intéressants (mais pas tous) inclus dans ce mod que j'ai déjà cité : http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=14719
Canard mystique, grand instigateur et créateur de la carpe d'ondepluie.

Aussi étiqueté avec correctifs, skyrim, hors wiwiland, listing

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